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Clarification on how proration works. (help)

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by SAM., Sep 8, 2020.

  1. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Here is my understanding of proration. Please correct any beliefs that are false.

    3 types of "attacks" with regards to proration mechanic.
    Auto Attack
    Physical Attack
    Magical Attack
    Proration is shared with your party, and alliance. Mobs do no share proration.

    All mobs have their own "numeric values" of proration. In addition, each "attack" type have their own individual value.

    For example.
    Assume a mob. with the following proration values:
    Auto Attack: 20
    Physical Attack: 15
    Magic Attack: 10

    All mobs will start with a base proration. This base is the same for all mobs.

    Let's assume the base proration has the value of 100.

    Attacking a mob with a skill type will trigger proaction.

    When proration is triggered, numeric values of all 3 attack types will change, corresponding to a mobs individual proration value. The numeric value of the triggered attack type will decrease, while the value of the other 2 attack types will increase.

    The example mob referenced above has the proration values of 20 (auto attack), 15 (physical attack), and 10 (magic attack).

    Let's say proration is triggered with an auto attack.

    Auto Attack proration value: 100
    Physical Attack proration value: 100
    Magical Attack proration value: 100

    Let's reference a mobs individual proration rates as variables to avoid confusion with proration base and its current value.

    Auto Attack = x (20)
    Physical Attack = y (15)
    Magic Attack = z (10).

    An auto attack proration occurs. Proaction has changed:

    Auto Attack proration value: 100 (-20) = 80
    Physical Attack proration value: 100 (+15) = 115
    Magical Attack proration value: 100 (+10) = 110

    Is this correct? Or should should the value change dependent on trigged attack type value?

    Auto Attack proration value: 100 (-20) = 80
    Physical Attack proration value: 100 (+20) = 120
    Magical Attack proration value: 100 (+20) = 120

    Regardless, there is no limit to the numeric proration value, Is this true?

    Anyways, let's apply the value of proration with damage dealt in percentages.
    The conversation is identical in numbers (100 proration = 100% damage).

    For reference:

    Current auto Attack proration value: 100 (-20) = 80%
    Current Physical Attack proration value: 100 (+15) = 115%
    Current Magical Attack proration value: 100 (+10) = 110%

    (Omg I'm getting bored so I'm going to stop. For those that understand the concept presented, I have some questions).

    Although the numeric value can be infinite, damage is capped at the value 150? I know the damage limit is +50%.

    Likewise, what is the minimum damage limit? is it -50% or -100%? If it's 50%, then that means the proration value will be less than or equal to 50?

    Multiple hit skills triggers proration once? What about multiple hit skills with different damage calculations (ex. finale)?

    Thanks. Hope this makes sense.
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  2. Purge

    Purge Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Well because no one answer I'll try to answer it even if it wrong.

    For your example
    Auto Attack: 20
    Physical Attack: 15
    Magic Attack: 10

    Then that boss need 5 (5×20=100)auto to raise other damage to 50%,7 phy (7×15) and 10 magic (10x10). I think its also lower your damage by -50% for bad prorate max.
    Multi hit skill count as 1 prorate,"damage calculation is done for each hit" skill take current prorate when it hit not when the skill cast
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  3. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Minimum is -50% ( damage dealt x 0.5 )
    Maximum is +150% ( damage dealt x 2.5 )
    When reach maximum or minimum, the % will fix

    1. multiple auto attack like MD or Knuckle consider 1 proration
    2. Skill like Magic:arrow, spear or arrow rain consider 1 proration
    3. Miss / evade, no proration
    4. Skill that can not dealt damage, no proration
    5. Magic skill not yet dealt damage, no proration
    6. Physical skill in combo that didn’t hit will affect proration
    7. Guard will increase proration
    8. Damage skill in combo will affect proration.

    Before start the combat, mob proration all is 100/100/100, proration change when you attack / skill hit the mob.

    Using your Example
    Auto Attack : 20
    Physical Attack: 15
    Magic Attack: 10

    let say you use normal attack 3 times and then impact > chariot, the proration change like below
    Normal attack 1 : A/P/M = 80/115/110
    Normal attack 2 : A/P/M = 60/130/120
    Normal attack 3 : A/P/M = 50/145/130
    Impact : A/P/M = 70/160/120
    Chariot. : A/P/M = 90/145/130

    Source from Taiwan Toram Forum
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2020
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  4. Astrocyte

    Astrocyte Active Member

    Apr 7, 2018
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    ugh this is so much XD
    i use the tldr version that toram gave.
    if the attack you dealt becoming lower, it's time to change your attack c:
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