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Having trouble finding a role to fill

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by Raemi, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Raemi

    Raemi Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Just started playing a few weeks ago, and so far I'm a level 50 staff user with pure INT and investment in basic Magic and Bless from the priest line. I originally wanted to play as a healer, but the more I research the more it seems that this game's meta has kind of abandoned the idea of tanks, healers, etc. Any guides on such things tend to come with the disclaimer "This isn't really useful in the game right now", or "There isn't really a point to bringing one, but...", and I'm seriously second-guessing my aspirations. The game seems to be difficult enough to encourage such stuff (bosses lower than my level still one-shot me, really wish I had a tank friend), but nobody's really grouping up that way, just coasting by on mercenaries. I considered switching to a sword/shield-user, but with how long it takes to kill things even with a glass cannon mage, I can only imagine that'd leave me chugging several dozen potions a fight without a healer.

    What kinds of roles do people actually fill in this game? Is group content even a consideration? Do more solo-ready builds even exist, with boss monsters being so absurdly strong? To be honest, I'm a little unsure what to even ask, because at this point I'm just utterly confused and lost. I can't even plan ahead because the only online database I found with skill info is missing the latest stuff. The build guides on this forum are very specialized toward end game and I really don't understand most of them (I haven't even unlocked combos yet). Does anyone have any tidbits of insight to share for a lost newbie? :confused:
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  2. Takanori-kun

    Takanori-kun I can heal impurities Elite Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Right now everyone in the game is focused on a dps oriented build, or a spammer build which basically spams a 1mp combo over and over. Tanks do exist, but they aren't your conventional meaty damage absorbers (some are). Right now, dual wields make a really good tank since they can dodge attacks and still keep a constant aggro on a boss because of their quick skills and spam. Healers do not exist because the pots are enough, and now pets can have support skills.
  3. Raemi

    Raemi Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    I see, so it's not so much party roles as it is just a party of DPS'ers burning down the boss? That's a little disheartening, I've never really been good at maximizing DPS. I'll see what I can figure out, thanks. :oops:
  4. DansAway

    DansAway Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    some solo builds are available at this stage, but different bosses requires different treatment.
    AGI build knuckles and dual-sword can pretty much solo most bosses except magic bosses. heck, even archers n gunners can solo some bosses that spam aoe since those bosses leave openings to unleash combo.
    just play what build u feel ure comfortable with, then explore it's capability.
  5. Raemi

    Raemi Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    From the sound of it, picking a mage was shooting myself in the foot. If you can solo bosses on pretty much everything else but mage gets one-shotted, then I guess I've been wasting my time.

    I can't really figure out what build I'm comfortable with since I can't experiment much. The problem is that the playstyle is a black box until I level up and try it myself, and there's a boggling amount of things to try. It took me weeks just to get to 50 on one character with bonus story experience.

    Thank you for your replies. I think maybe this just isn't the game for me. :(
  6. imadomo

    imadomo Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Well mage are only for farming and healer is not really needed, if you didn't have storm as a skill at first then you be wasting your skill points. I suggested people to go sniper class on their first time, or perhaps sword fu which would be better, then mage after so that you can do dps and lvl up to become a pure mage after.
  7. DansAway

    DansAway Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    u sure u've checked mage section? there's lot of shield mage build there that i doubt gonna get 1shotted.
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  8. Luer

    Luer Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2016
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    I strongly a suggest that you level up your Mage, levelling up gets easier as you acquire higher levels in your Mage character. People usually don't build their own chars up until they completely made a farming Mage, it just makes life easier by having a farming mage you can basically level up a fresh character really easy.

    Supports/healer type builds are usually looked down upon, but certain party oriented guilds will be welcoming of you since they need healer types to aid tanks. Hey if I were you, I'd continue the path you were taking but I'd definitely consider checking up tank/support builds on this forum they're really helpful.
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  9. Takanori-kun

    Takanori-kun I can heal impurities Elite Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I use an arrow mage, and it's a really affordable build. Fu builds are really expensive and cannot farm mobs, which means you will HAVE to make a mage to farm anything other than a boss. I would recommend you go mage, and I either recommend an arrow mage/shield mage depending on what you like to play as, since you can farm bosses and farm mobs at the same time :D
  10. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    not everyone one does dps build. i have a total of 5 chars and not one is DPS based. it really depends on what your play style is. mages and other classes are very versatile, for mage u can have arrow mage, dagger mage, shield mage, dps mage, full luk, partial luk, tanky mages, etc. depending on what u do sometimes healers can be helpful, during certain bosses initial release (b4 they nerf them) tanking comes in handy or definitely when u're doing those gem runs or if u're in ur guild maze. don't let people negativity and limitations bring you down with what u can and cannot do. i urge u to try first before making a decision. most people have gone through many chars and sometimes have to rebuild chars as well. :)
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  11. Cloudraider

    Cloudraider Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    If you like playing as a healer, do it. The game is a lot more fun when you are playing a build you enjoy, instead of following what the so called toram meta is. Sure healers aren't needed as much like in other mmorpgs but don't let that stop you from a playstyle you enjoy. I personally like having healers in my pt and nearly all of them also help wih damage as they usually have the main dps skills
  12. athena__

    athena__ Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    @Raider_ i think you should look at this.

    As of right now this game is still only just starting most are focused on dps but that doesn't mean healers/supports are not needed. I have been a played as a tank now for over a year and I can tell you not just gem runs but being able to do nightmare and ultimate modes with a full support is way easier then with 3 dps users. Not only do they heal but they provide stability and power for the dps users. Don't get discouraged by what others say. This game will continue to get harder and in order to do the harder battles more tanks and supports will be needed. As much as tanks can take attacks they are not invincible. Keep doing what you like ^^
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  13. aysaysays

    aysaysays Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    eventually u will meet people u need and needed you , this is just a game so have fun making lots of diff char is another option anyway
  14. picoli

    picoli Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Healers are actually very useful. You are prob getting 1 shotted as u didnt add survival skills/Have equipment :V
  15. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    many people have not noticed it yet, but the age of one-trick-ponies and spammers is coming to an end :p
    there will always be the rich people who can whatever they want because they can burn infinite amounts of revitas and revive droplets, but just because they call themselves the meta, you don't have to follow their direction.

    this guide will surely help you to better understand the open class system: http://toramonline.com/index.php?threads/complete-class-weapon-guide.20200/ ;)
    of course it is.
    sometimes you may be able to fight a boss alone because your abilities give you and advantage against this one and/or it only uses attacks that you can easyly defend or avoid. but other times you will meet a boss that has an advantage against you and you won't be able to defeat it without others.
    certain bosses like Pillar Golem require good team coordination to break all parts and claim all the bonus rewards.
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  16. !ANGEL!

    !ANGEL! Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    I'm not one of a famous member here...
    I'm not much of a DPS fan.
    I've been making the paladin tank build and full support build as well as currently work in progress for my knuckle-tank breaker
    and I will put here: I've been getting 'real credits' for my job in boss run parties.
    N.B:All those are based on the Build Guides of legends from the Forum :D

    Just keep on experimenting. Enjoy what you do<>Do what you enjoy ;)
    Hey! Toram hasn't announced a 'Finish Line' yet..? has it..? So why grumble mate? :rolleyes:
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  17. Raider_

    Raider_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    You know, I started the game in pursuit of being support despite a class system not really being implemented. It gives us some freedom, but it still calls for people with most experience. Like, i would not want a dps sniper to tank, they would need to give up some attack power to be able to survive effectively in a battle that calls for an actual tanky tank. Same with any build.
    At lower level caps I was kicked from parties, saying my build sucked, that there was no point in supports... I kept on making it though.
    Through trial and error. Over a year and a half of rebuilding (and still making), and many many many level caps later... I shared my support build on this thread. I was asked to by a number of people. I didn't give up on what build I wanted, and, sadly, I think it is one of the only (if not the only) full support thread on this site...
    I have been told I make Nightmare, Ultimate gems runs a lot easier. Like, revs, droplets... money, spina. Being a tank is expensive, being dps is risky, supports do make it easier. You just have to find your own role, your own playstyle. Look at the threads on this site; of others trials and errors and journeys in toram. I don't expect people to copy my build, but to use it as a reference to make it their own.

    Just don't give up on what you want to do, despite what others say. It is a game. It is for your enjoyment. Have fun ^^
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  18. screamingfox

    screamingfox Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    First off. Get HP Boost from the survival tree. I know it's been said a thousand times, but that 1000 HP boost is irreplacable for most characters.

    Second. If you want to go support, focus on it after you've got a character to level 70. Bless is fine and I advice you keep it, but treat this current character as a way to advance forward. As a mage, you're biggest strength at the start of the game is farming to advance your levels quickly. So advance first and then focus on support skills.

    Lastly, support skills are very useful. They don't shine in Normal/Hard modes because things tend to melt before the benefits of support skills make a pay off. Higher difficulties with a skilled support or support/dps makes for a much easier time and higher success rates. Especially since Brave Aura and other higher level support skills carry some surprisingly high stat boost. Just understand that most normal situations will make your supporting skills "overkill" and that they're there for when it really matters. So don't get discouraged. Just know that you're specced out for higher end content.
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  19. Raemi

    Raemi Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Thanks for the replies, everyone. After a bit of a meltdown, I decided to stick with the character and aim for a simplistic dps/support mix. I think it'd be overkill to invest heavily in Luck since it isn't a dedicated farmer, but I can at least max drop%+ and that tornado skill at 70, while contributing to DPS with the basic magey attack spells. This should be enough for barebones progression while providing a respectable base for farming quest items and such to level other characters, after I have more knowledge of the game. I don't expect I'll really nail the proper stat distributions or optimal combos on this character, but frankly it probably isn't a big deal at this stage, anyway. Since this plan doesn't call for many skill points, I should be free to take a plethora of Support and Priest skills once I approach the 100s.

    I'll also take the advice about investing in survival skills. You're spot on - I have no HP+ and am still wearing my starter armor. That needs fixing. I'll decide later what to go with once I hit the INT cap, but I'm considering grabbing a shield and adding some VIT. If nothing else, this character should eventually be competent at basic farming and keeping my mercenaries alive to cheese my way through the main story.

    Thanks again for all of the help. :)
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  20. Raider_

    Raider_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Yeah, for dps mage the basic stats is int>dex>vit. Support is int>vit>dex (though i decided vit>int>dex for now as survivability is vital for the role i want). Like at level 120, 202 int and 120 second stat is best for well rounded character, dex or vit is up to you. At 160-180 the 3rd stat can be at 120 as well.
    I hope it helps and don't think too hard about it ^^
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