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Does Volg 2020 movement become a bit weird or is it bug?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by S@Ble, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I was farming Volg with my friends today and i encountered some difficulties that i didnt experience last year. So i wonder if anyone notice anything different as there is no new guide for Volg 2020 yet. I tanked at the dead tree near the far end of the map

    1) boss position at tree trunk doesnt block the shark fin.
    => Almost everytime it change phrase we got either shark fin (which is unblockable) or fire ball

    2) i noticed that the rolling pattern is rarely happend now. Usually i wait for it to roll into the tree trunk then stunt it and i moved to the side to allow tree root to block it movement. It rarely happend to day. Boss either to far behind tree root or it go over tree root.
    There was one time that the 1 st time position wasnot correct and i tried to adjust the position again. But Volg wont roll into the tree branch. It kept shooting ball or doing red aoe fire ball in the 1st phase. This is quite confusing coz it should do a roller atk to tanker as well.

    Im very much confuse as last year i can tank this just fine. Also i swutch to bow aliments (have 5) and rotate it. After invicible period the boss keep using shark fin atk in every changing phrase. Which quite unusual QwQ. All of our dps mostly die from the shark fin atk even we were doing soooo good other time.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Zufeng

    Zufeng Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Sounds like they realized tree strat and decides to make it even more pain in ass for everyone, or its just pure bad luck
    I don't know since i have stopped playing
  3. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Yup not easy anymore like last year, also can't ail early on phase change anymore. Last year we could spam an ail on a phase change and it would say miss but it would still ail him and we could use the same ail again so it was possible to ail him much earlier making things more controllable.
    The main tree root at front isn't working anymore but the one at the back if we get him to dash/roll and then stun and run around the root to the right position most times it blocks his fins, but compared to last year need very perfect positioning, if he comes a bit too forward then those fins get through the root and all the gsw spammers rip.
    And dps using gsw is kind of a nono since those fins are so unpredictable now, sometimes they won't get through sometimes they will so I think best dps rn there is pure bow dps, 2h/dw with beserk or halberd with gsw since gsw doesn't hurt as much and dps having 10k+ hp, glassy builds guna have a rough time there.
    He used to shoot a ball on phase change frequently, it used to b possible to interrupt in time but not anymore since I mentioned above bows can't ail as early anymore and also he used to use fins on phase change so I think all that has been changed is the fact his fins aren't blocked anymore.

    Try that back root right at the back of map, I had some luck there earlier today and it was blocking his fins most times but it is much harder to get him wedged in there properly, that's something else that was nerfed.
  4. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    ive only attempted one run so far b4 mtn kicked me off yday, but the tree trunk in the middle don't block the shark fins like it did last yr.
    but i was able ailed from the start on my bow char, i can't confirm on others
    i didn't have any issues in first phase, boss didnt do balls or rolls yet. got stuck in 3rd phase then got kicked by mtn
    the bomb dropping part is still as terrible as last yr
  5. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    He's a meany now
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020

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