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Vanishing Item (Jeremiah Mail?)

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by Davies677, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. Davies677

    Davies677 New Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    Jack Jon Valois
    I have been using the same items to wear as apparel for years as you can see in my picture.

    I synthesized my set into another the other day to transfer stats from a VERY very very expensive item for the appearance to bug out and take on the form of the opposing item I chose.

    What was strange is when I equipped/unequipped the item it would stay in the form I chose at the synthesist for about a minute.

    I decided to yet again synth in into another set of jeremiah mail I made to restore the appearance and it seemed to be fine for a couple days. Now it has just vanished off my character on login.

    Not sure if this is a corrupted item issue with Jeremiah Mail specifically since it seems to only happen with it. I poured years of spina into that item and then more to restore the color for it to vanish into oblivion.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    if the equipment was not synthesized correctly due to a bug, they may have fixed it by restoring it to it's original state.
    in that case it would be unequipped since you had the 'bug item' equipped which no longer exists.
    did you check your bag for the armor?

    alternatively, they might have confiscated the item as per the penalty policy regarding abuse of glitches and bugs.

    you can contact the customer support from the orb shop menu in-game, or from the official website.
    although the game is understaffed so the response time is long, especially now that the holidays are near. (customer service is closed over new years)

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