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Again.... knuckles is abismos step child....

Discussion in 'Brawler' started by Zezusa, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Doesn't change the fact that 90% of your post is whining
  2. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    This ain't aimed at you, ​
    Just veeeeery sour from an experience l just went through ig but..

    (Sorry for my language)

    If they gave a ..ship..about their players/community?
    They would've banned players reported...
    They make the experience waaay more ...bad than it has to be..
    Numerous players getting scammed by literally 1 player yet they never get banned..and there are about 100+ scammers as far as l am aware..
    If they cared?
    They would've banned them, or suspended or whatever..but no penalty ?
    Players who have done nothing (well mostly) get suspended, get banned, get God knows what penalty cuz of suspicion..
    Ones presented with proof continue to run about free..
    What's the use?
    So maybe mailing, spamming live streams might help..but we cant ignore that unless raised on a ..highly..visible..platform..they wont do anything..
    The report button showed that :v
    (Minus the surprise mass banning of bots n all that, maybe they felt responsible for a few days :v)

    For almost 5 years now players have been telling them, asking them, and what not for improvement,
    They hardly did much, and somehow even made some things worse..

    If they cared?
    Bots and tuyul problem would've been solved better and earlier without all that Roll back (...200 orbs were nice thou..but still ._.)
    If they cared?
    Our community would have fair share of skills that are actually balanced
    If they cared..?
    'Blacklisted' players would've been banned or atleast not allowed to play anymore..
    I dunno bout how programming or all this works, but it could be managed rather than out right ignoring it..

    As we are taught?
    'Important' ppl dont have time to read all your letter, application..
    So make that ..ship..to the point..so they dont really skip..much..
    Use youtube(rs) to catch attention (considering l think they are aware of famous players.. )
    Mail, spam..anything that makes a difference..

    Cuz it's honestly it is very annoying how toxic the environment has gotten..
    Not just game, but..ppl too

    Simple fact is..
    They do nuff to keep players happy and gain profit they can..
    That's the reality of it
    Usually l am very optimistic, but today's experience?
    Kinda opened my eyes that not all is good there..
    You can avoid all the bad there..
    But if it's in such a mass quantity..you are bound to encounter it.

    Sorry for my rant and if seemed off topic..again >.>)

    Thou really..
    This wasnt aimed at you @-@)
    Quoted you since .. the 'bring attention, mail, etc' part kinda matched urs so..in relation to that..^^; )
    By all means, if such efforts can make a change?
    Go ahead!
    What can be better than seeing proof that they actually see us as 'humans coming to enjoy'rather than 'walking banks'
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  3. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Very relatable ..esp rn
  4. ViPR

    ViPR Elite Observer Elite Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    What’s wrong with Crusher skills? I thought they were good.
  5. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    You are still lying and ignoring my points.. (unless you refer to my last comment, which is just plain rant but STILL has some shit here worth thinking about), But ignoring that for a moment>
    I don't care, The power of Winning woke asobimo lazy ass and gave light to Crusher, It can work again, that's the point.
    If people just GIVE ME THEIR ENERGY and throw the Ultimate winning ball onto asobimo, we might wash their lazyness You know( /'-')/

    I think u got it (assuming you red my 'little' Bible of a text), but I prefer to be more of a crazy fuk here, Because ultimately this is not directed by or to asobimo, in fact this place has more people winning about asobimo than anything (for good reasons) and I doubt the Developers check it often.
    It's informal and social, so I don't care too much with speaking polite as if I were talking to the queen herself.

    If I were to speak to someone truly important, or just someone more respectful or honest, I would, if the big Email ever happens I will be happy to do my best to explain in details how Knux can be improved. also, you get the respect you give, I work like a mirror, Be respectful to get respect. The debates I loved the most were with people who were rational and answered directly. I don't give much respect to dishonesty. Just sayn~~
    (Just waiting someone try to call me hYPocRItE for using "Respectful" as a point I'm discontent of, lol)

    I did rant and I do winne, I don't deny that, but don't ignore the whole context or pretend all I did was "*Just*" whinne. that is da problem.

    ..{Extra, Skippable, Kinda, Free will is there for a reason *Shrugs*}
    If someone cares to why I'm like that, I am In constant stress because of being locked inside a shitty family, and when videogames, my main escapism, becomes stressing too, everything just breaks to me, So just saying, it's fucking hard to not rage a bit sometimes when not even your safe world is providing some dozes of fake happines. Hell I try my best to be as respectful and polite as I can, as polite as someone ranting can be, I think you can see it clearly on my texts.
    If anyone would like to talk to me personally, I'm open for it, I need to socialize more casually since Forums are often critics and it ain't so good. also I welcome constructive criticism.
    No I'm not trying to victimize, just trying to give a basic context to why I am soo stressed so often. It might click on people.
  6. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Summarizing Crusher situation -mostly-:
    -HEY! Poor man? Have you been wanting food these days? you starving?
    Poor man: actually starving for years no-
    -GOOD! I GOT THE SOLUTION, Get this rotten bread with maggots and Mold : D I'm absolutely SURE It will be DELICIOUS and cure your Hunger!
    Poor man: ... Thanks..I guess..

    I think you get it.

    Serious answer: Too many penalties for bad-Mediocre skills that barely do anything. It "solves" The problem, but it's trash nonetheless.
  7. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Now that you listed these things... I thing we might be breaking the Ilusion/matrix we were in for so long in this game, and waking up to it's massive negligence problems..
    I mean, I was aware of asobimo Shitness before, but once you put all these problems (that aren't even the full list mind u) together in a list, the whole Illusion just.. Shatters.
    -are we just starting a Toram revolution?-

    and it's ok, My comment was an "Open letter" too, to anyone who identifies to it and read it.
    It's interesting how Toram has been so shitty for so long, But I guess you only truly notice these things once you have experienced the whole game. Or a good quantity of it. although Knux is so bad even Newbs would notice.
    a newbie would find the game pretty much fantastic as we all did at some point, and just have some fun. They do say Ignorance is a bliss..

    Despite all my Rants, my objectives are always expose the bads and suggest solutions (I don't have the best Ideas, but I try my best to be creative on helping solve problems that I point), I want SO MUCH to remember Toram as a great game when it eventually finds it's end. Not like 'a game that started like a dream, Inspired my Dreams, and ended poorly managed by their creators.'
    Like, trully.. Toram might be just a game to some, but this game is a piece of my life and I want it to succeed.
    THIS is the reason I get so angry at asshobimo, Because they are ruining it. They seem to not give a shet.

    So then again, Even if """all"""" I do is whine, It's still more than many people there might have ever done to help Toram. I at least try. Something some here might have never attempted.

    If we manage to build the Big Email, How do you think we could call attention to it?
    How to make asobimo listen?
    WILL they even care?

    as silly as it sounds, we could come up with a plan to save this game. Because it is slowly getting worse and worse.. until it surely dies.
    I hope asobimo cares about it.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    We should stop continuing this thread, it's only leading to more frustration and will eventually lead to personal attacks.
    We need to make a separate post, which is cleaner and to the point.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    ...l think ithis threads existence is good..
    Let everyone take out their respective frustration here (of course, in relevance to the topic)
    And once everyone comes to a ..United.. conclusion, then make a new post.
    As much as ranting seems toxic and what not?
    I admit l feel better after saying all that ._.)
    Might not seem so, but 'talking actually helps'
    If nothing else?
    Atleast the (l suppose) newer thread would have more rational and properly thought out facts than mere raw emotions..cuz l believe aso might aswell listen (if they do) to proper facts rather than raw emotions of players..
    That's my thought thou.
  10. MyLastDreams

    MyLastDreams Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Mainly its the fact that knuckles themselves no stable way to regenerate mp other than ampr gears. Well, that and Godhand has this weird condition that makes it ineffective against fractional damage.
  11. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    If annihilator can be used on staff + sub knuckle, then for element boss use staff instead. `:D
    Asobimo must be thinking knuckle is better as a sub, instead of a main weapon.

    Edit : ok, staff sub knuckle won't get bonus weapon atk. So i guess we f**ked up.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
  12. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Okay, lemme rant a bit too...
    If I put 300 points into AGI I get 600 ATK.
    If I put 300 points into INT I get 1200 MATK.
    Maybe Knuckles was a magic class all along?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    I never said you didn't name good points. I also agree that whining might help for asobimo to notice, but not here. This is an inofficial forum that probably none of the devs ever reads. That's also the reason why I asked to stop the ranting. We are just trying to discuss options for possible changes to the knuckle class which could make them viable. Btw I also don't think any kind of report to asobimo would help, since I feel like they only listen to japanese reports, but that might be a prejudice.....Anyways, I will withdraw from this. I will finally get the pvp that I have been waiting for since 2015, so I am happy atm. Just a heads up: Depending on how they implement interrupts/interrupt cooldowns into pvp I could see knuckle becoming very viable. Maybe they will be able to make knuckle viable for pvp if they can't do it for pve...
  14. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Phantom slash, storm reaper, meteor break, 1 MP combos say hi.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Leo Striker

    Leo Striker Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    I never wanted PvP......it just so bad because I'm anti-PvP and being Guilds that are Pro-PvP(Which in majority of games I play is 99% are Pro-PvP)just leads to me doing PvE by myself. I still Love Brawler and remade my Brawler once again, will help with getting Assbimo to fix Knuckles+Martial Art+Crusher.
    Also .Hack// is the OG of SAO!

    I hate that it look like everyone forgotten that .Hack// was the first ones to put "What happen in the game, affects the Real World and the players/people)
    Also the "Harem" thing from SAO just really awful, and I made Haseo(.Hack//Roots+.Hack//G.U. Game Volumes)

    I am willing to help to balance Toram, and Knuckles, and Skills as well..
  16. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Despite all the frustration we are releasing here, no one did personal attacks here.
    Unless you count point out dishonesty as "attacks" Which just isn't true.
    This Thread does not make anyone Happy, it's not a happy situation, Instead of just repress it all we should talk about it.
    as Unpleasant and tiring as it might be, Toram has not been in a very good situation and admitting it is the first Step to bettering it.

    Ultimately this discussion is to raise awareness to problems.
    If you never raise awareness to problems and play pretend, then we Have asobimo Inc giving us the "Classless amazing MMORPG" that it is, We basically say "Yes, abuse me I won't do a thing to stop you".

    I don't like discussing about it, But we are going somewhere.
  17. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    When knuckle was introduced, they are the sole weapon that can benefit from surplus aspd, resulting high motion spd.
    But when wild dw and hb appear, they lost their specialty.
    Yeah, we definitely need knuckle buff.
    Low dmg but fast execution that knuckle provided won't be able to compete with dw and hb.
    • Sad Sad x 1
  18. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    You did just assume that *all* I did was Rant. You ignored the whole reasoning and assumed I was like a crazy guy.
    This is my problem with what you did. which led to my Rant about artificial people, because Even if you write 80% of good arguments, If these dishonest fake saints see *One bit of anger* They will use it to discredit your whole argument and efforts.
    This is such a problem and I see no one talking about it, Mostly I believe, Because these people agree with this dishonest method of debating. and I'm fuking Tired of this shet.

    This is a social place not directed to or leaded by asobimo, if anything this is another reason to give your Honest thoughts with no fear of being censored, we can discuss things here casually like normal people do, being funny or pissed etc.. and Not extremely formal like if we were talking to the head of asobimo and needs to be Very very careful with words.
    and again, Despite me doing some rants I ultimately always expose problems and try to give well thought solutions. You again are acting like all I did was rant.
    and you want someone with 4 years of Toram experience to not Show any frustration? Do I need to rewrite my Text about being artificial? Because being frustrated with this game is how people are coming to be. after realizing how Negligent asobimo is for so long.
    The situation doesn't favor being positive, it's a shitty situation of years long, I won't pretend I'm not angry.

    Yeh, Bout PvP.. I guess this can bring some new Light to Toram, Maybe, Idk. I honestly don't think this Game with already Toxicity problems should have a "Kill the other player" mode, that even if not the intention will increase the problem a little. Or maybe not. Let's hope it plays out well.
    and.. I don't think you will do shet as a Knuckle if your class is so weak you take longer than anyone to get good equipment? Like, they may be good in PvP from a veteran with lot's of money to waste perspective, BUuuut getting there will be the usual PvE Nightmare.
    Enjoy Dual 1mp perma I-frame combos >:V
  19. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I can get 7000 atkspeed on Dual Sword despite using a Don yeti -1000 atk speed stat, It's crazy xD
  20. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    Dont forget dw double ampr. Which knuckle user so needed rn
    • Like Like x 2

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