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Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by ThunderEmperor, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. ThunderEmperor

    ThunderEmperor Elite Member Elite Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    What makes that boss cast meteors?
    Is it sensitive to flinch?
    Easiest Tank to use in this boss?
    Any tips?

    Thanks a lot^^
  2. ★Preetam★

    ★Preetam★ Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2018
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    Well abt finstern i prefer ohs tank (tho u can use other tanks too) but the the main point is to have a tank with high resist
    The way i fight this boss is to first go behind the boss so it wont hit my pt mem then i take aggro and stay at same place while full fight i just keep aggro and use sanctuary (most important for me at this boss) due to which i hardly take any damage and just pdef some attacks so main point is to keep good resist + sanctuary+ stay at same place so my pt can fast kill
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  3. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Regarding venena, she casts deadly balls of death towards one person with the lowest aggro. This may look so fast, but I assure you it can be cancelled.

    This is why I don't recommend tumbling, stunning or flinching her if you are not the tank. A tank can cancel them with those ailments as long as they are not in cooldown. You interrupt it in the wrong time, expect disaster in the next moment.

    I don't recommend interrupting when she is firing laser. I don't recommend interrupting when she is stomping. I only recommend interrupts when she moves and starts to look upwards(the floor spike and bomb). The balls is much faster and harder to interrupt but doable nonetheless. Venena pauses a bit and looks away from the tank. Knuckle tanks have natural advantage here because of their interrupt bonus on martial skills. Also, Shield Cannon is much faster that Bash(martial skill).
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
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  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Venena isn't sensitive to interrupts so just try to do hard hit if you see the motion. For the locked hp, laser phase, in order to prevent meteor aoe, you can stay away at least 8m from venena, and either eat the laser or dodge to the side. Also be mindful of your range from pillars, just dodge the laser with minimum movement and keep casting aggro skills like warcry. Its good to put decoy beforehand.

    For finstern, the best tank is a tank with 100% ailment resist and high physical resist. I personally would only cast protection to boost my phys resist. But it all depends on your party setup. If you have a mage, the mage can lure the magic balls and hide behind the wall. It will not hit the mage. Guardian+protection would help out your meele members greatly. The only magic attacks that you would need to face as the tank is the magic spike of obscurophany and the meteor. The meteor hits hard though, so you want to either dodge or p. Def it.

    With the magic spike, you can either have high magic resist and withstand it using sanctuary, or, you can cast magic:wall to knockback obscurophany to prevent it from casting the spike.

    Once you unlock the interrupt phase(about half of fins hp). You want to periodically do the cc skills to disable the crit resist, but always save one or two interrupt available so you can interrupt finstern when it starts to cast the balls(it will turn and face the target, which is the one furthest). A sword tank is good because hard hit is relatively fast. My usual order of interrupts are tumble>stun>flinch. Flinch could be used more freely but you always want to keep 1 cc skill available to cancel the balls. I usually let the physical members tumble the boss. You'll know immediately because once the hp reach the interruption phase, those impact >dps skill spammer would always trigger the tumble. Then wait for a while to do the stun. Afterwards use flinch, but you need to know whether the tumble has been used or not. If tumble ald re-inflicted, save the flinch to interrupt the ball aoe. Cast your aggro combo w/sanctuary after using the interrupts. Cast magic:wall if you have it.

    Not the best run possible, the interruption was meh. I didn't manage to cancel the balls due to me being locked in combo. Should've use less combo there. There's also no impact spammer there so I had to do manual tumble.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
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