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How will guilds be implemented more?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Raider_, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Raider_

    Raider_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I think GvG would be fun. I know the developers said PvP is out of the question, but there are still ways. Like how about, my idea, is:
    Kinda using another games idea, but something else can be thought of. So that game the two opposing guilds had bases, with a crystal with certain hp to protect. The objective was to destroy the other players crystal before they destroyed yours. Keep in mind, this was a pvp game, so when we killed a player they got sent back to their base and had to run back. But instead of it being an all out blood fest, why not try more strategy. Like, traps?
    Ok, traps are in Toram. I have whitnessed traps in guild maze. Have you ever just been running and all of a sudden you get hit for a lot of damage but there is no monsters around? You got hit by a maze trap. I was dead once, and saw it pop up (you know how you still run around after being incapacitated like a ghost...). But my team didn't. I was able to tap it to break the trap before it hit my team.
    What if we could use those in a way? It's late for me, but just an idea...

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