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Its worth to be MTL?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Nahualli, Feb 20, 2022.


Its worth to be MTL tank?

  1. Yes

  2. Useless

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  1. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Lmao I feel your pain. Let her learn guardian beam it will help kill or delay mobs that she aggro. Trust me nemesis is anothe mage let down. Finale is still the best dps ootion for mages. Waiting is for t5 hoping they give mages sonething decent
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i play only mage characters because they're my favourite in any game.

    Guardian Beam is great. if mobs survive Finale's 3rd hit and chase you, it usually finishes them off.
    the attacks from Guardian Beam also use the regular critical hit rate calculation.

    Finale has a total aggro of 1600. a fixed amount of it is generated while casting, specifically 100 per second, and can be reduced by cspd.
    100 cspd equal 1% aggro reduction while casting. the remaining aggro can be diminished with -aggro% stats as usual.
    if you still get aggroed by mobs, Guardian Beam will fire one shot per second at any target within 8m range while casting.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. PutuKarma

    PutuKarma Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    It's not like the majority of toram player base only can copy paste build and only following META (blame how the game is so unbalanced and having more and more ridiculous mechanic). There's a reason MTL is a META and why not many strange build exist anymore, and most of the reason is too much a hassle for it to be rewarding enough. You can only hope they changed how the game work if you want this game closer to other MMO. Like, why the heck anyone want to tank a monster that deal ailment (or do mechanic) the very second you blink your eye, and that's when we only have monster animation and AoE warning as the parameter (and sometimes it's really fast, while the other times the boss blinking).
    For hardcore player, working your way to manage that without using MTL might be rewarding, but for casual player it only make things stressfull.
    My reply might be OOT but I'm just angry when you wording it like dissing the playerbase doesn't have any creativity. These one build META things only happen cuz how the game itself make many things obsolete, like how monster stat become ridiculous at nm and ulti, how player stat like DEF, HIT and FLEE is pretty much useless after certain point, how STR pretty much ruling the game, how some monster just keep giving ailment relentlessly, how crit is become the only salvation for physical skills cuz HIT become useless most of the time and how ridiculous it boost the damage
  4. mark o doom

    mark o doom Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2022
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    mark o doom
    is absolute ailment truly "absolute" or would you be able to resist it with 200% ailment resist or even higher if necessary...?
  5. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    To mark of doom:
    Yes, It's possible to resist absolute ailments, but only knuckles can reliably reach 200% ailment resistance atm.

    Edit: To re-answer the topic: MTL is worth it in my opinion, but ONLY if your main focus is ONLY tanking & utility. After re-reading the thread, it seems like you'd rather do damage if you can't negate every ailment. Everyone on here has made their opinion known, but after tanking on some other MMOs, mine has changed. I firmly believe any kind of tank build is viable & the game isn't stopping you from doing so.
    From my experience so far, tanking is a reactive playstyle. I usually had to learn a mob or boss's patterns, learn to time interrupts & defensive skills. If I made a mistake, it really hurt my survivability. For me, tanking in Toram without MTL is actually similar to that.
    So I feel like a dps tank is viable, however the higher the difficulty, you more you might to sacrifice to still have decent damage. Even without investing in MTL:​
    • 1:You can still technically block, evade, i-frame ailments
    • 2: JUST LIKE MTL TANKS, you can evade, i-frame, or just use absolute ailments.
    • 3: You can still use Sanctuary, P-def, & similar skills to mitigate damage & AoEs.
    • 4: Not all ailments mean a death sentence. Some ailments like Slow, Freeze, Stop doesn't keep you from still tanking.
    I also 100% disagree with blaming the game for lack of creativity & it being the the main cause of the meta. I bring this up because at this point, I really think we're too focused on being the most optimal. It feels like you either follow the meta, or you get kicked from parties or not accepted AT ALL.
    If there can be different types of weapon-based tanks in parties, there should be no reason why different build-based tanks shouldn't exist. Like someone mentioned: STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES. ​
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  6. mark o doom

    mark o doom Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2022
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    mark o doom
    i'm using a crit finale on dual wield and in order to land a crit the skill before finale has to be shadowstep, which locks you in melee range for the full finale cast... not having MTL is just.... hell, lol.
  7. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    You can reach 100% ail resist without MTL stats.
    Ofc it's a high budget build but it will open more possibilities for your tank.

    1. weapon: any weapon with 10% ail. resist
    2. Shield : peismataris (15%)
    3. Armor : dragoon mail / medic coat (15%)
    4. Additional : sakura fan (20%)
    5. Special : any ring with 5% ail resist
    6. Xtal : 3x seraph machina (3*3%)
    Doctor pom pom (7%)
    Dr Leonardo (5%)
    That's 86% ailment resist.
    You need to find 14% ailment with avatar stats.

    I know that's far too much budget for a tank. But this setup can open the possibility of tank build, for example a dex agi tank that need full ail. resist for a specific boss.
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