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My opinions on PVP

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by L-28, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. L-28

    L-28 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Alright, so I know I'm probably destroy the forums with this, but I don't believe that we should be asking the devs at Asobimo for PvP. Now, this isn't to say that I wouldn't mind seeing PvP implemented at a later date, but in Toram's current state it would only dampen the longevity. So, for these reasons, I have created a sperate thread from the petition thread made by @Kimesato.
    My apologies if this sounds incomplete, I am VERY tired and writting these right now, so...

    1) The game is far too early to implement a system that will surely need several updates to complete. 2) Something like PvP will surely not be completed and or playable over the course of several months, assuming that they are capable of producing it that quickly. 3) Not only that, but after its implementation, the following updates will likely be patches for this new separate game mode. 4) Assuming it takes almost 4 months for the devs to build separate maps, create damage indicators, etc... and there will be at least a total of 5 major updates that will pertain solely to the improvement and functuality of PvP, that will be a total of 8-10 months of updates spent on developing PvP. 5) It is widely acknowledged that Toram Online is still in development, and hasn't much content. 6) During the estimated 8-10 months, it would be likely that they will only have been able to accomplish creating PvP. 7) In the meantime, the community would likely rot away due to Toram's lack of new content. 8) The PvP would do very little in bringing back a crowd for an extended amount of time. 9) There for, it is impractical to add a PvP feature in Toram. 10) The methods used to contact and alert Asobimo are as impractical as PvP. 11) Although cheap and efficient, a signature list would do very little in persuading a company. 12) Also, while it is very easy for one to access, the use of change.org gives a vibe of immaturity and cheapness. 13) Not to mention, that I was able to trick this site into believing that I was Zyilda Lynk of Düsseldorf, Kazkhstan. 14) I am sure Asobimo would love to hear about Zyilda Lynk's contribution to the implementation of PvP. 15) Not only that, but it is encouraged to spam Asobimo with help tickets, all requesting PvP. 16) Doing this could result in restrictions leading to accounts being blocked from using the help tickets. 17) And legitimate pleas for help and bug reports may get mixed and overlooked along with the PvP requests.

    Thank you for reading, and please leave your thoughts in the comments. ^^
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  2. Spec-Ops

    Spec-Ops Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    image.jpg Stop!!! Your using common sense and logic. You can't use those when discussing pvp!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
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  3. Miyako

    Miyako Huehuehue Elite Member

    Jul 19, 2015
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    100% Agreed~
  4. Kimesato

    Kimesato Elite Member Elite Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Im not gonna waste my time on this little bait you placing here. I just deleted close to a whole essay of bad words and cursing. I'ma keep my opinion to myself, as thought you nicely stated I am immature and cheap ;). I am really containing myself as to drop to your level bro ;). I am really really gonna keep myself clear from your baiting xD.
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  5. Niflheimr

    Niflheimr Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Ofcourse not now. We signed the petition coz we like Asobimo to atleast consider developing PvP in the future coz they didn't have any plans of PvP in the first place, but who knows. I don't really like the tone of that word "cheap", coz I did sign it with my full name to legitimately support the cause lol, but who cares about names, as long as the one signing isn't a bot and petitions is usually noticed when a lot has signed it, so it's about numbers, not names? XD I'm not professional in this, just another opinion.
  6. Sherui

    Sherui Member

    Aug 21, 2015
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    xD I don't wanna fuel any fires here, but I agree too...
    After playing through 2 years of Iruna which also had people asking for pvp (and having it not be granted in the end), I can firmly say that pvp just isn't practical for Asobimo to implement in Toram.

    First of all, Toram, like Iruna, is target based combat. We can just auto target stuff and watch our characters hack away until it's dead. How would this be very fair in pvp with Toram's current gaming mechanics? Imagine, 2h warriors could one shot archers and archers could one shot mages from 16m away... The game was not created with the intent of implementing pvp. It simply won't work unless Asobimo developed a separate mode where the auto targeting is removed and free movement is implemented. This would completely change the battle system of the game (and would required a LONG period of development if they even considered it a good idea).

    My second reason is less practical and more personal. I really do not want Toram to become like avabel and such (as I have played that for a year+ as well since its alpha mode) I have experienced the development of pvp throughout such a game, and it comes with a heck of a lot of drama and hackers. Maybe it works with games like OnC etc, but Asobimo does a really lame job at regulating hacking in its mmos. Everyone know the speed hack? I first saw it in avabel before it moved into Iruna and now Toram(?). Another thing I am afraid of is that it becomes a P2W game... It would mess with the economy at a faster rate than it is naturally being messed up by RMT and such.
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  7. Squid

    Squid Ur Goldfish's lover Elite Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    It's ok if opinions are wrong~ ;)
    Though you've listed all(mostly) the cons of making a petition/sending tickets of pvp. You haven't realized that implementing pvp will increase player competition and it'll give players the feeling of wanting better/stronger gear. Sure this will really make people who like PvE but if PvP were to come in then they'll be new players who actually like PvP. If we were to spam Asobimo with tickets, they surely won't block us since they've only been using bots to respond to us instead of actually reading our tickets.

    There are lots of cons but there is also good reasons to implement PvP such as:
    1) More money for Asobimo from new gears and new players that PvP that has attracted with, with the money maybe updates will come out even sooner than before.
    2) If they were to overlook PvP they'll lose lots of players that actually play for the PvP and I doubt they want to lose any more players.
    3) PvP could replace the lack of content and give the players new goal and a new reason to farm materials and bosses for new gears.

    Though I know toram is new but there are classes that can benefit from PvP and it'll give Asobimo a new way of thinking as they add more updates.
    The content may be low but PvP doesn't have to be where anyone could be killed at any place, it could just be a dual between players or maybe guilds that want to prove to each other that one is superior to one another.

    I learned something in class today from my teacher, she said, "instead of bitching about it, give a solution so others don't have to deal with your crap".

    You should take on her advice.;)
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  8. Spec-Ops

    Spec-Ops Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Wrong on so many points.
    1: Pve bosses, mini bosses, and higher level mobs is what drives players to obtain better gear. Pvp would only make a certain minority segment of the population want "pvp" gear, not necessarily better gear in any way.
    2: Pvp is generally not a money maker in pve games, it's more like a money pit. Creating a secondary in-game system to accommodate pvp, pvp gear, pvp rewards, balancing classes for pvp, addressing player complaints, so on and so on all sucks up time, money, and developer resources that they would rather use on their bread and butter money maker " the pve game".
    3: This game will not loose people due to no pvp because its a pve game and pve is what has attracted the masses from day one. Instead what you would see is a mass exodus of pve players leaving once pvp has ruined an otherwise fine game.
    4: Pvp never replaces "a lack of content", it creates the cause for a lack of content. Game development is an extremely time consuming job writing code, checking for bugs, fixing bugs, placing it into beta, etc.. and unless a company has endless manpower and resources its a one way or the other deal. The devs either work on pve or pvp, but not both. Once they go the pvp route, updates for pve are far and few between.
    5: Lastly as far as dualing goes, I really don't want to get spammed for a hundred random dual requests everytime im in Sofya city. It's annoying enough getting all of the random friend requests.

    In short, pvp is an unbelievably bad idea for this game.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
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  9. Squid

    Squid Ur Goldfish's lover Elite Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I'm talking about in the future, pvp won't just come out in the next few months at all, it might take a year or so once the game has stabilized it's base.
    Also PvP might also be separate from PvE so the "money pit" is an optional thing instead of a mandatory thing. Also as for dual request, it's the same concept, you might have and option to turn it off or on, or it could just be a thing where you can only challenge friends/guildmates.
  10. Takanori-kun

    Takanori-kun I can heal impurities Elite Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    PvE makes more money than PvP....what?!
    Google Lineage,that game was PvP based,and it made 85 billion KRW.
  11. Spec-Ops

    Spec-Ops Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    You said it, "that game was pvp based", Toram is not. Toram is pve. But nice try. You could also take candy crush which also has nothing to do with Toram and is not pvp based and look at the millions it makes. Either way it's irrevilant to the thread.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
  12. Takanori-kun

    Takanori-kun I can heal impurities Elite Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I'm stating that mmorpgs with PvP as a core make more money than those which are focused on PvE.I said mmorpgs,not puzzle games and offline dungeon crawlers.
  13. Squid

    Squid Ur Goldfish's lover Elite Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Please keep in mind that it was related to the thread and this thread is talking about the possibilities of PvP. Nice try ;)
  14. Sherui

    Sherui Member

    Aug 21, 2015
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    In my view, if people want pvp, they should go play a pvp game like OnC... Toram was designed to be pve for a pve audience. With Asobimo's games' past experiences, Toram can be a successful game without pvp's implementation. As for people looking for a pvp game, I'm sorry to say that you have the wrong game. Asobimo does not have to change its game to cater to player needs since it already makes bank off avabel.
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  15. Cryous

    Cryous Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    I don't see why not for PVP, as long as it's arena type, completely optional sort of thing. As it is, Toram is pretty much the same, a lot of grind for a lotta nothing~ but some people are addicted to the grind so we keep coming back. PVP would toss in a little spice for everyone, even hardcore pve players(like me), as long as we're not forced into it.
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  16. L-28

    L-28 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I've decided to take you back on those bullet points you have, SO:
    1) I don't see how gear is associated with PvP, seeing that there are currently only a handful of armors out, and none of them cost real money. One thing you'be seemed to have overlooked was the fact that there are many other games that currently contain PvP. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the people looking for a PvP experience have already set their hearts on one of the other numerous games out on the market. If they were looking for something new? Sure, they might pick up Toram, but battling in PvP takes some time beforehand to grind. That means waiting for a long time just to find out if the actual mechanic is any good, and that could put some people off.
    2) If I were to ask a random person strolling around the streets of Soft a if they played Toram solely for the PvP, they would probably stare at me blankly with their character's expressionless face and type "...?" I doubt that anyone would be playing Toram if it was entirely for the slight chance that the devs might add a feature that has been to this day, unconfirmed.
    3) Possible? Yes. Plausible? Most likely not... As mentioned above, in points 2-4, it would take an insanely long amount of time just to get PvP up and running. In that time, most players would agree that the idea of getting an item with one more def., or getting another xtal, or more dye would become a chore after 4 months of just Asobimo promising that PvP is coming.

    Alright, then I shall.
    Put PvP off for a year or two. Put out some amazing updates every one in a while. Allow for the community to plataue. Gain a devout following. Get into a position where it's alright to abandon the players for the majority of a year. Then release PvP. The game's new. It's an infant, and it's reliant on your constant support and attention. If you leave it alone for too long, it'll shrivel up and die. But once it's stable and able to walk on its own two feet, then you can get some alone time to yourself. If we force PvP onto this game too early, it'll crumble under the amount of stress required to be self sustaining.
    I didn't make this thread to bash PvP, I made it to show how easily PvP could cripple it before it's even ready to start walking. I, for one, am excited to see where these developers will take us, what they will do to draw us in, to hook us. In order for them to do so, how ever, they must devote their attention to this child, and raise it. And that is why I am against PvP being implemented so soon.
  17. Squid

    Squid Ur Goldfish's lover Elite Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    As I've said before I mentioned that pvp wouldn't be coming out anytime soon. We're not looking forward to a pvp coming out in a few days, we're talking about futuristic Pvp and ideas.
  18. h0tcak3s

    h0tcak3s i want a pet beluga

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I am all for pvp, as long it's an arena type. not like a wild pokemon randomly appearing and you are forced into battle.
    i don't think the petition was meant to make toram a FULL pvp based game, see it as a maze ; just a little spice for the game on the side.
    but you really have to admit, there's really NOTHING to do atm other than farming and there are alot of players dropping out of the game because of this.
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  19. L-28

    L-28 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Which is why we need Asobimo to focus more on putting out new content, rather than PvP.
    Edit: Of course, what I mean is convincing them to make PvP happen now.
  20. h0tcak3s

    h0tcak3s i want a pet beluga

    Jul 24, 2015
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    i am pretty sure that is what they are doing as we speak, bud.

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