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Any good lvl 3 Blade and Dual Sword Skills Combos that I can make?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Zyrael, Nov 11, 2021.

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  1. Zyrael

    Zyrael New Member

    Nov 2, 2021
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    Hello there, this is my first post in the forums. I just want to know what other skill combos I can use as a dps dual wield. I'm still pretty weak, lvl 112 as of the moment, and all I have are lvl 3 skills.

    Here are the skills I have as of the moment:

    • Hard Hit
    • Astute
    • Trigger Slash
    • Twin Slash
    • Swift Attack
    • Charging Slash
    • Spinning Slash
    • Phantom Slash
    • Reflex
    • Shadowstep
    • Cross Parry
    • Flash Blast
    • Assassin Stab
    • Fatal Hit (Accidentally unlocked as I was looking for Decoy Shot, which was actually a lvl 4 skill)

    Since I always tend to rely on my shukuchi attacks as my dps, I want to know what other skill combos I can use that has a low mana consumption, yet may be able to maximize total damage. Here are the combos I use for now:

    1. AMPR Booster & Cross Parry Preparation Combo: Swift Attack > War Cry (Save) > Flash Blast (Consecutive) > Trigger Slash (Swift)
    2. Cross Parry Counter (Usually after I use Trigger Slash from 1st combo to boost up animation): Cross Parry > Shadowstep (Save) > Swift Attack (Consecutive) [OPTIONAL] > Twin Slash (Smite)
    3. Semi-DPS & Heal Combo: Hard Hit > Reflex (Consecutive) > Shadowstep (Save) > Swift Attack (Consecutive) > Phantom Slash (Bloodsucker)
    4. Alternative DPS-when-there's-an-opening Combo: Spinning Slash > War Cry (Save) > Flash Blast (Consecutive) > Shadowstep (Reflection [For the -100 MP cost for 'Save' to fit]).

    With these combos I don't tend to deal good damage, and it's making the boss battles last pretty long, also since my mercs can't handle the bosses anymore. I hope this can be answered as this helps not just me, but also other players who are at my level, especially since I haven't really seen a guide for lvl 3 skills combo, and they're all usually lvl 4 shining cross and other dark power skills that I don't have the strength to get yet.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
  2. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    You can always try easy mode if you feel the main quest boss is too hard.

    I don't know much about dual sword combo. What i know is phantom slash with smite tag is the strongest skill available for you rn.
    Learn rampage if you have extra sp. This buff skill also give better ampr than trigger slash.
    Flash blast wind effect give physical proration so it could decrease your physical skill dmg. Most katana user avoid this skill eventhough this skill give lot unsheathe stats.
    I think two short combo is enough until you can unlock more skills. One smite combo and one counter + bloodsuck.
    - reflex> phantom slash (smite) > trigger slash (consecutive). It got some damage and let u got ampr buff to spam your skills.
    - Cross parry > warcry (save) > phantom slash (blood suck)
    You don't need too much skills. They only lower your dmg by giving physical proration.
    I hope my explanation don't make you confused lol.
    Welcome to toram online.
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  3. Zyrael

    Zyrael New Member

    Nov 2, 2021
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    I understand, for better dmg larger mana have to be sacrificed, and I suppose it was wrong of me to put phantom slash as last with all the physical proration the first ones have dealt. Thank you for answering!
  4. Arv

    Arv Active Member

    May 15, 2018
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    Similar with your 4th combo.

    2mp: Spinning slash > war cry (save) > flash beat (con) >lv.10 swift attack (swift) > phantom slash (smite) > trigger slash (con).
    modify: 1. you can put reflex (con) between flash beat and swift attack to reduce save tag damage penalty.
    2. add reflex (swift) instead of (con) and change swift attack (swift) to (con) will make the combo cost only 1mp

    The advantage of combo above is you can activate the first half combo from +4m range and then get close to the boss for the second half.

    Last, I might be wrong but (reflection) mp reduction only apply on next skill within one combo. So your 4th combo shadowstep (reflection) wont give you -100 mp reduction. Depending on your shadowstep skill level the mp usage of it will change, lv.1~2 400 mp, lv. 3~6 300 mp, and lv. 7~10 200 mp. For your 4th skill level 3~6 will fit the save tag of warcry.

    Edit: I misunderstand last part a bit.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
  5. AnnXYZ

    AnnXYZ Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Not necessarily true, but short-yet-high-damage combo do consume MP. My recommendation would be rampage and phantom slash since they give most damage for your current situation.
    I played DW before the 4th skill trees are released, and my personal favourite combo is the following:
    1. Reflex-Rampage(save)-war cry(cons)-phantom slash(smite)-flash blast(cons)
    1 MP cost with damage and buff. Rampage last hit give a pretty good damage and is unaffected by combo tag. It also give ampr to allow you use another combo more frequently. Although, you can't use this combo again until your rampage buff ends

    2. Astute-Phantom slash(smite)-trigger(cons)
    Extra crit rate from astute then a smited phantom. 5 MP cost, but with more damage and crit rate. Crit rate was hard to get back then. This is very useful when you don't have extra crits. Though some may say it will ruin proration, I think extra crit and ampr is a good trade off for that. Not like you can spam 5 MP combo that easily. You may need 3 to 5 basic attack ro recover back your MP.
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