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Information - Eon Lore Fantasm

Quick Overview

Embark adventures together, into reality.
Created at:
Nov 25, 2017
Toram Online Guilds
Discussion Messages:


Eon Lore Fantasm is a guild that made upon the knowledge of perception. It was from a greater age that has belief that makes illusion, become our reality not by mind but from heart. This time and onwards it will always remain an enigma, that will never severed the ties between each members of ELF Guild. No matter where we go, ELF will always be the unending Guild of reality, for us.

a story that is one of a kind...
that reaches our inner heart and soul...
a guild where we can always go...
a place where unity, love and happiness surrounds...

This is Eon Lore Fantasm Guild.


1. Be kind to one another
2. No scamming of members
3. Avoid inappropriate behavior
4. Respect each other
5. Be honest
6. Be proud of our Guild
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2019, Updated By: Playerkaiser