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Lifeafter vs Toram

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by DRAGNiLL, Oct 5, 2020.


    DRAGNiLL Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I am a new Lifeafter player and as far it seems lifeafter seems similar to toram online's old days were you could get lot of fun with friends and guildmates also you can get free gotcha chance to get stronger eqips , grinding is hard too and it has a perfect environment too for making lot of friends .... And the most fun is PvP were you can shine brighter too ... A world were infected are battling with non infected humans .... Were you adventure around everywhere with your pet
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  2. Astrocyte

    Astrocyte Active Member

    Apr 7, 2018
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    I've been playing life after before. it's so different from toram. like much.
    one is shooting game, on the other side is mmorpg.
    life after is p2w, toram isn't.
    I mean there's something that almost impossible to get in life after without real life money. while in toram, even paid stuff is possible to get by free if you have patience.
    and yes, toram doesn't need real life money to buy weapon and armor or other equipments. just need real life money for something like avatars for style.

    also along for customisation.. toram is much better, you can customize almost everything of your equipment. changing color, changing appearance while retaining stats, etc without needed of real life money. while in life after, you need fed credit to buy those costumes which can't be really customized. it means if you have same character appearance with other and same costume, you'll look exactly identical.

    while in toram, i rarely see someone accidentally using something exactly same like me
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