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Bots hurt our economy, not help

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by ibsio, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. ibsio

    ibsio Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    *****Correct me if I am wrong or if you just disagree. I am not expert and I just make simple observations. I am happy to listen to what anyone has to say, and I am proud to say that I often make mistakes/am incorrect. Debate and conversation is encouraged.*****

    Obviously as toram is a free market, there are no rules to prices. It is all fated by supply and demand. We all know that the economy in toram is very unstable, inconsistent, and unbalanced. Let me make one thing clear, throughout toram inflation has been a major issue in the economy (imo). I've been browsing around older forum posts from 2015 so consequentially I'm seeing how 1m was a super rich pipe dream and the same xtals were a fraction of the cost they are now. I saw that eerie crystal is 50k but the most recent time I checked it was 400k. The price multipled and so did people's pockets. But let's not ignore other factors, it is true that many more maps, quests, caps, and items came out, resulting in easier, more efficient spina farming.

    BUT one thing I KEEP hearing on the forums and toram is people justifying bots by saying "they help the economy." If there are more bots, there is obviously going to be more supplies. This is a misconception in my opinion (maybe I am wrong). The argument goes something like this: there is too much demand and not enough supply. Because demand grows too fast and outweighs supply, prices increase.
    This is very true and valid. But we have to understand the source of the high demand and that is an oversupply of wealth. So then people have more spina...This is good, yay we are richer... right? Well maybe not.
    Inflation is a sustained increase in the general prices of commodities, each spina will be worth less. As prices rise over time, a certain amount of spina buys a smaller percentage of goods. When prices rise, the value of spina decreases. If the supply is too high, value decreases. Some seem to think that bots contribute to this by increasing supplies, making buyers happy... but that is wrong. As the value decreases, the prices of everything must go up and up. It's not only the item itself that has decreased in rarity in value, but also the currency. Spina value has just went down, so now everything is more expensive.
    Inflation hurts! Bots hurt us as well!

    Massive (Toram is only 2 years old, it has inflated very fast) inflation is bad because it distorts relative prices and makes the economy unstable. It hurts our savings. Note that deflation is also bad as well.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
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  2. Neric

    Neric of House Limitless, First of His Name, The Unburnt Elite Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Well said. Mostly bot users don't buy stuff. One factor of inflation is the rmt.
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  3. UfuLamb

    UfuLamb Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    I guess the biggest cause of inflation is that there are more players now than back then... More players=more spina i think were up to 5m downloads now? Considering each player got 2devices and finished the kill 1m mob that's 2.5trillion circulating spina... Theres also the 100k mobs and other raw source of spina...

    Bots farming items only depreciates items.... So its a diff problem

    Bots selling stuff to npc however depreciates spina and we got a few channels of em in skellies..
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  4. Shimaki

    Shimaki Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    u hvent even seen iruna yet.. an xtal could go to upto 500m per piece , toram is still ok because of the tax on boards , it helps abit on the inflation
  5. UfuLamb

    UfuLamb Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Last time i checked they buying 2s stuff and slot specs with raton xtals.... Lolol
  6. Riorden

    Riorden Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2015
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    Also now that people don't buy NCs, they're willing to spend a little more on other things.
  7. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    That open market made the game vulnerable to an economy collapse. It encourages botters, rmt, mods, etc to thrive in numbers. Thats how they introduce the game. Botters, RMT, Mods will only destroy the game in the long run that can make active players lost interest. We are partly to blame to all this. Many guilds do encourages/closes their eyes from these ways so their members becomes all strong and be recognized by gullible people.
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  8. aysaysays

    aysaysays Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    ofcourse bots destroy the econmy , its not regulated and widely abused , it will make people bcome dependent with it , which will result more to other issue such as rmt bcoz it will lower the purchasing power of average player , the good stuff will sell high , and the leftovers will sell so low , which is the clear picture of toram , thats why toram just did a revamp xp system so people will focus more on item that is regulated than easily exploitable ones
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  9. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Ya know... we could try communism.


    The best thing we can do about botters is to report as many of them as we can find.

    The consignment board helps out a lot with limiting inflation since people like me would prefer for something to sell quickly, so we sell it for a cheaper price so it'll be at the top of the board. We can try to limit inflation by not selling anything for an insane price, but looking at the way things are going, Toram could potentially turn into the U.S. during the 1930s
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  10. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Maybe we should just have a "glitch" that everyone loses their spina
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  11. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Or propose to them make all stuffs not tradeable. :eek:
  12. Barzeft

    Barzeft It is better to be silent instead of hurtful Elite Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    Gold Potum and Platinum Potum Event was for 6m downloads so it's probably between 6.1m and 6.5m by now at least
  13. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Hmmm tbh im not quite sure about the figures. It could be also a strategy of advertising in playstore game section browsers and a way to keep the hype on active players. But the active players on all servers might be only 200k or less
  14. taopk23

    taopk23 Active Member

    May 25, 2016
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    I think what;s wrong here is that there is no consistent way of gaining spina IN GAME, and by in game i mean spina NOT from the SAME PLAYERS but what the GAME gives iteslf. Drops, when sold to the NPCs gives little to no profit and so are the quests and emblems (except for the kill 1m mobs). Likewise, there is also no consistent way for spinas to be sent to oblivion (returning to the game itself). Whilst there is a way for spina to be returned like the taxes from consign or the fee for Blacksmiths and Alchemists, the spina IN (from the game itself) still outweighs the spina OUT (from the game itself).

    "B-b-b-but hey, NPCs sell items from their shop, too! That would equalize the inflation!"

    The only thing that are bought in the NPCs which are cheaper than what the players sell are Teleports and Gems which are cheap AF.

    Some suggestions would be monsters dropping spina and NPC shops having more items that are only exclusive to them.
    Not that im justifying botters but they do no impact to this game given how small their population is. It;s just they are irrelevant to the inflation. What the real problem here is that since there is no way getting spinas and most items are traded and consigned to other players, the rich can just hoard the items and inflate the price themselves. At this rate, the rich will only keep getting richer while the poor.. they just stay broke AF.

    WE NEED COMMUNISM!! /sarcasm
  15. UfuLamb

    UfuLamb Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Welp there are 2 kinds of botters those item bots, example nc farmers, they depreciate value of items such as nc in wich such a high demand highly effective item is cheaper due to them item botters.... Yes they do destroy the economy by lowering price of such valuable items but at least they dont directly depreciate spina value...

    Now them botters who sell random items to npc are the real fckers... Since they greatly increase spina supply thus depreciating its value... Theyre like those peeps who produces fake money, their deeds are evil to the core...

    But hey... Toram mods aint releasing spina sink events yet so that means spina depreciation is within the boundary...

    An example of a huge spina sink event in iruna where players can craft ultra expensive items with %chance of success for only 3days... Its worth around 10m just to synthesize one of the items for like 30% success.... And guess where the 10m goes, the npc.... Horray for the lost 10m eaten by the NPC...

    In toram the largest spina sink we got is housing, since it could eat up a few M worth of spina expanding it to max size... And c.board those 10% eats alot of spina collectively
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  16. I robot

    I robot Elite Member Elite Member

    Nov 21, 2016
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    rn anybody who has 10m or more can easily maintain that wealth.trading xtals, gear, or build a refinery are all options. the sad truth is that until you get into the rich bracket, your only option is to grind. till you reach it.
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  17. Norcelia

    Norcelia The hidden Fry Super Likable Elite Member

    Sep 8, 2015
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    would be cool if there was a way to exchange Spina to orbs, that would decrease the Spina pool by a lot if the exchange rate is high enough to decrease the all over Spina in game but low enough so that people still do it :rolleyes:
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  18. Barzeft

    Barzeft It is better to be silent instead of hurtful Elite Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    True the active players and download number are no where near equal since many of those downloads were made to be used as storage alt accounts.

    The side quest for killing Metal Stinger from the NPC in El Scaro is effective but time consuming and would have to be completed 1,000 times just to buy a single xtal worth 3m spina
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  19. I robot

    I robot Elite Member Elite Member

    Nov 21, 2016
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    One way to argue against bots being 'essential' is NC. after the new xp system, NC's demand fell like crazy. bots stopped farming. it stabilised around 60k. interfering with the market is looked as dangerous but it'll be fine. I'll give another example. say they add a gear drop from skellys, a very common one. spina farming there becomes infinitely harder, bots will lessen. this means the inflow of spina reduces drastically. or outright just remove zotzka and place it very far away from town, or remove dedel. Prices of everything will drop as spina hardly circulates, and xtal prices will come all the way down to 100k or so, where it was meant to be.
    however, it won't completely destroy. prices will drop to a value where spina farming by players becomes viable, that will form a natural price floor as stingier players like me will save every spina that we get(by selling woodchips to NPC and such).
    severe deflation may not be a good idea, but in the end, everything improves, so hey, why not?
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  20. ibsio

    ibsio Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    Very valid point. My point was that botters contribute to inflation are are not good for the economy despite the belief I am seeing. I mentioned nothing about what was the biggest/main factor. Of course there are other factors that contribute to the inflation and that includes population growth!
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