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How does gardening work?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by SAM., Nov 16, 2020.

  1. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Thoughts in mind:

    a. Quality of plants = higher ingredient pts. return? Or, faster rate towards 100% completion to harvest?

    b. How long in real life, can plants be watered? Does watering them more within its 16 hour period yield more pts., and/or faster harvest rate? Perhaps even, lesser degrade of the plants after harvest? Likewise, what happens when the plants are not watered within a 16 hour time period?

    c. In general, how often should plants be removed/re-planted in order to maintain a consistent high yield of weekly ingredient points?

    d. About pets and obtaining ingredient points with the more recent updates- does a higher level, and/or stats/power/fusion# increase the amount of pts given? Does anyone know how long in real life does it take for pets to give stuff when you enter your land? I'm assuming... within an x period of time, you will gain a "stack". It accumulates additively until you enter your house, then resets. The more "stacks", he more yield of mats/pts.
  2. redsmite

    redsmite Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2020
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    A. Higher ingredients.
    B. The growth rate will stopped.
    C. Depends on what you cook, if it is just hp buff or str/int or something that doesnt require too much ingredient, then replanting every month is good enough. But if you are trying to cook dte buff, you need to replant every week. Also a crop that yields the highest amount of ingredient also changes every week. Sometimes it is wheat, sometimes it is tomato, sometimes it is cabbage, it is totally random.
    D. I have no idea.
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    slower degradation after harvest. the initial harvest points are the same, it just lasts longer.
    you can water anytime when they are not at max humidity. once they enter the dry stage, the points for this one harvest will drop based on the time passed in the dry stage.
    depends on how much material points you invested.
    but the only thing that matters is the quality(%), not the cost. just because one plant is more expensive, it isn't necessarily better than the others.
    planting costs are randomly generated every weekend.
    it's purely based on affinity. stacks may accumulate every hour, not sure about this.

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