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Whats happening to game

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Lucifere, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    With those years of updates you should expect game to be more harder. You cant expect future bosses to be like a walk in the park like those days. Many who struggle are those who doesn't understand what they built and what they grind and refused or doesn't have the ability to adjust. Sometimes its due to a failure to construct an ideal party. Members with skills, buffs, builds suitable for the particular grind (happens on random parties). Im kinda on and off and everytime i felt playing, im still disappointed how the game bosses still boring (atleast for my toon) up to this time coz im always with dps who always wanna farm normals (thats the only difficulty they could farm) that makes me bored.

    So dont blame the game coz there's nothing wrong with it. Its the players! not capable of progressing their builds, gameplay, their boss patterns understandings as the game progresses to a more harder boss contents.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
  2. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I can't tell if people with your mentality entirely ignore my words on purpose.
    You literally don't believe a game can have bad design, and put all fault onto the player, There's no reason to even discuss anything because you just live in another reality, it's like discussing science with a flat earther, Waste of time on a troll.
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  3. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    They are underrated yes, but the support Skill tree, and more recent Boss design is done in such a way that everything, in a way of fundamental skill/game mechanics; is Hostile to a Support, you spend a long time casting Support auras (The skill tree "Support", not the general class name) just so a boss who spams Full AOE undodgeable attacks can delete your Support aura buffs so you have to rebuff again, making you vulnerable and useless for a long time again (an example of such AOE Is the Dark element boss raid, he constantly uses Full map, and several other fast aoe thingies, also finstern's full map attack, and others examples I dont remember now) Massive Map sizes on boss arenas making the Auras range tiny in comparisson, and not enough to reach team mates that can be FAAAAAaaaa(24m+) away from you for whatever reason at the time , especially with Modern bosses having attack patterns that separate team members, or separate you from them with spikes or quick attacks you need to dash away to escape, and if your auras dont reach your team you are more or less useless, as they dont get the buff effects if too far.
    the only type of support that can be quite reliable at raids is MD Sprite/dancer, because of how their buffs work (Minstrel is bugged so I wont mention it here, Thankx asobimo love half a bloody year of game breaking bugged minstrel) their buffs are only reliant on timers and stacking, with quicker animations, they are Global buffs overall, so no need to stay close, ideal for Big map bosses/high mobility, or AOE's that separate your team, and your buffs wont be gone if you get Hit, which means you won't be punished by pressing the "Play" button because amazing skill design-
    I can't stress enough how Having all your buffs erase by being hit is a stupid, horrible multiplied by lightyears- Bad decision, it's Less than amateur skill design, it punishes you for simply choosing to play as support because how the game works nowadays doesn't allow for a support that goes useless after being poked, or tiny Range Auras, it's outdated as Hell, but not even back then was support very good because it was even f**kin slower as it didn't have access to the speed it can have now. it was made for a much slower toram, and even back then it wasnt good, no wonder it's so bad against modern bosses. due to all that, You will always have to do x3 the effort anyone else is making just to Play, not to be particularly good, just *Play*, after Support, Katana or any Dps glass cannon will feel Chill and easy in comparisson, because you need to compensate the bad design with Extra effort on your part.

    While it is essential to Have, I can't recommend focusing on the Support skill tree, focus on maxing dancer or sprite, they are objectively better options with modern toram in mind.
    I like support a lot, I really hope it gets better treatment from asobimo so it can be a respected class one day. My personal exp, Supports "Shine" most on Mini bosses only, no matter the party you can be usefull all the time, as you are on a free open area with no Reseting limitation like bosses, so you can stack your buffs to Max, be useful, and actually fantastically fun.
    Actual Boss Battles are miserable to play with Support, fights end too quick (Mage Qadal 3Decahedron+ hyper damage that will oneshot even the bosses's family) and all the fundamental issues I went over, its the worst place to play support, you either play perfectly or you are useless, No in-between, not friendly at all to play.

    I use a Speed focused support mind you, I have near 9k-10-k Speed and Cast time, the animations themselves are ridiculously slow no matter what, no amount of Spina or personal skill can fix these problems, it Just needs a rework.

    and that's my Academic essay on support lol
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  4. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    All I can say is,

    While you can have a point in not blaming the player for everything, you also can't blame the game design for everything...

    Not everyone who has a different opinion from you are trolls or flat earthers...
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
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  5. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I beg to disagree. Here is my last grind with my support. This is like 2-3mos ago hard diff boss. That was with randoms

    Auras getting cancelled not bothering me at all and recasting those auras doesn't leave me vulnerable coz i know when to cast it knowing boss patterns of atks and its atk range. Its not as popular as other roles coz it requires much more deeper understanding of boss patterns, skills/buffs/auras and their casting duration, and needs to be more attentive on every response on every situation. Unlike dps/tanks that usually has a set of movement/combos/approach to every boss farm, supports (atleast my build) has a freestyle playstyle. It react on the spot and decide what skills to use and which way to go. In a game where player copy builds meta of others, you cant copy playstyle esp how others understand the boss mechanics coz boss understanding is one of the major requirements that will aid party to nice runs. The problem with many players is that the mentality of fast kill determine a good run and that made many felt elite. When newer bosses, like on that video needs a different approach than what many are used to. The more you try to fastkill it, the more party will fail. And coz the build doesn't have the ability to adjust (wether its tank/dps/support), many will end up frustrated and blame the game.
    Every boss is programmed. The game wont adjust to you. But we the players have the tools, equipments, skills, mentality, and ability to adjust.
    Im a tank main. But i had more fun playing as a support. Its main build was auras since 2016 when i started it (TORAM SUPPORT CHRONICLES is my proof). Other skills updates maximizer, recovery, heal, evasion, etc.. are just skills i adopted and im excited what more skills i can incorporate to the playstyle in the future. And auras getting cancelled not a big deal. Its just like mage finale getting interrupted or my tank getting tumble or stunned. And i could always recast it again with mp filling up faster than a quickie. Coz its a full dedicated support i could focused on support roles only.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
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  6. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I need to make it clear, I don't want any wrong interpretation or misunderstanding of what I mean; if you feel offended by me Comparing you to flat earther, Know I'm not Literally implying you are a Cultist or following Conspiracy ideologies, reminder that just like Percentages are often made up on the spot, and not 'Accurate', neither are comparissons meant to be a 100% match if two things all the time, it's pointing different things that have Similarities, you don't behave Exactly like a flat earther (if you did this discussion would be entirely different) Rather that you, and they, Share some specific behaviors that justify, and deserve a comparisson, as well as scrutiny.

    To further contextualize why of the comparisson:
    The Reason why Science doesn't work to convince or disprove a flat earther, is because they have an entirelly different base/core/axis- to their very sense and perception of "Reality", they do not care for Scientific evidence, because the foundation of their belief isn't scientifical to begin with, it's Purely Emotion and Faith(believing on something that is impossible to prove or disprove), hence not being able to de-convert a flat earther, Unless they Want to, because they live inside their own head, they believe it, because they want to. Science can't prove or disprove something someone believes out of nothing but Vibes. We live in real world, the live in fantasy world.
    It is inherently an Indefensible ideology And position to take, because it's Empty, It's why when presented with evidence they would, rather than try to fairly disprove, counter argue, or any sane reaction really- they Mock, Strawman's You...
    and Antagonize you, and if Shown irrefutable evidence to their face they still wouldn't believe it, simply because they don't *Want* to. if anything that might make a flat earther more passionatly defend their conspiracy, they might feel tricked, and accuse you of working for the lizards at nasa (Idk the hot conspiracy nowadays) or the reality comes down on them, and it's too much, and that wild emotion can then fuel a stronger belief on the conspiracy.

    That is to say, You failed on making One counter argument worth a damn, Empty words, got called out on that, got salty and attacked my person instead, to paint me as an Aggressor and yourself as victim, Re-write my words to fit that misscharacterization, and Straight up admit to wanting to blame players for everything, which... lol, do you read your own words? No bad game exists, No such thing as bad design exists if that's your logic, Sonic 2006 is a perfect game is guess, players just didn't git gud lol- You can't bring yourself to admit the simplest, most silly basic thing, that games can be bad, or flawed if it's a mix of errors and rights.

    1* Reality denial
    2* blatant bias stopping logical thinking
    3* Poisonous Malice, as you can't go one bloody sentence without strawmaning my opinions, you and flat earthers have that in common, being snakes.

    I'd like to debate, I would love to share our respectful, Honest thoughts, maybe I'm wrong, maybe you are right, I don't frkin know, we can't start level 1 if you can't accept 0 exists, you don't believe in bad game design, I might aswell talk to a flat earther, they unironically have better, or at least more entertaining and funny arguments.

    You had no intention of giving me good faith in this conversation to begin with, I won't pretend you had any honesty, and If you still feel wronged... Well, Git gud at making arguments.
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  7. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Not trolling at all. My 2 toons (tank and support) was built way back 2016. And im still using same build. Never changed and prolly never will despite of all the bandwagon meta many started all those years everytime game devs added a more higher tier skills or nerf a particular skills. Because my builds was able to adapt to any changes. It can easily utilized newly added skills and equipment adding it to my arsenal without the need to reset stats, change my weapons, or change skill trees. And because I made the build myself and i really play the game (i dont have bots playing for me ), Im confident to say that i have enough experience on both of my toons im able to make the necessary adjustments when needed and fully honed my build's playstyle.
    The fact that you complaining you felt game is hard for you now is a proof you dont know what you built or doesn't understand what you play/grind.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2023
  8. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    I'm writting my response, rest assured it will be Big -uwu- essay, I will sumarize as best I can... Yes I try to sumarize ;w; I have a lot to say. running ouf of time and energy, will get back at you tomorrow
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  9. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Aye.. I just realized I got Nekotori's and Jbazt's posts mixed up, I thought the previous comment was your's
    This was Jbazt's, and to be fair you both made the same Tier of horrible arguments to the point I thought it was one person making them- but my criticism should've been specific to each, I was harsher than needed, sorry Nekotori

    ...not you jbazt you are sukc still
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  10. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Hahah ok bro you're entitled to your own opinion.

    But I'll give you facts why i said you dont know what you built and dont understand what you grind on both roles perspective (tank and dps)

    If you tank complaining about spikes everywhere you cant play, my tank videos shows spikes are meh.

    If you're a DPS complaining about spikes everywhere and you cant play. Usually those spikes are fractional. It shouldn't bothered a dps. In situations those are physical/magical, there are many skill from tank and support like the aegis and protection you could ask to only cast it only to members who has it. And there's also tank's guardian that when you're linked can give members dmg reduction.
    If you're a dps who got one shoted with an atk (because you dont understand boss pattern you unable to avoid it) you can check how much dmg you got and maybe you could adjust your hp pool to a number you cant be 1 shot rip? and give you room for pots. But does dps has it? Majority doesn't coz majority of dps builds are built only for normals aside from most can't seems to understand patterns of atks despite of doing it many times already.
    Im just chilling and observing all those years while i play the game with random dps for almost 6 yrs.
    The game and community has a DPS elitist vibe player mindsets. Like they're so used to fast killing normals bosses difficulty when they grind high difficulty event, they also apply that mindset and playstyle. Like even they got one shotted by the atk, they wont adjust replacing 1 dps equipment for maybe an HP gear or a magic/physical def gear so they wont get 1 hit Ko by the atk. Many dps dont bring pots too coz they're used to fast killing normals they also apply that mindset of not using pots on high difficulty boss. If they always die they blame the game when they lack the technical assessment and fail to acknowledge the difference and refused to adjust their mindset, playstyle, and approach how to farm it. Its available for all to use. Those are just some possible adjustments together with party members coordinating when to use the right skills or ideal position that can make a specific grind nice and not sloppy.
    That's the reason why I said that you dont understand what you built and what you play. Whoever dps will read that will agree what i said is true. Its not the game, its the players and the future grinds will become much more ugly as they add more harder boss. I'll just lurks in the shadows eating popcorns (like i always have ) as yall simps and complain in a game many doesn't really understands how to play. That's me keeping it 100% real
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
  11. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    And the adjustments required im talking about might be just temporary. Coz new boss esp the high difficulty ones are just hard at first. But when the players understands its patterns of atks, severity of its atks which should be avoided, it will look easy and you could go full glass dps yolo and fastkill to your egos content once you fully grasped the boss. Many just can't adjust their builds and playstyle even for the sake of understanding boss patterns. Like how can you understand phase 3-4-5-final phase if you keep dying on phase 1-2? That's common sense. Players who couldn't adjust not even putting effort to atleast understand the boss. So how can others help you if you cant even help yourself? Like many common newbees, you get frustrated and quit on the spot and go rage online how broken the new boss was. Always remember, ALL ONLINE GAMES are programmed. It will never adjust to you. We should be the one's adjusting.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
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  12. Jbazt

    Jbazt Into the Forsaken Realm of Consciousness Elite Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    No i haven't. I don't agree on the bad design when it comes to boss difficulty. But i do agree that the game is badly designed FOR ALL DPS. The mechanics that you need to re-farm gears and re-refine it to +S just to progress leaving past efforts useless is what i dislike. And because it involves spina or p2w (orbs on getting 2s), dps will be forever trapped on the grind in years or in every update just to be decent and be accepted by your toxic dps hoe mentality community.
    Majority of yall are played by the game not realizing that you're in loop of neverending grind, struggle, and hardwork. Plus the spina exploiters ( bots, mods, scams ) raising the standards of dps progress that could easily pressure or overwhelmed newbees or veterans on the amount of work they need just to be at those exploiter's level of progress.
    I figured that out weeks after i started playing the game. Thats why i never play as dps. I focused on tank and support, i planned not only my builds but also my toons wisely because I have a life . I refuse to give myself into a system i thought was badly designed for players. That's why im just chill coz I've enjoyed those years of playing experiencing the game without the stress of dealing with a badly designed mechanics.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2023
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  13. Katzblazer

    Katzblazer Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Stop fuming over the game. Just play it and get your enjoyment out of it. Quit when you are tired.
    Not enjoying the game is mostly a you problem. If you have played for years, you are bound to get tired.
    Stressing over mechanics, systems, and the economy is tiring. Don't worry about it.
    Set your own goals and try to achieve them. Don't compare yourself to others.
    The older you get, the more you realize it's futile to complain about things that need to be changed. Just focus on having fun.

    If all you do is log in the game and complain about how much you are not having fun anymore, you need to re-evaluate your life and why are you playing the game.
    The devs know what they are doing, they have also openly talked about their low budget, and lack of programmers.

    "Don't be afraid to quit. If you're not having fun, there's no need to force yourself to play."
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  14. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    the only thing i know is:
    if you are using the meta build you are not having fun, only when there is no other dps doing close to your damage

    i was not having fun with hb with my own custom build (i dont look up builds since lv max was 170), then i found a lot of fun using bowgun+shield dps with getting the aggro, toram dps gameplay is just "move when needed, spam the max possible", with this build i need to look every motion of the boss and use a skill and keep moving to not let any of the attacks hit me and that makes the battle so much more exciting
    also i have a ohs+md tank build that i built since april, its good, but when the new skills come its gonna be a beast
  15. wiz

    wiz New Member

    Sep 23, 2023
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    i still see people around (like myself and my friends), and asobimo is still technically working on finishing the main story, so hopefully we will get something cool soon.
    If all else fails, a sequel would be nice since everyone is pretty high-level right now. Plus the term "iruna trilogy" would be pretty nice to think of xD

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