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Account Suspended

Discussion in 'Toram Online Player Feedback / Review' started by Devil_Fox, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Devil_Fox

    Devil_Fox New Member

    Apr 5, 2024
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    Hello Everyone,
    I would like to hear your suggesting for current disaster I am facing now.
    I am new member to this forum, but I played toram for nearly 6 years and toram suspended my account.
    I frustrated because I didn't use any third-party or even auto click.
    I would like to get back my account because I invested about 6 years.
    When I contacted to toram support, they even didn't reply.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    welcome to online services, where you have no rights because you signed "I agree" without reading it first. :p

    as per the ToS, customer support never replies directly unless for inquiring further information.

    even if you didn't use automated tools on your own account, you can be subjected to the same penalty when benefitting from party members using those tools.

    abusing game glitches and bugs can also warrant penalties.

    there are a few cases where accounts have been unbanned, but only because they were falsely admitted by the security system.
    even so, it takes a long time since the toram team is understaffed.

    usually you get an inquiry ID with your suspension note. it is essential to provide when contacting support about it, otherwise your message will likely be filtered out and ignored.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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