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Whats happening to game

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Lucifere, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Bro seems no one plays this game, no one farm.I noticed less people overall
  2. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    We still play. ^_^
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  3. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    The game is becoming less fun over time, with boss designs getting lazier and more stupid and player skills not being on the same pace. Its just not fun to enter a boss just to find out it's another "spam one billion sharks/You don't get to play because spikes everywhere F*k you".
    People may play devils avocado for the design, the lowering numbers and my long, *Long* list of friends that stopped playing speaks for itself.

    This is not the Only problem, and the game is at least trying to improve things, but in the end it comes down to boss fights, " Why you grinding to become more powerful? To do (X and Y things) = so you can fight bosses", you get better equipment to farm and and get stronger etc etc etc so you can fight bosses.
    If boss suck, why play game? Play Not.

    Honestly, in many ways dark souls is 'easier' than Toram, in the sense that I'd you die there its your fault, the boss had clear pattern and requires you to use your brain to think of a strategy, it's Hard but fair. Toram bosses are just the child's version of "Hard", where the fight is difficult because its Exactly the opposite, Unfair, if you died it could be because: Ridiculously fast attacks that don't fit the Game fundamentally slower pace, Recycled animations making the fight unpredictable/unclear, Having to die to discover what the boss pattern is because they can't be dodged or predicted with intuition, Bosses being uninteractive (that is, Making you have to sit and wait to play the game) with spikes, a Boring ass mechanic that only wastes time and is unchallenging in the sense you don't get to do sh*t when spikes surround boss, Etc...

    The bosses Suck, they keep Sucking the more the MQ progresses, they drain my Fun need ala The sims Fun bar decaying, so I don't play much.

    I doubt most think that far for a justification to the lesser player numbers, But I honestly think it comes down to that, A Game should be fun, and there's a Blatant disconnect on what the Bosses, and players are going for, it feels like when fighting the new bosses I'm a Whole Skill Tier behind what the boss would require, they want to make insane bosses on crack but not give insane skills to players, it doesn't work.
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  4. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    About boss design dont you think the boss design is more arpg style than mmorpg?
  5. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I'm not sure what "Arpg" means, I know what Jrpg is
  6. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Action RPG, as in real-time combat.
    technically Toram does have some kind of real-time combat, but the design is still heavily influenced by turn-based elements. -> auto-attack, preset combo lineups
    ARPGs usually give you full motion control with manual combos based on timed input.
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  7. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Action rpg
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  8. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    <TL;DR at end>
    I get it, and yeah, It's somewhat like an Action RPG, now that you mention, it makes a lot of sense.
    Thing is, asobimo seems to want bosses to be HARD-Leaning on the *Action* part of ARPG, and I'm not against Toram leaning more into a real-time style combat as it progresses, I would love it tbh, I have played those types before and it's some good and adrenaline activating sh*t.
    Problem: it's Just the bosses getting that treatment. what really frustrates me is how they want to Both Having players still be leaning on the RPG side of things, Medium pace, while bosses are more and more feeling like Hack n' slash absurdities, Not Quite fast pace, but near, It's a Mid-pace player Vs (Bordering) fast pace Boss.
    It's why I mention that it feels like I'm missing the next Skill Tier, or rather, T5 released and bosses felt so absurd as if they time-traveled from future Era toram T6 Skill Bosses. They feel too powerful as if I'm underleveled or lacking yet to exist crucial skills to fight them, like if you were trying to fight a lvl200 boss as lvl100 player.
    I'm All for Toram being either 100% Mid-pace, or Fast pace, if they do it correctly why not. as long as it's still toram.

    Ampr mechanic in its entirety slows down the pace significantly, the character slowly jogging around instead of running (and the fact you can't increase move speed stat without happening to be the 2 classes that have a skill for that) Proration as Slow down multiplier, Speed stats in general being costly, Rare as Hell, or having severe debuffs attached (The game can't be more clear it doesn't want you being faster than a slug), Vs the boss barely letting you attack for one second before starting the nearly no intervals-Pattern of dashing around the whole map 6 times throwing granades at you, 2 seconds (if generous) warning for MAP insta-kill, spams spikes so you don't get to play, At all, sharks with fucked Hitboxes that serve almost the same function of spikes, except for everyone, not just melee, and ofc, its also immune to Ailments so don't try to stop it's spamming because bosses got their ailment vaccines and are now immune :) (I'm Not antivax, take the vaccine)
    You know what people say about Dota 2? "If everything is broken nothing is"? Yeah, If asobimo wants broken bosses they should make broken player skills as well. No buts, pick fully balanced or broken, Both at the same time don't work.

    An example, Kritika reboot (PC version) was like that, Not quite an RPG, but Hack and slash game with Hyper fast and I mean it, Button mashing armaggedon, High mobility High reaction speed requirement High everything, the player had access to classes that had BONKERS Skills capable of some crazy sh*t, Running around at sonic speed, Near permanent invincibility( which sometimes made you vulnerable due to how they set up and finisb xD) teleports, insta-blinks, Soft and hard stun locking, Full map nukes, etc...) bosses also were capable of some crazy sh*t you had to be aware of, Stun lock, instakill, removing player controls and throwing you around, teleport, invincible, Map nuke, the trend was, what you do the boss could too) and hell, they didn't always feel fair honestly, Let's just say Kritika as a title is worth making a " The good the bad and the ugly" video essay of 5 hours, it had I s s u e s ™), but even when the bosses were unbalanced as all hell, the fact your *Own* class was so bonkers powerful and ******F U N****** Made up for it, If you didn't happen to like the specific boss, relish on the fact you are playing with your favorite class and your monkey brain enjoys it.
    Point is: Broken as hell bosses, broken as hell players. It was fairly unfair, Brokenly balanced.
    -Until the last updates were the bosses became literally game breaking unfair and the servers went bankrupt LoL-

    Point is, Kritika made the insanity and fast Combat style right for the most part, what it did was truly unique, bosses were bonkers, but so were you, so things balanced out.
    Which is why Toram bosses are seriously giving me Kritika boss vibes recently, *And that's Not a compliment*, Kritika was made to be insane, Toram is made to be Medium-pace at best. And yes, Yes I know Toram bosses aren't even 1/10 of what those Kritika bosses were like, But they are giving vibes, dejavu, and that's not good... Or it could be good, depends on wheter or not the game is rebalanced to be an actual Fast-ish pace game. Toram is Not, in fact, a hack n slash game with microsecond reaction speed for fightings were the player has the skills to deal with the boss's brokenness, If Boss feels like one shoting you in Toram, you don't get to teleport away, get invincible for N seconds, suppress the boss, you just die (unless you are one of very few special golden child classes that also approach a pseudo fast pace style that brings you Closer to boss, a certain weeb with the fastest blade-Class, or the edgy dual wielder-class), this game can't take fast pace, It actively works against the player obtaining Speed, These bosses will be insufferable and keep getting more and more frustrating, unless Asobimo stops being stubborn and reworks all classes to be Fast-pace-Ish compatible/Make Defense stat not utterly useless/make speed scale better or items with speed not be heavily punishing to use/etc) I'm not asking for Toram to be a Kritika copycat, God No. Just want them to make a proper decision instead of mixing both Speed styles into this one hybrid abomination we have nowadays. I just want them to Pick one game combat pace and stick with it.
    As it is now the game is almost entirely unforgiving to mistakes, You mess Up, you die. Making bosses stressful, Boring and frustrating, because it's not fun to play "Boss dominates the battle while you watch it spin around or get killed by Hitkill with x5 your HP bar in damage" simulator.
    Asobimo really wants to increase the Bosses pace, They ain't competent to do it. Just the fact mage is so danm slow is a death sentence to the class itself, all its good for is a damage nuke Bot for fast kill spam (I'm not saying you can't at all play mage, It will just be much harder and much less enjoyable than the more suitable faster classes, you can also try soloing banana cornubis 2 with a staff+arrow sub and spike her to death, not a playstyle I would recommend anyone because it would be a meme, an impressive and skillful meme, but a meme, Even if technically possible it would suck. being possible to play isn't enough, It needs to be Good).

    Tl;Dr: Give players the same cocaine they be giving bosses. Otherwise this game is destined to become a Yu-Gi-Oh! Type mess.

    That's it, I'm done
    This took me nearly 2 hours pls have mercy ;w;

    Edit: Spelling, clearer text
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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  9. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    @Lucifere those who left the game are simply not cut out for toram. They never got the chance improve their gameplay, as the game progressed. They were left out in a stagnant state and their only solution is to leave the game. You can also understand from the next game they pick up, like genshin or some lame ass auto-battle game, and any other game they're comfortable with.

    Welp, they can also be busy irl and simply don't have time.
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  10. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Game has several time-wasting chores 'mechanics' that people simply have increasingly less time to lend it over (global crisis, virus, capitalism), or they don't want to waste Finite, precious time with boring tasks
    Game might just not be that good yknow, it's okay to admit it has big flaws in it's design, no need to think that everything under the sun Is, by mental gymnastics and conspiracy- the players fault, Soooooometimes the game just bebad.

    I'm not personally into super passive games, as stated one of my favorite games was a hack n slash hyper adrenaline one. But still, that's silly my dude, again this game has too many time wasting mechanics, peeps don't be liking that when time can't be recovered, value your time. +Real world issues make people want something more conforting and easy to digest. I'm not defending genshin, its a gacha game, gacha games are satanic- but it does have a Chill relax reputation

    We know you are very bery good at the game and everyone else sucks sir, you don't need to remind us ^^}
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  11. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    the grind and the bots is the reason why i stopped playing
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  12. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Well maybe grind wont be a prob if bots wouldnt be a prob
  13. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Last edited: May 27, 2023
  14. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Even if bots weren't here (and yes they do a lot of harm to economy), the game would still be tiring and get increasingly more boring, because it's built as a Grind-bore-fest. Leveling gets more and more difficult to the point killing One boss/MiniBoss only gives 1% or less, Bosses at the *L a s t D I f f i c u l t y* giving 5% or less as you go on, at best having to fight the same boss 20 times Per Level needed, at worst 100 times... Per level...), for an old player it's already excruciating, for a new player it's Insanity, you either have to grind at the normal-hard difficulty with low damage, and chirp at sub-atomic exp values, or be carried by OP players (most likely a kirito) on Ultimate. The exp at lvl260 is literally Half of A percentage, 2kills to get 1% exp... This is just stupid, most people are going to dip out of the game even before getting to this unnaceptable level of slow leveling because it's already painfully slow even before 260 (Who remembers grinding for hours a day, having to kill 100 mobs for One Level, at level 100+ on Evil Sword, Builder Golem at York crystal factory, etc..? I do). Unless this the only game their gear can play (it was the only decent game for my cellphone for years) they will get out and play something else.
    It's harmful to the game on business level IMO, wtf is asobimo thinking with this? Idk

    Grinding mobs if not for How long you have to sometimes, grinding for getting Food points, Medicine/Materials in general, can take way too long. If you could just go there, farm X mob for 10-20 mins and done, it would still be boring, but acceptable.

    Point is: Yes, Bots bad. but lets not forget, the game itself is f*cked.
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  15. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Welcome to ToFARM online. Lol.

    An old player like me took 2 days(1-3hrs a day) to level up 9 characters, from 260 to 265. Some who has banked exp prolly did it within a minute. Excruciating? Hmmm.

    For new players, I think its ok if they felt like its insanity.

    Don't forget you're playing a MMORPG. Your role is an adventurer(insert eiyuu ganbou bgm here). Their lives ain't easy, gathering materials, doing quest, fighting monsters, levelling up would be a bonus for their days hard work, also they don't usually catch up fast to tenured adventurers.

    If wish Aso can make a lite version for all those who whines about the game, then put all the botters and modders along with them.

    Separating both versions so they don't interact. I'd stay on the normal version, free from impurities. ^_^
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
  16. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Your entire position in all Toram discussions really comes down to complete Complacency isn't it? You either don't care or don't Want the game to be better, Ever. "It's as good as it get's, can't make it better" You are the dog inside the burning house meme "Everything is fine ☕"

    "An old player like me took 2 days(1-3hrs a day) to level up 9 characters, from 260 to 265."
    Get a life, Touch some grass. are you a teenager with all the time in the world? Or do you just not have a life?
    Besides, you don't seem to understand even the most basic aspect of business, you think Asobimo is going "Yaaaay :D LESS people are playing our games now! We will earn so muuch moneyyy!" ? Do you think not changing the game to retain more people instead of having people stop thanks to the terrible grind is Good?

    This whole conversation would be better without you detracting each and every subject of discussion about how "Everything is the player's fault axfhtually ". The game sucks, It could improve, but for some bizarre reason you seem opposed to, not even just improvement, Acknowledging that problems exist.
    Idk if you are just that dense or trolling, but addressing anything you say further is going to be a waste of time.
  17. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    It got better over the years. Idk why you always berate the game, but still continuously play.

    Its more of contentment for me, rather than complacency.

    Playing an hour to 3 for 2 consecutive days to level cap 9 characters isn't a bad thing imo. Ofc, there's adult life outside. Wdym touch grass?

    You mean changing the game to retain whiners? Lmao. Let them wait for the lite version. ^_^
  18. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Yep, Trolling.
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  19. JDC

    JDC Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Old player here that quit years ago and planning to play the game again. Seems like the game stagnated to the point it caters only group farming to gain spina? Are bosses still rewarding to play, remembering pyxtica was one of the game flaw designs of a boss fight. huahua!

    Edit: Forgot to mention too that support skills are still useless here, as the boss fight concludes right after the animation stops?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
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  20. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Supports are way too underrated. They're not as reliable on extremely short fights, but they really shine on longer fights like guild raid or if the party doesn't have someone who is too strong in boss farming. They are good until someone OP shows up and from experience it's only the shitty supports that gives a very bad impression to other people.
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