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Nagging Thread: Need for newer mat farming areas

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Alf Advent, May 25, 2021.

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  1. Alf Advent

    Alf Advent Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2020
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    The general consensus of what can be called as a material farming area is that
    > Easy to reach
    > Easy to kill mobs
    > Able to earn spina quickly
    > Higher material points

    but.... ughhhh.. who the friggin hell made ivy a farmable mob

    Its in Dark Shrine: middle... MIDDLE!! if you dont have teleport, it takes nearly 10 mins to reach the place from garden of ice and snow.

    The mob guards easily therefore it renders most halberds and physical farmers helpless, mages dont have enough damage to kill it in most cases without high investment. 1 mistake is a highway to hell.

    The Material drops are worth the same as bubble angel (easier to reach, 5mins or less) but ivy drops more arrows than apples, so proccing time comes really quickly.

    Newer maps have been released, but we're still stuck on farming ivy cause of the popularity, im pretty sure there are other mobs worth the friggin attention.

    sigh... well thats it for me, farming wood is the hardest thing after mana
  2. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
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