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Let's kill toram online *-*

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Surim, May 30, 2020.

  1. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Soooo many bugs and so many issues , I am all alone can't handle it , let's spam 1* rate on Google play feed back so that toram can finally listen to our voice and do as we wish , in the develop of it's core , we are probably lot here and we are the ones who suffering from those issues ...
    1/RMT (makes all your hardwark for nothing ^-^ ....)
    2/Account trade (totally useful for some but bad for some people's)
    3/Mod+bots (some making billion's and making server problems)
    4/glitch and poor work of developers (some issues they never intend to fix because too lazy)
    5/account banned because of there poor development system (some people are losing accounts because other using mod items which making player's mind so insane)
    @_@ as I said before if you don't push it ,it
    won't be solved faster, as the rollback event happen long ago we got compensation 200 orbs just because player's were too scary for developers to handle ... So it's all up to us the player's of toram online ^-^ to make those lazy devs work for your money and time , I know I might sound kinda arrogant and trashy but it's now or never ^-^ I will also put everything on the line ... Just need some support from you all too if possible , not all players have so many accounts to make this work ... And it will be a little tired some but please help for a better game play and for a huge compensation from those lazy developers ...
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  2. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    There is no such thing as "THE PERFECT GAME" there are other games in asobimo roster, there are other games other than toram. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. Every player is not forced to stay nor this is a p2w game to start with. Try BnS it got awsome graphics decent pvp with only a few step lower than its pc mmo origin, heck a lot of new games ARE better than toram (yup, even better lolis and high definition pantsu). Most old players just wipe the cobwebs just for nostagalia value(i mean, iruna is totaly crap yet it is still alive even tho toram is basically iruna2, cant judge them tho since i didn't play that game back then)
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  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    the number of forum users is just a droplet in the ocean of google reviews.
    even with multiple accounts you won't produce a noticeable result.

    i can't deny the impression that the customer support doesn't really care about individual feedback mails, but since yesterday there's an official in-game poll where you can rate toram's status in multiple aspects and comment the reasoning of your choices.
  4. NIHIL

    NIHIL Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2017
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    The thread: We have to do something so the dev would listen to us and make this game great again!
    Also the title of this thread: Let's kill Toram Online *-*
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  5. Akare

    Akare Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2018
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    The problems you stated, all MMORPG have them
    Instead of doing something plain stupid like rating 1*, how about switching to other genres? Or simply play offline games instead, since they posses none of said problems (aside from 4th one)
    Sure, the game isn't perfect, but if they ARE perfect, then what's the point of updates? Make it 'perfecter'? Nonsense, right?

    And small note from a game dev (partly, and not this game): If you found a bug, or glitch, please report them to the devs properly (why you see them as a bug, how to trigger, and how it affects your experiences), not just some plain one-lined description like "This game is effing bugged" then YEET off, we have too many cases like that to even consider reading them
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  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Toram is the best mmorpg out right now for mobile. Good luck getting those 1* reviews.
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  7. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    Do it alone, don't bring us with your stupid suggestion. This is too childish goodness.
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  8. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    If you think toram is bad currently, Go play Iruna, Seriously. It's all these problems 10x more.
    I won't be the asshole to say "Whut you dun like that the game has problemms? Go PLay OthER GamES", we like toram and want to see it become Better and Better, without cowardly abandoning it. But go see how Iruna current state is, just so you have a glance on how Toram could be and how it is so much better.

    In case you won't play iruna: Walking around the map is a NIGHTMARE. Invisible walls EVERYWHERE and bad illumination, you have to memorize the paths that lead to were you want to be, because unlike toram, iruna doesn't have that page where it shows all the maps and places it has, Memorize it betch.
    You will be stuck at bosses because for some reason they have 20-30+ levels than you, and even if you are a higher level than them you can still lose.

    NO information, ZERO. "Humm what should I do to lvlup now" Go research on google. "Where is this item the MQ wants me to fin-" Google. "B-bu-" GOOGLE.

    Selling Boards are *P A I D*. You know that beautiful wooden board where you can sell your hard earned Nightmare Crystals and stuff? In Iruna it is fucking blocked by a pay wall. Yeah the equipment you need is at the house of MILLIONS but Suuuuuuuure you can earn a million spina by selling to Npc's, don't criticize asobimo it's possible :D after farming for a year or so. >:D

    The exhausting grinding wouldn't be so bad if at least you could earn something from that.

    Playing toram after playing iruna, is like eating that meat you disliked and loving it after eating a full dish of shit.
    It's a totally new light.

    Just be thankful that Toram is there. It has problems, but it isn't Iruna... Yet.. )

    Ps: I think I will be getting shit for this comment, but I had to vent about that and this seems like a good case for it.
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  9. HoboOnline

    HoboOnline Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2018
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    Curious to know, how much you have spent on this game?
  10. Zufeng

    Zufeng Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Do it by yourself
  11. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    The game isn't perfect but how about appreciate the game and the stuff that's good about it aswell.
    This last update with new Guild features, new skills and asobimo being kind enough to raise mat cap for unpaying players was an awesome update which the devs probably worked hard on, there's a reason to leave a good review.
    Also Asobimo develops and maintains quite a few games, those developers you think are lazy are probably hard at work on the other games too.

    I understand there are some problems in the game and I also wish asobimo would address them too but also try enjoy what's good about the game instead of worrying about other people and how they get their spina, and how rich they are, and comparing yourself to everybody else and whining about how bad the game is, there's more positive than negatives imo.

    If you think toram is so bad then don't spend money on it, remember it's a free game and it's not locked by any paywall p2w greedy corporate system so there's another reason to appreciate the game and leave a good review.
    Lastly If you aren't enjoying the game then find a new game.
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
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  12. Spanish Bread

    Spanish Bread Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    this is just sad.
    I bet you think your auto-play game does better aint it?
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  13. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Lets kill game...

    Pet and food system

  14. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I just wanted to point out this 'Little' detail that.. While Asobimo does maintain a couple of other games, and that's a lot to care about, they are not the most wise nor competent people taking care of Toram.
    They literally had to Rollback the entire server because they didn't keep Backups in case of accidents or errors in the server, WE ONLY GOT SOME ITEMS BACK BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO DO SOME TESTING, WE WERE ***LUCKY*** TO NOT START FROM ZERO. A **COMPANY** CAN'T RELY ON LUCK WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG.

    That being said, I recognize their hard work, in fact after playing Iruna I'm honestly relieved that Toram exists, But Asobimo is not the best company out there, they do some really stupid things.

    I like to think about Asobimo like an abusive parent, and their games as brilliant negligenced children. While they made and helped their creations they are TERRIBLE managing them after.

    Love the creation, hate the creator.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  15. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    I agree they not the greatest and rollback was wreckless on their part and made many of us loyal players question their competence and I even quit the game for a while after losing so much.
    But it's in the past now and I'm sure they have learnt from their mistakes and atm toram isn't too bad compared to other games.

    The games is with littered bots, mods, rmt and some bugs but it's nothing that completely breaks the game and makes it unplayable imo, except for the katana bug, they needa fix that asap xD
    I can still play the game and find some enjoyment, some billionaire botter/ modder doesn't affect me, if people want to play the game like losers then cool for them and yeah it sucks the developers don't do much about it but I'm not going to let it make my game experience negative.

    And like you said it could be alot worse. But each to their own, I've also felt annoyed at times with this game and wished they would do more. Nothing wrong with complaining but if someone really dislikes this game then like i said they shouldn't spend money on it or just find a new game because I don't think bots and rmt will ever go away.
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
  16. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I agree, toram is currently enjoyable and fun, and I'm sure it's also fun for newbies even, MQ gives good exp, mercenaries are a great help, pets, etc..
    Unlike the dark times of BUY NC 20STK 1Milllion SPINAS for 3 levels.. or something. shitty times.

    The point is, the Rollback disaster should not have happened, Ever, or at the very least the game should have a week ago/month ago backup so the loses would Minimal. But no They are incompetent and negligent and almost erased the entire servers progress, YEARS of progress in fact, because they forgot back ups are important.

    I like that, At the very least, this poked their asses in the deepest part reaching theirs souls and made them realize they have responsibility with the game.
    Like a Block of cement falling on their heads to wake them up.
    Still, we shouldn't have been at such risk just so they could learn how to do their jobs.

    About bots.. Yeah.. These shits will never go away, They don't affect me so much tho. But the economy sucks because of them.
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  17. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Odd, only real loss on my side on that disaster is 8 pets and some event gears. All my ava gears and orb shop goodies(yah i also lost my sock obli but compensated by obli notes in double value) are back and compensated. Overall it is a profit actually. Got extra storage, 2 bag slots some new ava gears to boot. Yah, still bit salty bout losing my pets but got sweet return.
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  18. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    I would be salty too if I lost pets, so much time is put into them, luckily I had no pets back then. But I did lose alot of spina and 2s add gears that I never got back in roll back storage.
    But I was lucky, I had a seashell app on cb and it was duplicated and back then the app was expensive, so I made some spina back.
    I took a break from the game after the 200 orbs got me nothing, not one ava top.
    My own fault I guess since ava chests is gambling. If I could go back I would have expanded storage and bought more character slots with those orbs and avoided feeling super salty at the game.
  19. Djikstra

    Djikstra Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    There is currently no PvP in toram so why bother with cheater :rolleyes:
  20. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Coz most cheaters sell cheap s#it and flip the market. Most of those cheaters can kill that big a$s loli in few hits claiming they use gems to boost damage. They mostly swag their big ego around with their brain in their a$s for counterbalance.
    • Funny Funny x 5

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