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A not so short introduction to the history of Toram economy

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Alycia, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Alycia

    Alycia What did I miss? Elite Member

    Jun 23, 2015
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    <The History of Toram Economy>​

    There was a time, only heard of in legend, (Or if you're an Alpha player)
    Where the people are carefree and happy
    Then the hackers struck.
    Inflation happened.
    Prices quickly shot up from thousands to millions, heck even billions,
    Fortunately (And unfortunately), Alpha phase ended and all data were wiped.
    That was when a new period of peace prospered.
    The Beta phase.
    But it didn't last long.
    The game begun it's official release smoothly,but...
    Something else began happening,
    RMT, or Real Money Trade.
    People began scrambling for the limited codes,
    With the prices shooting back up to the millions and scams all over the place.
    Then it went down.
    The hacking and shout chats of "S>Albus Wings code 1m pm" begun disappearing.
    RMT was banned in accordance to the Terms & Conditions for the game.
    People begun doing more "legit" buisnesses, like delving into the Synthesis and Blacksmith classes.
    "S>Rev I stk" became "S>Rev IV stk" and "S>C777" became "S>C101010"
    And here we are...
    Prices have been steadily rising with each advancement of the levels,
    But at least the economy is a better place.


    So to those who are complaining about today's economy, man you haven't seen the past.
    Sure, stuff now is expensive, but at least there ain't any inflations from too much Spina being in the economy.
  2. Sideward

    Sideward Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2015
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    But back then most of us could afford stuff in millions too qwq
    And there were those who didn't care and farmed with friends for fun *~*
    But yeah the economy is smooth these days owo)9

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