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Economy dying?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Mooh, Sep 28, 2018.


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  1. Mooh

    Mooh Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    Hi! My name is Mooh, i’m a vit bs and have been crafting for a long time. Now, i noticed that the price keeps going low and low and low. This is the problem in toram. If this keeps up.. sellers, crafters, farmers, and statters will have no profit and this not only affects the players but the economy as well. I just want to voice my out own opinion about this problem and ofcourse, you might think that it’s because of supply and demand?
    Sure, supply and demand are one of the reasons why this is happening.
    1: add me army
    2. Bot farmers
    3. Scammers

    These three should stop, so the demand will go up, and the supply will be limited resulting in the rise of the economy.
    Now, one other problem is:
    The buyers keep on demanding lower price despite the hardwork of our fellow crafters, farmers, statters, etc. This should also not be abused as it can affect the whole economy itself. Supposing one is to get a rare xtal that costs about 12m(like bapho), and this’ll be abused by the buyers to sell it for only (8m). If this keeps going on and on and on for months..YEARS, bapho’s worth could just disappear.

    But alas, i’m not crying or anything. I just wanna say what’s on my mind and this has affected my friends(bs crafters) daily income as they work hard to get the mats.

    Ty. Peace.
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  2. Glaive™

    Glaive™ Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2018
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    What item are u referring to exactly?
    Besids Anti-Deg, Mino skin, and NC everything else is pretty standard in terms of value
  3. t(^_^t)

    t(^_^t) make your mama proud Elite Member

    Nov 16, 2017
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    It might help if you diversified your products. I have a vit, dex, luck smith, and a tech/int-smith/synth. I also have stargems so I can tame any pet and sell as another revenue stream. When I need metal and beast I sell excess eb, I also farm new 150 mats to further grow proficiency and product line.

    The low pricing is because of cause and effect. Supply is indeed higher than demand. Because summer shell is still in people's storage fc armor wouldn't fetch a high price yet. I have sold many refine to +E fc16 arm for a little over 1mil, while weapons I made and statted fetch 3-7mil. So instead of armor sell weapons.

    The sudden need of tanks during Perfect Avatar, Gespenst2, Tite-chan, and anniversary fights have also increased the number of vit smith/tanks which further lowered armor pricess. You also have to remember that York drops arm mats. York is a leveling pittstop so arm mats are cheap, max pot holy robes would be cheap, people would buy that over something with 100+ defense selling north of 100k, so high pot 100+ def arm pricess would also be lowered.

    If prices are low for something make and sell something else. I highly doubt botters/tuyuls affect higher level crafted gear because it's harder to farm mats.
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  4. Koto

    Koto Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Hmmm i sell holy for 100k 1s :cool:
  5. Mooh

    Mooh Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    I get about 1-2 2s adv garb at average of 37-39 pot. It used to sell much but now.. idk xD maybe soon, 2s adv garb will lose its worth :/
  6. Arakiel

    Arakiel Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    It would, with +17 stats coming and all. I have all bs chars but most of the time I craft weapons to stat refine and sell, or new arms when they come out. Don't really use vit bs much now, but it will be in demand when new level cap comes.
  7. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Better gamble on higher armors then. Tuyuls are affecting that low end product. Plus, it is over saturated already. Im pumping up my finale farmer so it can farm boss mats more efficiently. Im also starting to think about if i should make my own tank smith after i am finished with my alchemist hybrid. Then again i was always into npc gears so time can only tell.
  8. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    yeah...but i think it would still be alot of useful.
    before we used to do max 6% crit dmg/16 crit dmg/16 crit/16% crit on it

    but as time goes on...potentials and the stat limit raise,and this exceeds the capabilities of adv garb base pot.
    but even that doesn't matter much now tbh,since gespenst 2,shave ice hat,megiston xtal give a whole lot of flat crit to add into a full 100.

    nowadays I can just use 7% crit DMG/16 crit DMG/16 crit/-10% aggro on 2 slot adv garb and still can get more than 100 crit rate,and no doubt more gears with inflatable crit rate is coming in the future too.

    it is only a matter of time before everyone switch into that one and only stat combo on adventurer garb.
    full damage like others,with the exception of -16% crit rate which doesn't even affect much.

    *Also,by the way what you're saying and asking is harder and more complex to handle than you think.

    1- Add me army : they are annoying yes,and very eyesore to watch,but they contributed for the blacksmiths 2 slot S refines/Extractions and most of the gem runs in the game (which take up minimum 40% economy part)

    -they already run roots down into the game,with them completely removed,2 slot or 1 slot refined items will become extremely hard to refine and expensive.

    -leading to :

    > Blacksmiths large and severe decrease in income
    > More spinas required to refine things,more materials too,which leads to more people resort to botting and gang up on the poor blu cow

    -without gem runs,people can only farm "casually" and bot most of the time,and the price for a "true" gem run would drastically increased.

    >Scammers will take advantage of this situation
    >Normal players who cannot bot will start to lose their motivation to play.They will always lose to bots no matter how much they farm and how hard they worked.Also their equipment is Bretty ️Bad now since bosses keeps getting stronger and they have no spinas to get better equipments.

    2 - Bot farmers : That's where all the EB,Mithril ores,Anti-Degrations,Nightmare Crystals,Materials,and various etc....etc... important and crucial items came from,So ya you get the picture of what will happen if they are gone.

    3 - Scammers : the suckest and most useless of all,lazy too.
    die now pls k thx

    - PS: now this is only part of my opinion and way of thinking about these economy problem,I'm not exactly the type who lash out randomly when a tuyul sells gemruns for 3m/slot,I like to think about what i can gain afterwards...

    - asobimo might have also think about the consequences if they put an end to it,if it's that simple they would have already done it by now but things have taken way too deep into the core of balance.

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
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  9. Lil☆Neko

    Lil☆Neko Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    I can totally sympathize with how it feels when the market on stuff like armor is dropping. Blacksmiths are at their lowest time for income right now, as no one needs weapons as of now, or they lowball because the demand is already satisfied by summer shells AND anniversary event. Since whatever currently craft-able weapons lose to anniversary weapons, there is basically no reason for people to keep on crafting anniversary weapons, so many people probably have reset their one of their TEC smiths into an arm smith (or built an arm smith from scratch) to keep up with their income from usual crafting. I think this slum of prices will stop once Venena weapons are craftable (hopefully - please let them be craftable - it'll be anniv 2.0), as there will be much more diversity in products that will be able to sell for a good price then.
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  10. AlphaArchane

    AlphaArchane Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2018
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    Lol at least at least 1 and 2 contribute to toram economy 3 one should just die or rot in hell
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  11. Duzzie

    Duzzie Member

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Nah its going to be ruined like irunas economy where ganei now cost 30-50m
  12. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Your whole reply is clearly YOUR ENDS JUSTIFYING THE MEANS

    • orb items was meant to be acquired using purchasing orbs. thats a part of game that is supposedly for the company to them to earn something in return. releasing and maintaining a game doesnt cost air. its even optional and not mandatory, theyre even giving away free orbs/avatars just by simply logging in most events. Tuyuls activity is an exploit that doesnt only deny that to them, its also can affects others who are willing to legally buy orbs to think twice if its worth it. Why would I spend in shop when the stuffs i might get be worth nothing due to the oversupply? Why should I pay when others are doing it for free? It will result to that player doing it as well (coz noobs are impatient, greedy, doesnt really know shit how to trully play mmo) and it can become a virus that will spread so fast that may affect future game operations.
    • what if i tell you you dont need spina to refine. that you can farm all materials in game. That part of your statement is maybe the result of the game became so dependent on spina that you thought its the only way to refine. mmorpg is all about farming what you need. once you play a game with no trade you will experience how mmo should be trully played.
    • Even without gemruns, game consistently doing a weekly boost, you can have +drop bonuses from guild, if you trully want a drop fast then they offer gem chest in shops. The greedy and impatient nature of new gamers resulting on seeking faster and easy ways as possible.
    • I beg to disaggree. Normal player cant have good gears/weaps/etc because they dont have spina. its because nobody teaching, guiding them, wants to help farm with them. Many Guilds are so relying on BOTS, TUYULS, MODS botting they only use their main accounts when theres a weekly boost, an event, or new gears came need to update what they need. on normal days they rather spend the time playing on botting, tuyuls, mods gaming for fast spina. newbees cant find any help at all even from their own guild that many were forced to do like their aka VETERANS doing that will result to guild members not contributing any points at all.
    • even before i barely use NC for lvling my main. and now leveling not even a problem coz theyve improved exp from boss/miniboss per difficulty/level + daily emblems exp bonus even though theyre offering a monthly tickets subscription in shop for addition exp bonus.
    • Scammers do suck but its your fault if you got scammed. Playing for 2 years now and never been scammed even on my newbee days when im still figuring out hows things in game.
    I saw your reply as from someone who purely relying on spina which is not your fault coz maybe that what someone implanted to you, maybe thats the gaming culture youve grown to, maybe the impatient and greedy nature is strong within you that youre only focus on one goal alone just to meet your needs even if youre violating TOS in the process. TOS that youve agreed on before you play (does anyone even read that shit?) that have consequences i hope youre well aware. Maybe its your own opinion that works for you but your reply tone tying to say that it should be the way (IN BOLD).

    The economy problem in every game is caused and severed based on the game's players opinions. I wonder how can anyone can feel so right when its very very wrong even up to a point THEIR ENDS JUSTIFYING THE MEANS

    and im so sorry my english very very bad not my native language.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
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  13. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    - Your Side of thinking only works if asobimo decided to fix it right when the problem started.

    - that's already too late,have you seen the amount of players depending on bots and tuyuls in the game???
    and do not deny me that you didn't,I saw you nulmerous times depending on them in and out of game(your gemrun post is one of it),that is also you supporting them.

    - so you feel like it would be better to not have any tuyuls and bots? after they are gone you are okay with farming bosses,farming mithril ores,farming anti degrations for a long period of time,and alot alot more every single day?

    - do you intend to handle all of that for the rest of your gameplay without quitting?is that seems fun to you?

    - that's only for normal aspect,if you can do that sure!but how about others?
    new players start out from Absolute Nothing.
    do you know how hard the state is for them to play?they resolve to botting and tuyuls is because of that.

    - Me relying on spinas? i start out empty and having nothing...but have you seen anyone in the game doesn't relying on spinas and still plays? spinas are the essential core of everything,the bots and the players depending on bots fluctuate it so much people who doesn't know how to make them turn into scammers or quit.

    - try doing anything without spinas is equal to trying to chop wood barehanded and only hurts yourself,we are playing a game here.

    - you enjoy doing that all the time?can you even do it?

    - They changed how the game works,and the game has been growing in the direction that they steer it into,you want to break that and not killing the entire game? be my guest,remove the bots and tuyuls completely,see what happens.

    - i am not justifies for anything,i speak only when needed,those people who complains about this and that only thinks about themselves on the inside.They want the bots and tuyuls to be remove but only thinks about the good sides of it and how they benefit from it,without thinking about the extremes it would cause for others like new players and the entirely of the game structure.

    The game will definitely fall like Jenga when bots and tuyuls gets completely remove,think about it more simple please,before you decided to accuse me of justifying this and that,thank you!

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
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  14. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    lmao did avabel die when they remove the trade? the people who will leave are not the players, only the cheaters who are relying on violating the TOS (niggas thats really aint shit). and not all players that doing bots, rmt, mods might leave in instant. coz this game so good they can stay a bit for the reason they loved the game for what it is and still be competent even without those cheats/exploits. theyre just doing it too because its there and its an option.
    And your kind of thinking is the reason why the bot, mod, rmt problem gone to a point what you saying its too late. Avabel is an example it can never be too late and this reply from you solidify that TOS violations in game is so severe they really need to apply extreme measures. Hope someone from Asobimo lurking here ;).
    i do admit that i do run with tuyul gemruns with a condition that i pay less. I took/play the game at its current state it offers, do i rely on cheap gemruns? hell no! infact i did many free runs (with tuyuls) with me giving away the gem drop most of the time. if theres a gemrun even if its from tuyuls why wouldnt i join? if i dont they will do it with others. I also might bought couple of prime from tuyuls. i will admit its a bit cheaper but even the price be doubled, i will still can buy just a matter of days on saving more additional spina. again thats what the current game offers so ill just go with the flow. but will i rely on it? NO! im used to iruna's ways on 2slots weapons that you need to grind the site months to get one.
    Its useless to argue to someone who is drowned from the instant awesomeness the ways you defending gave them. I play mmo for fun and enjoyment and not because i wanted to be the strongest as fast as possible on the easiest way possible just for a small amount of temporary fame/recognition from my peers. shouting "add me" all day, staying/botting on a site for so long not my definition of fun. my mobs killed just 200k and thats from 2 years of playing. you took it too litterally, of course we need spina but theres so many ways everyone can get it without violating TOS, stuffs in game someone like you can never learn or discover.

    and sorry im out of vaseline ;)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
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  15. ☆Celestial Mage☆

    ☆Celestial Mage☆ Active Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    True i don't feel like farming anything now, with economy dying i don't feel like farming anything at all. I just roam around in game,looking at the maps and listening to bgm. before i used to sell 4stack nc for 60k now it dropped to 30 may be soon it will be 20(geez...)for normal player like me it's not worth the time, i remember farming hours and hours to gain only 15-20 stacks nc for whole day. Hope economy come to it's stable state again..just hope.
  16. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    2s items are expensive, because they are hard to get through item chests. That is the way the game was intended to be played. Same goes for gemruns.
    Also, do you think all resources are farmed by bots? There are still a lot of players farming honestly without using bots.

    It's not too late to remove bots and tuyuls now. It's true a lot of players will quit, but those who do so are the tuyuls and botters. People who love the game, play for fun and socializing, they wouldn't leave. Eventually the economy will return to a 'normal' point, and new players would also keep coming.

    You said that removing bots and tuyuls would kill the game.. That is because you also depend on them.. Players who would spend a ton of spinas only to get a bit more DPS.. What's the point of it?? I play with only ns/1s equips, and I have no problem with it. People are too DPS hungry.

    Removing bots and tuyuls would surely cause an impact, but eventually players would think that 1s or even ns equips are normal, and 2s are really for the rich ones. Eventually players will adapt to the new economy, and life goes on.

    This game is already very generous, but greedy idiots try to ruin this game. As a result, if Asobimo won't fix this, the game could potentially die...

    For me personally, and I'm sure for a lot of others too, the point of playing these kind of games is to HAVE FUN TOGETHER. It's not about being the strongest or the richest player. But unfortunately, greedy people are using every way possible to become the best, even if it includes violating the game's TOS and doing things that could possibly kill the game... They are not gamers.. They are only idiots who kills games.. All we can do is pray so Asobimo takes action to save this game...
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  17. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    its because of those botters oversupplying the market. Mino skins should be a reliable source of income for newbee players like you. but its sad i think botters doing that too now pulling the prices to its lowest ive seen so far
  18. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    you are right..that's what i was thinking about too,but it could contain alot of risk involving it...
    and..no i don't think all resources are farmed by bots either...because i do that,nc,ss,mino skins,...i work hard for them.And im not dps hungry,since...nothing is perfect and i cant one shot boss with 2s.

    you could say that...i'm pretty okay with bots and tuyuls getting removed,but i don't like the idea of the game involved in dying along with them.
  19. Lil☆Neko

    Lil☆Neko Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Honestly, I almost believe that Asobimo isn't trying to slow the growth/usage of bots. They obviously would discourage it, by making it harder to bot, but at the same time, they seem seem to be enjoying the influx of downloads. The time between 8m and 9m downloads is wayyyy too close to be normal, and this popularity would reflect well on the game company, as long as the people seeing the statistics don't realize that probably 90% of those 1m new downloads are bots.
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  20. ☆Celestial Mage☆

    ☆Celestial Mage☆ Active Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    True during anniversary event mino skin and anti-deg price was 160k & 600-700k lol but now it's just half. xD At sofiya i saw an user selling 2stack for 100k, like really? means 50k per stack now @_@ lol i'm never going to farm mino again. where antideg is 300k. Guess i will just roam around ._.

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