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Skill Tree: Mimic Skills

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Rydalis Darx, Mar 25, 2020.


Would you enjoy being able to play with these skills like these in Toram Online?

  1. No

    3 vote(s)
  2. Nope

    1 vote(s)
  3. yes

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Rydalis Darx

    Rydalis Darx Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    So theres something I've always wanted to look into for Toram, how similar are the bosses in terms of attacks. I love the Blue Mage and Mimic in RPGs because they copy abilities enemies use and use it for themselves. It's really fun hunting for skills and figuring out how to use them well is also fun too. I think Toram would be kinda fun if they had something like this, a hunt for skills from the various bosses. Based on my dive into the bosses attack patterns and stuff, I've found a good amount of stuff that could be skills we can use. Theres a whole lot of similarities though, almost too similar at times.

    • Creative Creative x 2
  2. EVA Aki

    EVA Aki Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    EVA Aki
    I think in addition to having to find the skills by trying out different boss attacks, there should also be some kind of randomisation in terms of which skills can be learnt by a particular player (although they should have some control over the skill types such as matk skills or ailment skills etc. based on their stat point distribution), a little like how pet skills can't be specifically selected for. Otherwise when everyone figures out which skills can be gotten from which boss attacks, everyone would be farming for the same ones and we'd end up with no uniqueness at all. That is no fun at all.
  3. Rydalis Darx

    Rydalis Darx Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Yeah, that makes sense.
    I mostly see this as a "Oh I can learn monster skills now? I'mma go find out what skills there are and see if there are some they havent found yet" type of thing. Obviously this is all hypothetical, and the skill tree is something I thought up. But like if you only saw the 3 in the line and you have to go hunt for the rest and slowly watch your skill tree grow as you unlock more and more.
    Some of them have difficulty requirements and since datamining is kinda dead now because of how Toram changes their encryptions, it would take a good while until the entire Mimic skill list is completely filled. Plus, this allows some people to always be speculating if theres new skills being added with new bosses.
    I just like the possibilities that can be created with this idea.

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