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Mentality behind asobimo

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kousunpo, Oct 30, 2020.

  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    So we know that asobimo cares so much about "balance", but what for if there is not going to be any pvp any time soon? All classes could 1 hit each other even with capped resistance, and each nerf tend to makes whatever they nerf become useless or really close to useless that they are practically irrelevant. i mean nerfs here and there from time to time are fine but they should be reasonable nerfs not right into OBLIVION!!! Like at least make them relevant to other classes!!!. Another thing that could really help class difference disparities, mages tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to dps, sure they deal the same raw damage with finale burst and whatever else and there is that nice magic proration and stuff but they deal that same damage Way Too Freaking Slow In Comparison To Other Classes!!!!!! magic proration is really all that kept mages relevant at all in boss farming and without that magic proration, mages would be completely irrelevant and would also never be allowed in boss farming parties. if asobimo truly cared about class and skills balance then mages should be allowed to cast magic skills as quickly as other classes that uses physical skills, and they would have reworked the damage formulas to be similar just with different labels like for example ((physical damage dealt= atk x 20 x crit)) and ((magical damage dealt= matk x 20 x crit)) and with SIMILAR OBSTACLES!!!, well that's everything i could list out about asobimo's mentality, feel free to add onto it and maybe even discuss it.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  2. LanHe

    LanHe Active Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Balance is important, doesn’t really matter if there is pvp or not. Current situation makes it so there’s a lack of variety in the classes (in my opinion).

    Toram advertises itself as a MMO that doesn’t limit classes, you can play in whatever style you want. To a certain degree, it does allow that concept to thrive to a certain degree... but we know the reality hahahahah (Knuckle Main in pain lol).

    I don’t think changing the cast time for all mage skills is going to help.... it’ll just become as spammy as the physical classes (again lol). Can’t add anything to your point about how damage is dishes out though, I don’t know enough for that and if the changes will help.

    I do agree that mages should be reworked though (but first save the knuckles).....
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  3. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Well with the current situation of toram and asobimos lack of care and action to this situation i wouldn't over think or take the pvp aspect of the game too seriously since this addition will only procreate more toxicity with modders that are already so prevalent and rampant in the game without suffering much consequence or thought from the games developers or overlords.

    And as for finale being underpowered, you just need to get high crit rate and gsw like every physical build on toram,
    Oh and almost forgot,
    of course also an impact spammable combo and then u'll do satisfying damage or more. Just spam gsw and impact while training the tank and telling them how to tank and all should be good. Try this at finstern for appropriate results.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  4. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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  5. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    still underpowered compared to other dps classes that can do the same damage multiple times in the span of time it takes for 1 finale to be casted. and as i mentioned earlier if proration was nonexistent just like it is nonexistent in iruna then mages here in toram will never be accepted in boss party or they will be rendered as a strictly support only slave. proration and a little bit of dps assistance is really all thats going for mages in boss parties, in other words outside of boss parties their only role is to be material farmers and can't be expected to be used as a main class, whereas physical classes like bowtana can be used as a main general use class
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
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  6. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Its fine for magic classes to be as spammy as physical classes as long as their damage formula are similar, in terraria all magic spells are just as instant as archer because their damage formulas are similar so in toram that can work too if the formulas are revamped to be similar between magic and physical, and yeah i agree developers should do a no class left behind when they revamp all classes and skills!!!
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