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Am I a leech?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kitty Kat, May 20, 2020.

  1. Kitty Kat

    Kitty Kat Active Member

    Jan 9, 2019
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    Pä prí kä
    So my dmg isn't the greatest but I still try to put everything I have into it. It's not bad but it's not great either.
    I'm always on edge afraid of upsetting people. I do try not to screw up. Though I did a few times. I basically got the label leech. To ease some of the bad I try and heal people. Last pt disaster I had I apologized and left.
    I feel bad
    At venena just trying to level up.
  2. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Once you're new and you have sub par gear you will have to leech. What you can do is farm and earn spina so you can work towards getting better gear. Most players get a rough start. Also if you're honest upfront some kind players will carry you without a problem
  3. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    its all about communication...for me, idm if the person is new or a leech as long as they told me beforehand and if they try to atk n not just stand around expecting to be lvl then im totally fine with it. ive carried some new players before in grinding or boss battle. but what i dont like are the ones that just join parties and expecting to be plvled w/out asking then get mad when they get kicked for standing around...
  4. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I don't know what your equipment is like, so sorry if I'm about to give you advice that isn't useful. If you want to have a better time you could make a statter & refiner character with the MQ. If you made a character like that, you'd be able to stat +14 equipment and refine up to D or C. You can do a decent amount of damage with equipment like that, but you won't likely be getting any attacker ranks for it.

    You could still rush through the game like most players, but it generally isn't a good idea to grind a boss that gives you a hard time. Too many players grind at Venena with NPC and mob drops with characters that only have 2k hp instead of taking the time to get equipment that is more appropriate for their level. Of course, it's not really their fault because they're getting most of their advice from players who have built an ivory tower of maxed out equipment because they've been playing the game for a long time and leveled up more gradually with the level cap instead of rushing.

    I personally don't have much of a problem with less experienced players in Toram or in games in general. The worse everyone else is, the less I have to try. Of course, Toram is different because it's a co-op only game and grinding can be really slow with a party full of newbies, but at least it's easier to get ranks hehe.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Emooooon

    Emooooon Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I dont mind leechers as long as they understand what they can and cannot do like when our rank 1 atker dies, they should revive him right away and not act like nothing happened and keeps on doing little to none dps.
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  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Well, in toram, its not just damage, its what you want to do and that's DPS.
    For DPS players, you have to consider these:
    1) Your combo proration: If you have your combo going physical to physical skill consecutively instead of a mix like physical to neutral to magic or something of that equivalent, you're gonna have your damage fall to the abyss.
    2) Your survivability: You need to survive even tho you are focussed on DPS, either by having more HP or using appropriate skills.
    3) Your skills: Know them. Some skills just aren't suited for damage despite looking nice. In toram, only a select few skills are suitable for DPS.
    4) Your Stats: Focus them. Two to 3 stats at most are what you should allocate your points into. For newbies, allocate a few PTS to VIT before using your first free reset book to full focus.
    5) Your equipment: You don't need player made gear if you're a newbie. In fact, stay away from consignment board until you can stat your own gear.
  7. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    To me it‘s only annoying if my party consists only of „leeches“ or they are doing actually harmful things. Idk maybe a Katana which doesn‘t really contribute to the damage dealt but just spams Tenryu and therefor ruins proration. Or if they keep interrupting bosses which have anti-interrupt mechanics after being told multiple times to not interrupt.
  8. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    I remember fighting Mithurna Lynx with a team and had someone die almost every fight. The team never even pointed it out once for an hour and more. So yeah, people tend to not care much.

    Just proaction and then you won't leech.

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