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is bidding system possible in consignment board?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by ♠️L♥️O♣️V♦️E, Aug 15, 2020.

  1. ♠️L♥️O♣️V♦️E

    ♠️L♥️O♣️V♦️E Member

    May 28, 2020
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    I am new in toram online , i am most of the time i spend reselling items on consignment board ,but now days ,i have to lower the price to get fast spina , some items doesn't take too long to sell (skins, bottle's,buffs etc) but expensive item's like (1% gamble equipments /other's) which requires lot of time to sell on consignment are sometimes get ragged by mistakes for example i miss typed a price of a bow which cost 40m but i put 4m by mistake, and some items are more in demand then the actual market price ( unable to earn bonus profit) , so it would have been a great help if we had a bidding system on consignment board for purchasing expensive equipments , the system which i was looking for is similar to Celtic heros , because there are too much scammers in shout and tax in consignment board ... A bidding system might help up to understand the market value and to determine the ideal Price of items
  2. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Consignment system is fine, they should just allow some kind of advanced search to find items by their stats, so one could find actual prices of statted items, be it to buy or just to have a idea about its price
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  3. Mithgard

    Mithgard Member

    May 31, 2020
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    I would actually like a system similar to the current extract crysta/piercer system. You set a price, and then you wait for a seller willing to sell for that price. It might drop prices too drastically though, but the reason I want something like this is that I’ve been trying to buy a 37pot armor. It’s all I need, but everyone is selling 44pot, which is much more expensive...
  4. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    You do know how movies are made around auction scams. Like a piece of nisel wood can be overly inflated but you see 2 dozen individuals are fighting over it and decided to bid out of curiosity (like, i be safe since the next dude will out bid me at a heart beat) and suddenly the world stops and you are stuck with a regular nisel wood that cost 20k for one piece.
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