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New game system requirements May 17th

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Aoz, May 9, 2018.

  1. wfoojjaec

    wfoojjaec Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    For those worried with Samsung Galaxy and 4.3~4.4 on board - seriously, dont give a fvck. I still got a 4.2 Prestigio tablet with a random, old MediaTek SoC, that runs Toram. The only glitch I saw so far was animation simplification on some items, and it was a last update. And lags with Marchitar-like skills were always there, cause of sh1tty coding.
    • Sad Sad x 1
  2. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Asobimo listen to reports. Btw I've been playing for 15 mos now and I can say with all players from all servers, I doubt it's millions. What u referring to is the downloads and huge % of it are the "add me" exploiters you defending. Like u said players are banned each month but I think it's just temporary coz these banned players can always make new one to violate tos again. That's why I suggest to redesign the trading system to kill/minimize the exploit activity coz let's be real majority of the players who do exploits is for easy fast Spina for RMT. And yeah not easy but still easier than getting Spina the legit way. You just standing in 1 spot shout it and emblems will rain right? Prolly 100 friends in 2hours? And if your livelihood depends on it u can do it whole day by just deleting char and making new one.
    I've spent enough time learning game mechanics, class I chose, and observing the community where they stand. And yeah reality truly hard to accept, many veterans who suppose to guide new players are sometimes the ones abusing, tolerating, teaching players they unite on exploits
    I don't need bot to enjoy the game. So keep calm and don't be mad bro if youre offended don't show the world you're starting to loose it xD.
    Haters gonna hate. If y'all can't get your shit straight just STFU coz everything will be real now and u might not like it when one day somebody slaps you with reality. I understand why you're mad coz for how long game is running nobody cares. This is something new and I understand why many hates it. Exploiters may see me toxic to them but for me theyre cancer
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
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  3. bloodytolits

    bloodytolits Hiatus. Playing Ragnarok M Elite Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    1.) It's actually easy to just set up a macro spamming add mes and accept friend request in Rakau. You just leave it there and come back to receive emblems. Almost no effort needed.

    Some probably reported it but most likely removing that feature(friend rewards) would screw with the code or something, that's why they're not doing it. Or just plain laziness, who knows?

    2.) Are you seriously approving the use of bot? Bot kills the economy. Add mes kills orb purchase. Shit economy + little orb purchase = dead game. Look what happened to Avabel Online.
  4. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    -asobimo listen to reports. yeah i know that, but what about it?
    i dont even care if u r the first player that plays toram

    -so u want everything to be non tradable or can only be traded once? so that everyone will buy orb for literally everything ?(just like nowadays mmorpg that have hundreds of servers, an absolute p2w.) XD lets see how much amount of people agree with that. maybe players r quitting before even trying to disagree with that :v
    -u can say all of this things because u r already a richie refiner. this time u dont look at other player that is beginner, still needs help, u dont even care about giveaway.
    -100 friends in 2 hours? where did u get this? from ur delusional mind? ah i see then. i would bet 10 accounts a day on that,
    -spending so much time learning the game mecha? isnt that what many people does?
    -and so did many richie guy that supposed to teach how to get spina efficiently and be nice is sometimes the one that always show off, and never listen to other.
    -everyone has its own way to enjoy the game. also im just laughing on much of your unprovable explanation. u post like u certainly know how asobimo works.
    -"reality slaps me" ? XD thats it? here lemme show u what real is. people that is easily judging other, will never ever get a good chance on reality.

    but nonetheless im sure u wont understand it anyway....
    u already set ur mind on high and mighty state, like none shall stains me
    • Sad Sad x 2
  5. bloodytolits

    bloodytolits Hiatus. Playing Ragnarok M Elite Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Asobimo already did the no trading in Avabel. Don't wait till they do this to Toram because of Uncontrollable botting.

    And you seriously don't know how easy it is to bot add mes. Doesn't matter if it takes 2 hrs. or 10 hrs., you literally don't have to work for it.
  6. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Lol can't argue with someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. People full of insecurities, self centered, bending wrong to get it right for his own self interest and most of all lacks the experience on how to play mmo. I don't need people to agree to me. What all I said are facts and normal people with properly aligned principle can tell.
    It's funny you said I'm saying that beacause im super rich refiner already? When my toon in 1 year is a 1 atk tank, not a farmer class, not a blacksmith, not a crafter, I do refine only my gears but if you can show this forum proof that I sold a refining service, I will quit the game immediately. There are many ways in game you can get spina. You don't need to do exploits. Youre just showing us from your agument that youre a cheater and youre even proud of it and don't even care what will be the possible effects.
    You better give yourself a moment to reflect on your life. It's very clear you need to re-align it.
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
  7. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    1. u dont even know that people are actually cancelling friend request on bot don't u?
    if toram can have new feature like adding and removing event achievements, why cant they remove the friend reward achivements? screwing code XD, more like screw this, the fact that its still hanging up there. :v

    2. meh, did i ever say that i approve bot? no. but judging that every bot user is the villain behind everything no matter who that is even if its the veteran? thats why i reply. look for more informed fact rather than just gut feeling

    -did bot really kills economy? then we shall look on what happened here. selling nc, farm mana and other mats easier (so u can stat more by using macro every 3-4 min for 3-5 hours), getting extraction xtal easier to more player that needs it but have no orb, keeping piercer from skyrocketing price (not every single player is unbelievably rich)
    just imagine if every players that use macro, change their way to earn spina into refining, getting xtal, equips, and making potion. the price of those things would fall down miserably, the game gets more boring and boring, not everyone have a good party for pve all the time, not everyone have their luck to refine, not everyone is lucky enough to get xtal and rare equips.
    in summary, using macro is enlarging the economy scale on toram. so there would be more than just pve, refining, and waiting for events. it would just be too boring like that=dead game too
    the real solution is that the dev adds more content and feature that doesnt require luck to get more spina.
    is bot/macro dirty? yes it is
    but the benefits is slightly better than the risks
    • Sad Sad x 1
  8. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    and people that is so in denial and delusional like u, that says i already done enough time learning toram mecha, the one that feels like knows fully on how to play mmo, the one that never look and try to know at how the other is doing, always think that he/she is the righteous one, will always give negative thoughts to other. u will always blame the other for your incapacity.

    u dont have enough proof and fact, blame the other that he doesnt know what he is talking about
    u dont have the experience, says that i dont need other people to agree with me
    u feel like u have the fact? yes its a fact only for a certain people like u
    • Sad Sad x 3
  9. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    U can learn it too if you not relying on cheats and explore game on your own. game is easy it's not a rocket science that you need to cheat for you to be competitive.
    I'm done with this sorry for off topic. Make all items non tradeable! Haters gonna hate :p
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  10. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    yes its true that asobimo erased trade n stall on avabel. but what comes then? an even more decreasing amount of player than before on avabel, marking its dead period. tis trully was a mistake that is delivered by asobimo on taking its policy to handle the fraud. and now we can see avabel players are migrating to toram.
    asobimo clearly knows this n if they're smart enough, they wont repeat the same mistake twice.
    instead, asobimo should just adds more exciting content than bots n macros. this way asobimo can also prevent the fraud that will possibly happened in the future. because erasing 1 danger will just adds more possibilty for another danger to show up.
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  11. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Last shot coz I see u really got no idea on what u talking about "an even more decreasing amount of player than before on avabel"? Who's leaving are not players. It's the cheaters/exploiters. On the contrary it's the best move the company made to protect it's investments and protect legit player's money worth. And since u said it yourself cheaters/exploiters migrating in Toram. More than enough reason why dev should do it here as well. Asobimo if you spying here you can envision what might happen to Toram. Don't make same mistake like Avabel did. Remove/modify the trading system as early as possible to protect your company's investments.
    Last promise ;)
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
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  12. ashe191

    ashe191 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2018
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    erasing trading system in a mmorpg? lol

    at least ask another people in the forum to aggree with you, if there is one

    if you really want to play the "no trade" mmorpg, feel free to back on avabel and dont come back on toram, easy right? ;)
    • Sad Sad x 1
  13. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    but the person u reply above is already done, (more like give up on thinking more), he only feels whats right is in his head
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  14. hero071

    hero071 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Bs Tech
    sam sung and devs died
    why sam did sing -.-
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  15. bloodytolits

    bloodytolits Hiatus. Playing Ragnarok M Elite Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Don't be stupid pls.

    1.) Newbies that want quick friends can just go to rakau and add all those Add me bots. You know why there are too many of them and they don't seem to decrease? Because it freaking works.

    2.) You said on your post that if you want to bot then bot. If that is not what you meant then sorry, your grammar is kinda hard to understand. And you're actually defending them with this post LoL.

    3.) Bots are flooding the market with spina and items. Do you know what inflation rate is? What about supply and demand? Someone said there is a 100m spina emblem, imagine players getting that without doing anything.

    What about those who legitimately farm? Screw them? The time farming isn't even worth the effort because items are cheap. Farming NC for 2 hours would only get you around 170k+ spina LoL. Bots gets millions without doing anything.

    NC isn't even needed anymore as leveling is faster now. Which is more fun, actually playing the game or just standing there ogling Lefina? Tech/Luck builds? If you know what you're doing then you can grind those too without using NC.

    Mana mats can be farmed with seasonal events.

    You don't need piercers. You can craft gears with slots. Lots of crafting but still you don't need it.

    Cheap orb items? Guess what, you're killing the actual paying costumers. Those costumers that keeps Toram afloat. You do know that Toram is kinda dropping on the top revenue list on google play right?

    Cheaters are only helping themselves. They kill the economy. They kill legit players. They kill the game.

    What people seems to forget is MMOs are meant to be a grindfest. Tell me an MMO that doesn't need grinding(proper MMO, not those private servers with 1m times drop rate). You don't want to grind? Then don't freaking play MMOs.
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  16. mbuh2

    mbuh2 Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    and dont be too blind please
    1. the fact that "friend achievent" system is still there, and there's no single plan from asobimo on removing it, means its still safe for the dev, this "add me" topic is originated from how would the dev have a financial loss by this system. branched off into the cause that "nobody reports the add-me thing"-said by someone above
    i never said that "add-me" is safe for every player, i never said that it wouldn't hurt or make some players mad, oh did u think i meant u? awh im sorry to make u undeniably mad...

    2. if u wanna bot then bot, if u cant then so be it. thats not clear enough? okay lemme get u an urban dictionary. it says that 'so be it' means: Expression of acceptance. so in a more detailed explanation, if u cant bot with whatever reason u have, then just dont bot. instead of whining all the way, moreover blaming the veteran. not clear enough? go have some rest

    3. bots r flooding the market with spina n items. so u dont want it to be flooded with bot? if it is what u want, then u have to agree that every item u see now like piercer, nc, gem run, extraction xtal, etc will get a more expensive price than the current price. if u r okay with that, thats totally alright. but how much people would disagree if the prices are going up?
    -i do know what an inflation rate is, when a price go up for a certain period of time. The cause? first, when most of sellers keep their item to sell for a higher price at a later time, second when there's too much quantity of money supply. u think bot makes prices go up, inflation? seriously? r u sick or something? more bot, more items= inflation, prices go up? so unreasonable.
    if u r so worried about the spina distribution on players, lemme give u some hint* (orichalcum, taxes on cb, transactional things with npc)
    - now u talk bout supply n demand? really? more bot=more item, more item= cheaper price. cant get a grasp of it? learn your economic class carefully next time.
    - o wow someone told u? 100m spina? look now i dont actually care if u disagree with me, but when u have these unprovable statements, thats when i start laughing. now look carefully. there is no 100m spina achievement :v. that "someone" must be affecting u so much that u can trust it right away without any proof. there's only 1m spina achievements by killing 1m mob. however, even if u wanna get that one, try and feel how hard it is. i know u r going to say, ugh he uses bot n macros so it will be easier.
    -well tell u what? how much people that are actually doing that achievements intentionally? (not because he is a cassy or nc farmer). i find zero, if u can find more, i would gladly appreciate that.

    4. i said screw ur previous arguments on friend achievements due to the fact that friend achievement is still hanging up there. why would u even bring it to screw the legitimate farmer XD ?

    5. bots get millions without doing anything... yeah i heard that a lot. but people who said that, never tries to actually use bot to "get millions without doing anything...." so how can i trust u on that? feeling?

    6. leveling is faster now? yes it is. NC isnt needed anymore? i wonder why the hell is NC still selling like hotcakes. if players dont need NC for whatever reason available, then who buys these NCs all the time?

    7. seasonal mana mats events, so now u wont need cassy anymore.... man i'd really love to see a seasonal stater, so profitable, can we make it into seasonal refiner too? XD

    8. Well this is the most interesting one "U dont need piercers, craft 2s urself !" i must admit this is surprisingly touching, touching my arse that is. if they dont need piercers, there wouldn't be anyone looking/selling for piercers already...

    9. u know what? i do microtransactions for orbs too. so i literally making toram afloat while killing myself? hmm interesting
    "revenue ranks kinda dropping?" what if i say "kinda ridiculous without any proof"

    10. in denial person, a delusional person without the right proof. they cant accept what other says. they get angry each time someone disagrees with them. they always try to look for another person's fault instead of improving themselves. they r toxic and worse than a macro user
    • Sad Sad x 1
  17. dislikeYourCensorship

    dislikeYourCensorship Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    such kind of game work only in the usa market of apple users, in best case

    all games restricted that way have died few weeks after launch

    can someone succeed in making a worse suggest than this ?

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  18. dislikeYourCensorship

    dislikeYourCensorship Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    oh i got it, you are the big wallet white knight, and ignorance is your main weapon

    let me teach you a piece of real world : if you kill all poors, you will not be rich anymore

    if the poor can no more survive, cheaters will leave, right, but...
    poors will leave too, then...
    middle class will leave a bit later, then...
    you will leave, proudly for sure xD

    you have to face the truth : time is money, and money is time

    those you call cheater have time

    you have money

    accept you both need each others

    or destroy the world with your fascism !
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  19. hero071

    hero071 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Bs Tech
    *grabs popcorn
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  20. wfoojjaec

    wfoojjaec Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    I definitely don't like you, Jbazt. But this time it's not you. It's Asobimo way of handling support. I still do not understand, why I must know on which time did the bug occur according to JST timezone (seriously, does Android API have a time() function? please, enlighten me), fill my account and character details, while I am logged in as that exact character and try to fill in bug report, while I got a SMS-limit to describe a problem.
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