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Maintenance Notice1/26/2023 ^_^

Discussion in 'Toram Online News & Announcements' started by RyeUshio, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Maintenance Notice (1/26/2023)

    Thank you for playing Toram Online.

    We will perform a maintenance from January 26th 2:00 PM (JST/GMT+9).

    Maintenance Schedule

    From:January 26th at 2:00 PM (JST/GMT+9)
    Until:January 26th at 5:00 PM (JST/GMT+9)

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Maintenance Details
    ・Collaboration Event Will Be Held.

    ・Free Skill & Stats Reset will be held.

    ・The addition of new story mission.

    ・The addition of new maps.

    ・The addition of new recipes.
    ・Setsubun limited recipes have been brought back.

    ・LvCap 260 Released.

    ・Lv5 Alchemy Skill & Smith Skill Tree Released.

    Crusher Skills adjustments and new skills addition.

    ・Adjusted the MP Cost of the skill "Annihilator".
    ・Adjusted the skill effect of the skill "Terrablast".
    ・Adjusted the MP recovery amount of the skill "Divine Rigid Body".
    ・Added the skill "Geyser Kick".

    The following improvements will be applied.

    ・Adjusted the stack increase of "Magic: Burst" by the skill "Magic Knife".

    The following issues will be fixed.

    ・The effect from consuming the buff stack of "Qadal" sometimes disappear when performing certain combos that include the skill "Magic Knife (Lv10)".
    ・Minor bug fixes.

    Kindly move @kariin thanks! ^_^

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