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Just some writin'

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Isra, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Efficiently the end of the game with a twist (spoilers if you aint finished the story yet)

    There was the pungent odor of death. Lunagent Mountain, where souls of the dead rise to move onto the next life. After cleaving through a militia of dead beings I was finally at the peak, blade still thirsty for more death. I guess I was out the right place. The peak was just a place filled with ruination, rubble layered the circular ground. At least the smell of death was gone. Walking in, I see this figure. It looks... It looks familiar. Was this the figure on Nisel and in the Lost Town? This white figure looked at me, its eyes almost staring into my soul. I couldn't anticipate what happened next. One second it was small and adorable, next its this giant beast encased in crystal. A dragon of that evil purple crystal now faced me, the essaece of death and animosity flooding from it body. Could this be the spawn of all the crystals on the beings I saw earlier? Decel, those Dogs, Rizart... Did this being do it to them? It didn't matter now, I couldn't run if I wanted to at this point. The beast rushed me, its might leaking from every pore in its body. Spikes riddled the feild, obviously the Beast toying with me. I could feel it, I was letting me hurt it. Every slash, every tornado, every magical blast; it was just part of its masochistic and sadistic desires. I couldn't keep going, not like this... My head was throbbing, I couldn't move anymore from the aching pain. I could see it as if it were in slow motion, one final blow. Its claw ripped through me and I could see my life flash before me. From helping Balft and Triel to fight the Boss Colon to helping the Technista with the Excavated Golem, to defeating Nurethoth and saving the world from the Dolso threat. Was this it? Was this the end? All I could remember was seeing the Beast get shot off the mountain and a bright light consuming me...

    To Be Continued...
    • Creative Creative x 6
  2. Vocal~

    Vocal~ alive but rarely visit forum ;u; Elite Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    u sounded like a M XD
    tho it was good at least i cant write that well xp
  3. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Vani Lla
    Like a M?
  4. U.M.R.

    U.M.R. Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I think she means Masochist. nice writing btw, it's creative!
  5. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Vani Lla
    I might be one but ahahahahahhaahahahahah NEIN
  6. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Well, may as well bring some more of the story in... cuz y'know why not?

    I couldn't get over the ominous feeling I was being watched. What was this place exactly? I had just walked out of a city that was virtually nuked with the ability to defy physics then I walk into the middle of the void. The air here is oddly pure, despite the odd white spores that were being emitted from the mushroom like structures that protruded from the ground. Everything was so odd, from the weird creatures who's heads were mutated to planets to the five-eyed freaks of nature that guarded this place. This really was a Road to Another World. I couldn't shake off that feeling of eyes on my back after seeing the image of Majua earlier, but at least Balft, Triel and the Technista mages are here. I pushed on against the glare of an otherworldly light. I could feel myself changing, as if the air itself was mutating me. Was this what the three mages wanted to protect the world from? I couldn't say for myself until I saw Majua, eyes white from insanity. He was clearly corrupted from something, but what it was... that truly was a question. I could see from the deteriorating body of the aged man that something was going to appear. Sure enough, a voice bellowed and a monster appeared: Nurethoth, the God of the distorted realm of Dolso. His stony body and vorpal claws were a sight to strike fear into any newbie. I could tell from the way he spoke and the power that surged from him he was no joke. I unsheathed my sword and had Triel and Balft guard my back; couldn't have anymore surprises appear while fighting a god. Without a word, the god started a display of his power, the crushing force of planets colliding to the force of a heated quasar blurring past me. I could feel his energy warping my mind as his minions swarmed around me. My normal tornadoes barely dented him as he blitz across the field, his planet-wrecking essence racking me every time I pushed him down. We were both being whipped across the field, brutalized by each other's relentless might. With a ditch effort, I took out the Premiere Gem, the distorted god flinching in agony at the sight of it. The portal to Dolso was wide open, beckoning for me to throw the Gem into it. But was it truly finished? Was it ready to take out this power? I couldn't waste time thinking. All i could do was watch as my arm cocked back and launched the Gem into the portal. Nurethoth roared as his power warped around him, trapping him into a black hole of his power. At that the framework of the Gate of the Other World started deteriorating, but I was trapped as the false god's essence wrapped into me. I managed to escape, but not without being wrapped in armor made of shards of the universe and the stony carapace of Nurethoth. It was clear to me; there was a new god of Dolso, and this one had a different agenda than the last one.
    • Creative Creative x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Aaaay, here's some more writin'!:

    God, I couldn't believe that guy Tecaca manage to give me the slip. Sending me out to go fight some cripple, boy, he was a shameless one. Granted, I now knew about this threat that's happening. It has to be related to what happened to Decel, this event that happened. Three mages, one for the moon, stars and sun. An incident that cost the world. Whatever it was, I have a feeling it's gonna come up soon for me. As for now, I have to find the little sneak. I got a lead that he's back in that dead Scaro Town place. Why'd that guy go to such a creepy place is beyond me, especially when the Death Hounds and Demon Books could eat him in a single bite. As I walked in, the seal to the arena in the center of the town was broken. Odd, I thought to myself. A monstrous amount of power flooded from there, but I couldn't risk not looking in there. As a pried the door open, there he was; Tecaca fighting Death Hounds and... a crab? He was overwhelmed, but as much as I wanted to let him get turned into lunch meat, I had to get the info I needed from him. As the crab walked over him ready to crush him, I threw a tornado at it. The dogs couldn't take it, but that crab was pissed. I decided to make this fast, I needed my info NOW. I summoned all my anger, all my rage, and went into a blind rampage. I slashed and slashed, watching the crab get beat and cut as I tore through its carapace. I couldn't hold back, I was seeing only red. And yellow, since crab blood is yellow. And orange since chunks of its shell and claws were getting thrown everywhere. It fell over, pieces of it scatter across the arena. I didn't escape without my fare share of it's retaliation to getting absolutely murdered, but hey, nothing a Revita couldn't fix. I looked over at Tecaca, who was unconscious on the ground. His bag was open, a note and some materials splayed out on the ground. I read it, and realized that the name on the note was the Star Wizard, and apparently Tecaca was grabbing materials for them. I couldn't pass up the offer of being the one to meet this wizard and find out what this was all about. I grabbed the lil guys gear and headed to Saham, the location on the note. I left Tecaca there. He made his way here, I'm sure he could make his way out
    • Creative Creative x 2
  8. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    @Minnijay huehuehue

    "Hey Eth, you still able to fight?" I called, panting. We just got done with plowing a stupid goblin rockstar for his clothes, but the thing wasn't stripping for us.
    "Yeah, you?" said Ethryl from behind me. He stood up straight, his white hair getting blown out of place by the wind. He was a striking fellow, handsome, but unreasonable short.
    We shook ourselves off and walked to the strange orb floating on the rock. A portal through time to when the goblin wasn't a splattered mess of viscera, cloth and feathers. A breeze blew through and we looked at the rock. Surely enough the grey bastard was there. B.B. Gob, a rockstar among goblins (and to me he wasn't that bad) that was terrorizing the civilians of the city of Rugio with his loud music. With a running start, I jumped into a butterfly kick, knocking the Guitarist to the ground. Ethryl summoned a tornado to rip apart the smaller goblins that had started to run to B.B.'s aid. Even through the tornado, B.B. and I were locked into a vice of guitar slamming and sword slashing. I danced flawlessly around his attacks, cutting at his ankles while Ethryl threw daggers at his hands. B.B. was obviously pissed at the fact that my choreography in battle and Ethryl's beautiful voice clearly but his performing abilities to shame. After thwacking me in the face with his boney guitar, he started strumming a tune, a death note that'd make any metal fan's ears bleed profusely. Before he could say a word, Ethryl launched a tornado, snatching the Goblin's focus. To but the bastard down for good, I leaped into the air. With three kicks, I shattered the thing's skull, causing him to futilely play a tune as he fell into a bloody submission.
    "....And, no garb. We destroyed it again," I moaned.
    "Maybe," said Ethryl smiling, "But at least I got this."
    He lifted his hand revealing a small blue crystal. Somehow, his dumb luck managed to get him B.B. Gob's essence, the Crysta of B.B.Gob.
    • Creative Creative x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Li Ting

    Li Ting Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    This is definitely an award winning essay. Very creative imagination putting actions into words. Gd job
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Vani Lla
    Thanks :D
  11. BobWasNeverHere

    BobWasNeverHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    My voice sounds like a thousand violins... played by monkeys :kappa:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Vani Lla
    I know, beautiful to the nearly deaf amirite?
  13. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Vani Lla
    Normally don't do 2 a day but why not right?

    I was seething with rage. How could he be dead... My brother Galant was a strong fighter, his two handed sword cleaving through anything that came at him. But... there he was. Dead in front of me at the feet of the crystalline beast. It roared at me, power leaking from it like a broken dam. It floated, as if it were studying me, deciding whether I'd run or hide. Well I wasn't gonna hide. I was gonna fight and either avenge or join my brother. Nothing was going to get in my way, and just as it roared a second time I rushed into it, my sword striking it with such force it staggered while a small tornado carved into it. It swept at me, and I evaded it's claws as I cleaved into it, anger fueling ever strike. Tears rushed down my face as the Beast screeched and roared, swiping its tail and lining the field with spikes. It was taunting me, pouring salt into my wounds. I wasn't having it, not today, not while I lived. I kicked it in the face once, an attack that staggered it back. It was obvious it didn't expect this, nor did it expect the onslaught of kicks and slashes that followed. I was in a frenzy, not even trying to dodge its attacks anymore. Both of us were bruised and bleeding, littering the floor with potion bottles and blood. It was growing tired of this, it's crystalline form turning red. As it turned red, my vision did the same. I released my anger and with one fell strike I shoved my blade into it's crystal skull. It roared in pain, an opening that I took. I kicked its head, a crack reverberating through the field. I fell to the ground, watching the beast as it lumbered for a second before falling to the ground. It was dead. I looked at my dead brother's body and staggered to it. I may have won the fight, but the crystal that impaled my chest said I wasn't going to live for much longer. At least... At least i could say that I had avenged my brother before I had the chance to spend eternity with him...
    • Creative Creative x 2
  14. Kyrie[MsKO]♥

    Kyrie[MsKO]♥ Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    This is sooo... Unlikely. (I can't believe this actually very good writing, i must say, i'm impress)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    I love drawing and writing, what can I say ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
  16. Zak

    Zak Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Epsilon

    Epsilon Professional Sadist Elite Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    im too lazy to legitimately read it. 3heatseekingmissiles/10leafys
    • Sad Sad x 1
  18. Zak

    Zak Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    you are missing half of your life then. READ IT!! :D
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Epsilon

    Epsilon Professional Sadist Elite Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    half of my life? what even.
    • Sad Sad x 1
  20. Kyrie[MsKO]♥

    Kyrie[MsKO]♥ Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Dammit! Can't believe I love to read it over and over again:oops:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1

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