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who would like a new class that uses magic attack?

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by KryKryKrey, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. KryKryKrey

    KryKryKrey New Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    This is a fictional class that i would like to see in future. Pls give feedback if you have something to say.


    Weapon:flying sphere, a sphere continues to float around the Caster by casting spell and attacking the caster's base.
    range Normal Attack 12m
    you deal magic dmg and scale with Matk


    Level 0-1
    Zap: deal dmg in a straigh line the Spark has a widht of 2m and lenght of 12m, range 8m. Mana cost 2

    sphere mastery:increase Atk when eqquiping Flying sphere as main weapon. Passive

    More sphere:Summon one sphere to increase Ampr e normal attack dmg. you lose 1 sphere if you take damage until you return to 1 sphere
    the max number of sphere you can use at the same time is 3/4/5 at the skill level 1/5/10. Mana cost 3

    Level 1-1
    Ignis: Deal dmg and have a chance to burn the hitten enemy the chance is doubled on the main target(50% chance at level 10)
    the Spark has a widht of 2m and lenght of 12m, range 8m. Mana cost 3

    Walking attack:now you can attack while moving the dmg attacking this way is lowerd by 50/60/70/80/90 at level 1/3/5/7/9
    at level 10 you can cast sphere skill while moving however the dmg is lowered by the same ammount of normal attack.Passive

    Level 2-30

    cooling down: Deal dmg around the sphere, the dmg is icrease for every charge of overheat you have, consume al the charge.
    Halved the mana cost of the next skil, this skill isn't affected by Hoverheat:Mana cost 4

    Frostbite: Deal dmg and Froze the hitten enemy the chance is doubled on the main target(50% chance at level 10)
    the Spark has a widht of 2m and lenght of 12m, range 8m. Mana cost 4

    Overheat:When you cast a spell without moving the spark become a beam tha deal dmg and on-hit effect every second.
    Launch skill in this way make you get a charge of Overheat every sec at 10 stack you burn yourself for 3 sec every 2 sec,
    1 charge last for 10 sec.Passive

    Level 3-70

    Coilgun: Deal a icredible amount of dmg that is increase by the charge of overheat, consume al the charge.
    this skill isn't affected by Walking attack and Hoverheat.widht 1m, lenght 30m, range 16m. Mana cost 8

    SafeField: Deal knockback at the enemy around you, the knockback is doubled if you are the target. the knockback is
    0.5/1.25/2/2.75/3.5.this skill isn't affected by Walking attack and Hoverheat Mana cost 1

    StablePosition:Launch a skill without moving make you deal more dmg. every second you gain 3% more dmg at a max
    dmg of (skillLvl/2)*3, 15% at level 10, when you reach the max amount of bonus dmg you can get a ulterior 10% if you have
    10 charge of hoverheat. Passive

    Bright ray: Deal a little dmg and blind(75% chance at lvl1 10) the target,this skill isn't affected by Hoverheat.
    this skill can hit only one target.Mana cost 1

    Level 4-150

    DeathRay:You passively earn a stack when you consume a charge of overheat to max of 25. Deal high dmg in a straigh line
    for 3 sec without generate overheat ,after you deal a tick of massive dmg that increase with the number of stack
    (1stk=1%moreDmg),consuming all of the stak, then every 5 sec you re-apply the massive dmg without the bonus dmg.
    Widht 3m,Lenght 30m, Range 16m, the massive dmg Width is 5m.This skill isn't affected by Walking attack.Mana cost 17

    LaserShower:Comand all of your sphere to go in the target location,after a small delay they begin to cast 3 waves
    of light pillar in rapidly succession deal decent dmg and slowing the enemy hitten, if a enemy is alredy slowned then he will get
    paralysed.this skill isn't affected by Hoverheat.While casting this skill you can't cast other skill or do Normal attack
    The amount of sphere used increase the range and the dmg a little. 1/3/5/7 sphere used 6/8/10/12m radius and 1.25/2.5/3.75/5%dmg
    After the cast every sphere return in theyre past location.Mana cost 6

    Detach: Detach one of your sphere in your current location,the detached spheres will attack the enemy in his range generate
    physical proration and help with ampr. when you cast a skil the detached spheres will replicate the skill doing very less dmg
    you can have a total of 2 detached sphere.Detached sphere can't cast Detach,LaserShower,SafeField and Moresphere.
    If the detached sphere get hitten by a redZone or BlueZone attack get destroyied.Mana cost 2
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    instead of creating new magic weapons, make the skills exclusive to main weapon MD.

    after all, books and maces are staves, axes and sickles/scythes are swords.
    that makes orbs MDs (half of them are machines anyway and not all are wing shaped or positioned on the back.)

    this is like the crusher skill tree would be for "glove" weapons which are not knuckles.
    but it isn't.
    so if this is for MDs like crusher skills for knuckles, it will be fine.
    • Like Like x 4
  3. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    That class already existed in Iruna and they fxckxd it up with magic blade on Toram. If they would add the enchanter class I would do it 170% sure

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