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help me with pets

Discussion in 'Pet/Taming' started by SomeOne_, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. SomeOne_

    SomeOne_ Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    Hi everyone
    i just played the game recently so i don't know basics (even normal char building)
    i'm making new tamer char and he's now lvl 111 (archer like my mine char)
    i have pet learned 3 skills lvl around 80 but it just throwing rocks nothing else, why?
    another thing
    i'm following this guide for tamer char building it looks good, did u agree?

    is there types? like support pets/ tank pets ...
    if yes, should i tame some pets? (need any helpful guide)
    thank you
  2. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Things to note on making a "tamer" char:
    Tamer tree have one of each branches. Catching ease(more timer, more successful catch). Pet boost level(pet you catch will have 10lvl higher cap level than when you catch it. Subjected to rng, but will not go lower). Aaand the pet support branch.

    To catch you just need the first two branches. If you just want a battle buddy with you, you just need the bottom branch(most just shell out dough and just buy stargems, the most practical way imo)

    Just like pokemon you need to weaken it(for more successful catch) then wait for the slow timer and then you are done.( Hard core poachers just switch target and tank it while taking another, it is just normal monster so most likely not a prob.)

    You need to cap this char too. Some event pets have level requirement, and higher the level you are the more you catch so make it a priority.

    For pet builds you can browse and poke around the class section for pets. You can also take a peek on my guide on how to make one and how i made my game breaking hybrid(still salty on how i can't swag my pet in a party, i spent bucket loads of elbow grease on that)
  3. SomeOne_

    SomeOne_ Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    thank you Xiavu for fast reply
    unfortunately, i'm on guild now so i can't join yours
    i will try taming with my level (111), waiting for more answers
  4. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    He didnt invite you to guild, but to read his GUIDE.
    If you want to know more about pets, find the pet guide on coryn.club (in guides section) there is all the info about skills, pet stats, their natures and so on etc.
  5. SomeOne_

    SomeOne_ Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    i was sleepy so i read it guild not guide
    i just need list of tank pets and so on
  6. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    There is no such list.
    Any pet can tank.
    The better ones have high lvl cap, good stats (mdef/pdef) and suitable nature (devoted/justice/steady) depending on ur main class.
    Popular ones are often in yutube, and popular they are for their skill animation, because some have slower/faster animation (this unrelated with cspd/skill%)

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