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How aggro works

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Yunan, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    This is by no means, a 100% reliable source of information on the subject. This thread is intended for discussion purpose. Referencing this is not advisable.

    So, even with all the info I got this past few years, there are some which I'm not sure about regarding aggro. Some might even change from the way it was at the start because of the sneaky changes the devs made. So here's what I got about aggro as far as I perceived:
    -There are 3 types of aggro classified by the way it hit specified targets: upon hit, self buff, and party buff
    -initiating battles generates 200 aggro, same case with aggro switch
    -auto attacks generate 10 aggro per hit
    -there are skills that is affected by aggro gears and some have special aggro unaffected by gears.

    Then here are the questions Im still having regarding aggro:
    -how does aggro calculated? Is it accumulated throughout the battle? If so what's the "starting point" in which aggro is calculated? is there a "reset" point where you just calculated them from 0? This came to me whenever I died as a tank, it's almost impossible to catch it again unless the current aggro holder dies. My guess is, your aggro count resets upon your death and they do accumulate throughout the battle. Then about aggro lost in case of lag or connection problem, I find it easier to get the aggro back. I assume they simply switch to the next highest aggro holder without losing your accumulated aggro count and you just needs to recover the aggro gap that you've lost due to the switch and the skills that have been used by them.

    -the next thing is about specific conditions in which aggro generates conditionally.
    First skill is sanctuary, I've read once that sanctuary does not generate party aggro without a member within the effective radius. I haven't really tested it myself but I have lost aggro when I use sanctuary from long range a couple of times. My assumption is sanctuary is a party buff that generates aggro if the condition is fulfilled, but does not count as a self buff.

    The next skill is guardian, I've read once that it doesn't generate aggro upon a recast unless there is a party member within its range of effect. There are also some that denies this. So far I find guardian as a reliable source of party buff aggro, but I haven't really confirmed by testing it with the aforementioned condition.

    Well, that's all for now. I might test them myself if I have the chance (I'm not a sociable one so I find it hard to get other people to help me out specifically). I ll just try to observe them in battles myself. Any clarification/inputs are appreciated.
  2. Zexxen

    Zexxen Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2018
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    welp, I remember I aggro'd more than one odelon after using Guardian when there's no party member in its range.
    And regarding Guardian as a reliable source of party buff aggro, I found War Cry is more reliable than Guardian as a party buff aggro skill, it's instant cast and affected by aggro modification, so when you still under guardian buff it's better to spam War Cry instead of Guardian. I remember when I did venena, tank in my pt keep spamming Guardian to steal back aggro (lol), it's just too slow and slow animation is not a good thing for a tank. 2x War Cry animation is faster than Swifted Guardian animation.
  3. 鼠NY Sewer Rat鼠 (藍焰)

    鼠NY Sewer Rat鼠 (藍焰) Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2019
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    And some skills has some hidden aggro generation or aggro amplification like Tenryu Ransei and Brave Aura (those skills made me confused a lot about it's aggro generation). The first Tenryu Ransei consumes 300mp to generates 300 aggro, but after the first cast, it's mp consumption reduces to 100mp, but the aggro does not generate 100 aggro like the consumption, it's more like the same amount as the first cast (~300 aggro) (if it generates 100 aggro, then how comes I took aggro from mage/dw when there is no tank in Venena). And brave aura too, just wonder if it amplifies the aggro or not since the developers said that it's a secret but I'm pretty damn sure that more aggro generated when using other skills while brave aura is on rather than the 400 aggro from it alone (Seriously ,this game is the only game said that all skill damage calculation are secrets, does knowing the damage calculation of the skills lead to the game closure ? And one more thing, this game should be played on PC for easier control, not played on the phone.)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
  4. Toramwasmyidea

    Toramwasmyidea im probably high right now Elite Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Aggro is messed up dawg, dont bother trying to understand it suzuki will just confuse himself by checkmating his own desgin mechanics:stonelightning:
  5. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    my understanding was high mp req skill = high aggro

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