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Getting Banned because Refund and acussated by fake Reason?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Esnar Xeon Din Eiji, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    Recently my account getting banned
    And they said i violated Their ToS no 4.1.g (Any other content evaluated necessary by ASOBIMO as interfering our operations.) Which its so Suspicious and so magical Acussation because:
    1. I mostly login less than 10 min each day (Mon-Fri) and 1+ hour at saturday - sunday (only login to take reward and logout) (im working and have no time to play, so each day only 10 min or less)
    2. I did nothing in game, only refine and customize equip.
    What is the meaning of "Any other content evaluated necessary by ASOBIMO as interfering our operations."
    I have checked my phone, no illegal programs or virus. And the banned happen after i refund at Google play because it was my brother that purchase the orbs.
    This Magical Company is making me rage and i have report them to googleplay CS which i acussating them violating DDA no 14.1 and 14.2
    • Sad Sad x 2
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  2. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    I think you got banned for refunding the orbs. Idk why they did that, but I heard it's because people abused the orbs refund.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  3. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    How about if i refund it with a "real" reason and not abusing it? They cant just ban me using their ToS as a weapon, that violating Googleplay Developer Distribution Aggreement, i have a proof of ss and purchase history, i never do a refund before, just this time and got banned with no clear reason...
  4. _nobody_

    _nobody_ Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    first, I am sorry for your loss. however, as this has been discussed here in this forums several times before, refunding orb purchases i against the ToS, and it clear in 2.1.4 that you can't have it refunded, and in 2.6, it says even if a child made the purchases, you still can't refund them. So your issue with the brother purchasing is your problem, not their.

    For Google Play Distribution Aggreement, they did not violate anything. By accepting their ToS and playing toram, you have agreed to be terminated anytime when you violate their terms, even if it was purely an accident. Google does not protect you from that. The only google can do is to get your money back for you.

    Again, I am sorry that it happened to you, but I honestly do not think Asobimo did anything wrong here. They maybe a dick, but they were on the right.
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  5. Naim

    Naim Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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  6. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    left... dick... ¬¬ Sorry pal but childs have to play controlled by an adult.
  7. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    They were accusated me by violation on their ToS no 4.1g
    Why not in 2.1.4 or 2.1.6? Theres no reason making fake acussation, also theres someone who refund get his/her account back,
    This image below is still new which my friend help me to ask him/her how long did it take to released the account and he/she said only 1 day.
    So, what is 4.1.g mean? My activity in game is very very less, its impossible i make violation against them, the refund is the only reason and they made a fake acussation against me which its violated DDA 14.1 and 14.2 if they have a Refund ToS they dont need to give me fake reason of Suspend.
    Well its maybe my fault because let my brother play in when my device still in 1 tap payment,but still why they said i violated 4.1.g? Since i reported them, well the report cant be back. The next step will be decided by the google. I have getting losses because of this. Ik my fault but why try to acussated me with unknown reason tho...

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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  8. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    maybe this SS case got exemption. maybe that SS truly was an error purchased and a valid and honest refund was confirmed by the orbs bought was never used after the refund?. because most refunders will use the purchased orbs immediately before they refund it that confirms the intent for the refund was just to trick the system and not an accident. so the question is if you did used the orbs before you refund it? If YES, then dont keep your hopes too high and imma suggest start levelling a new toon. :D:p
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  9. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I dont use any single of the orbs, i immediately log off when after refund and just solid working until go home, when try to open the game it got suspended. I told them to check it if not trust me, total 275 orb not even touched single of them
  10. Naim

    Naim Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    The jap like that screw lose in theor head,
    They know they can rollback but dont want to doit
    And not watch their hand when go to
  11. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Whoau u are pretty rich to buy 275 orbs xD
  12. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I did usually buying their thing, i told them to check i never refund a single of them just when my brother making trouble because i let him play a game to stop him became naughty badboi that cant even sit chill and keep annoying me (im still work, a brother from uncle side and my uncle is the owner of my workplace which my sister cant watch my brother because busy and let my uncle to watch over him) and this happen... i waste so much money for this game tbh, they cant just put their ban hammer on me because refund, this just fk up, its worth to report them to Googleplay CS...
    I didnt x.x, well im sometime purchased only 115 orb(long time, maybe 2 or 3 month once or more) and never do twice purchase like my naughty brother do :notlikethis: lel that account is my main, has 526M spina still and full 2s thing, how can this happen...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  13. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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  14. _nobody_

    _nobody_ Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    That's pretty racist. They teach their children to wash their hands and be obsessed with cleanliness from kindergarten. You on the other hand, who would make a false statement to be little them to make you feel better, is pretty sad for a human being.
    2.1.6 and 2.1.4 are details of the violations, but article 4 is the termination reasons. By laws, the can not terminate your account with 2.1.4 or 2.1.6, it has to be in article 4 or article 3. Article 4.1.g is where 2.1 mostly falls in.

    You can think of article 2 as violation description and 3,4 as the sentences.

    I think Google play can not do anything to asobimo since it's an independent company and one bad case won't be enough to take their app off the store. But maybe if you write them an email telling them you are willing to pay back the money for the orbs that got refunded, they will agree to open back your account. Technically, they can't open back your account unless all the paid content inside that account are paid for. So maybe you can make a deal. I wish you good luck since you have a very valuable account.

    Some people may complain that why don't asobimo just remove the orbs and open back the account when those orbs are not even used. From a business perspective, it is extra work for them to go through the trouble of editing a customer's data without getting paid (because it is a refund). And if they make an exception for you, they will have to do the same for hundreds, maybe thousands of other transactions. Redoing a purchase is never easy in a complex system that involves multiple parties (gg play, banks, and asibimo customer support team). Doing the same profitless thing for too many customers will seriously increase their operational cost. That's why they would rather terminate accounts and accept that they will lose a few customers to scare off others from making that mistakes. If you have a business, i bet my $5 that you would do the same. It's all about cost and profit.
  15. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I appreciate your explanation and i will be cool headed for now and ima do a deal with them to see if i can get my account back by willing to paid or no.. but are you sure 4.1.g is about the reason of my suspension? If so then i must take off my selfishness temprament and make a deal with them..
  16. Barzeft

    Barzeft It is better to be silent instead of hurtful Elite Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    If you notified them about sharing your account with your brother then they won't remove the ban since they said transferring/sharing an account even with family members if found out is grounds for an immediate level 6 or higher penalty in their ToS.
  17. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    I didnt sharing the account, i just let him play the toram at my phone, and he do purchase, thats it.
  18. _nobody_

    _nobody_ Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I am not sure, because their reason is pretty vague. But I hope you will be able to negotiate with them. Please update your status from time to time so we can know what is going on too.

    and as the guy above said, don't let them know your brother plays your account. If you accidentally slipped that to them, just tell them your brother took your phone and played with it, so it's not that you are sharing your account with him.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Esnar Xeon Din Eiji

    Esnar Xeon Din Eiji Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2016
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    Thank you, appreciate your explanation, i currently send a request to make a deal with them.
  20. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    once aso bans your acct whether its a mistake or not, they can't reverse it.
    • Sad Sad x 2

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