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question : Kata vs Halb as a main dps for high def boss

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by S@Ble, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Since im pretty nub and cannot have a lot of dps classes ( diff class play style confuse me). I have to choose one dps for high diff boss. It has to be either katana or halb as i pretty nub with 2h and DW (tried and lot of dead)

    I currently have bow(main dps) , mage (luck) and tank. but with NM or Ulti boss ...my bow cant deal a decent damage there even with snipe. so i need a strong dps class that i can use for this situation. I see that dragon tooth has 100% pp so i dont have to worry about dealing damage. Kata seem to have higher dps as tenryu only cost 1mp...but i dont know if it is good for NM and Ulti boss or not.

    I cant really decide. Kata , i have someone to teach me , but halb has to learn on my own.

    i already have kata gear but im very nub ...very akward play as well. so i am not sure if i should continue practice or just sell equip and restart with halb.
  2. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    I am pretty sure Halb is the choice here for high difficulty bosses. Mage is also a thing now with magic pierce build.
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  3. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    I think if you're dying alot with 2h and dual wield you're going to have the same result with katana and halberd.
    Try and learn to time your skills to Dodge boss aoe, for example if you're using dual wield and can't get out the aoe in time use and set phantom slash to your shortcuts which will allow you to completely Dodge any attacks/aoe while doing dmg or time meteor on 2h to Dodge the bosses aoe and attacks.
    Back step is also very useful to get out of harms way.
    There's many bosses in toram but if you frequent a few bosses try go to those ones with a merc and do normal or hard difficulty a few times to familiarize yourself with it's attack patterns and learn which aoes are most dangerous. You won't struggle too much anymore if you understand how the boss works.

    But to answer what you asked I would say halberd is the best for high defense bosses and you can use your current equip you have now from your bow and 2h for a halberd build, just needing a halberd weapon obviously.
    But to dps fast with halberd gsw is required and as I said above boss knowledge will be important because gsw is dangerous, so you might be dying more xD
    Halberd can be played without it but it feels very sluggish then.

    Katana is great too but is a lot more complex and needs really good timing on certain skills, but I will say if you want to play katana play it because imo it will make you a better player because it teaches you to time skills right like zantei and madagachi and be more aware in battle and not just mindlessly spam one skill over and over.

    Any class is going to feel awkward if you haven't played it much, so you need to practice practice and practice which gives you experience and you will start dying less and getting better :)

    Give dual wield another chance, try spinning slash>phantom slash(save) >finale (smite). Just put one skill point on finale if you haven't.
    Thats a 100 mp combo and with right timing you can basically be invincible all battle with just that skill. You can also choose when you want to come out of phantom slash by swiping on your bottom left.

    Good luck!
  4. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Halberd is the best for high def bosses. Katana is probably the worst for high def boss without pierce setup, while zantei can do armor break it will be rendered unusable with tenryuu, unless you party up a cf with snipe to get the armor break. 2h has high base atk and high spam rate so high def bosses can be dealt with sheer damage. Bow is decent as it have snipe's armoe break. Dual sword have proto clarity's pierce and have high spam rate with the doubled ampr. Easiest to play would be bow cf, followed with 2h/dw, then halberd/ katana. Katana have an edge in mp recovery/low mp cost while halberd have a non lethal gsw(relatively speaking).
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  5. 15miles

    15miles Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    What about kairiki+garyou? They have 100% pp right?
  6. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Yes but it takes time to set up.. if you use garyou without spamming for the counter your damage will be low. So to effectively use it you have to use 10 specific katana skills to see the true power of it . Which can be tedious for some. As for dt it's just raw power your only focus is att stat and critical damage , once you know the boss patterns using gsw is a breeze and trust me once you get accustomed to the motion speed you won't feel the same battling without it. Both classes are good but using katana for high def bosses you'll have to get a particular set up specifically for that and then a regular for other bosses. Halb on the other hand uses the same setup bo matter the difference in difficulty.
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  7. Jackal♧

    Jackal♧ Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    what about ktn with pp equips?
    eg. 4th anniv ix npc (ult machina+gwai)
    AC10CD20CR20 arm (pyxtica+usami)
    ice cape (odelon+handmade cookie)
    dark talis power(tuscog+venena)
  8. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Pierce setup is good, but still halberd have an edge over katana, actually over everything else. Halberd with DT can just use elemental weapon while katana with pierce needs to give up on some unsheathe or element to get the pierce. For bosses with super high defense on ultimate difficulty, even with 60% pierce with katana its still really hard to by pass them. For example, zahhak machina on ultimate difficulty have 6000 def, you need either stun or poison to reduce it to 3000, then you apply your pierce and armor break of you can. Its tedious thing to do. King piton have about 4k def on ultimate difficulty with no def reduction feature. You'll have hard time doing damage on it. Halberd on the other hand can just do the same routine every single time for every bosses.
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  9. Jackal♧

    Jackal♧ Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    i see, so we better off using hb for high def battles and use ktn for low def battles(hb sucks balls at low def battles)
  10. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Nah, the thing is HB is still good on low def battles too, it just have low inherent stability and still likely to graze, but otherwise still have high max damage. Katana is just especially bad on high def battles due to its lower base atk. Thats why halberd is the most broken weapon in the game. The only restraint it may have compared to other weapon is its slow auto attack animation and its lack of ampr boosting skill that could be paired with decoy shot. Chronos drive can be used to recover your mp to some extent, but Its not as potent as kairiki ranshin or rampage and trigger slash when it comes to aiding spamming.
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