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Staff question

Discussion in 'Mage' started by Kaisyl, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Which of the two would be better in the long term?
    Common neg stats:
    A) -10% HP regen
    B) -10 MP regen
    C) -10 Dodge

    Common pos stats:
    A) +10% MATK
    B) +15% CSPD
    C) +15 CRT
    D) + Water Element

    Variable stat:
    1) +5% M.pierce
    2) +10% INT
    3) +10% ATK
    4) +15% Against Fire/Other element

    The build is Staff/Dagger with magic blast and magic burst as the dps skills and finale as a finisher if the opportunity presents itself. Need a staff that can fit multiple situations and would prefer to not have flinch ailment on magic blast due to reactive bosses.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    -10% HP regen
    regenerate 10% slower after battle. doesn't affect you that much when your maxHP is low.

    -10 MP Regen
    this reduces MP regen by a flat 10. if your maxMP is less than 1000, you will lose MP outside of battle.

    -10 dodge
    same effect as if the enemy is 10 levels higher than you. depending on the enemies hit stat, your dodge rate may decrease by 2-3%.

    +10% matk
    nothing wrong with this

    +15% cspd
    this will only raise your base cspd obtained through DEX (and AGI).
    it has no effect on cspd from equipment, skills and potions.

    +15 crit
    good, if you can afford it.

    Water Element
    Freeze increases the attack interval by 100% on mobs and 50% on bosses.
    most effective on slow attackers.

    +5% magic pierce
    it's like reverse matk. the effect scales with the enemy stat instead of your own.
    usually more effective on big monsters rather than small ones.

    +10% INT
    gives you up to 25 INT (more after stat cap increment), which is 100matk and 25atk (and a minor amount of mdef and aspd).
    considering that you use both, it is more effective than 10%matk+atk.
    (regarding 10%matk, it increases only your base matk, not the number shown on your stat screen.)

    +10% atk
    if you can afford it. without STR there are better choices, though.

    +15% against element
    more effective than 10%matk/INT, but conditional.
    it's a matter of preference.
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  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The 10% INT seems to be the most useful tho general wise.

    Thanks for the info

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