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are you the SHOGUN?

Discussion in 'Katana' started by XCLS, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. XCLS

    XCLS Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    yeah I know the title is cringey but I just rlly need your attention rn.

    been looking for katana builds(especially by on skills variation) over yt. however, I am quite perplexed because I cant quit configure the propensity on their builds. I meant with how on-set their builds are(what I meant with "on-set" is that it is already at the endstage,. their build are). as a returning player I need to be keen( really keen with the massive changes rn lol quite pressed n stressed tbh) how will be the build at early stages as SP points and lvl reqs for the skills are an issue(such as can't get this skill due to the lack of skill so which should I pick first or prio first at this lvl etc. or which is much more viable skill for a steadfast progress). currently at lvl183 and here are my eqs ik its kinda driven but any insights are gladly appreciated.

    note: hoping to have a build with this set till the end coz have no spina to change it. also is there any new or much more suitable stat build?? or is it still dex then str vice versa(by pers.). TYSM

    Screenshot_2020-07-18-13-32-38-54_b42843d3a70b815a618a9d49e017934f.jpg Screenshot_2020-07-18-13-32-48-72_b42843d3a70b815a618a9d49e017934f.jpg Screenshot_2020-07-18-13-32-57-42_b42843d3a70b815a618a9d49e017934f.jpg Screenshot_2020-07-18-13-33-02-56_b42843d3a70b815a618a9d49e017934f.jpg
  2. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    The skill and stat allocation? Is that even a problem?

    If you're copying a build it's just like tracing a drawing. You prioritize (1) Core skills- attack and passives, (2) additional skills such as buffs and more passives. There's really no problem following the recommended stat either.
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  3. XCLS

    XCLS Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    I get really dumb when dumbfounded. tysm for this, it clarifies some points to me.

    maybe the issue for me is the inclination of my current eqs to the current build(s)?? I guess..
  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Katana doesn't really have big changes with the playstyle. All you need to have is tenryuu, magadachi and kairiki ranshin. Spare SP can then be used to get skills such as decoy shot, brave aura and godspeed wield. For gears modestia have aspd and the ampr with high crit, but for damage the new npc 5th anniv katana should be a good choice, it has 14% unsheathe, 7% srd, 7%dex, 15% pierce and 30 crit. The pierce is especially good because katana have relatively low base atk. The crit is decent, with crit armor, base crit and crit food buff, you'd have enough crit. For crit resist bosses you can use bear hat instead of top hat.
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  5. XCLS

    XCLS Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    ahh yes the boss and food factors thx for pointing this out

    I guess my issue is not on build but on recollection of katana/game fundamentals
  6. 18 characters long

    18 characters long Active Member

    May 21, 2020
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    or you could just make your own build. use the cc skill sim to simulate your desired skill set. for stats str>dex higher cdmg, lower dmg on high def bosses. dex>str higher base atk, slightly better on higher def bosses

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