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1H Semi-Tank Build?

Discussion in '1-Hand' started by Donald, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. Donald

    Donald Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Hi! Am a returning player who wants to see whether my build is still viable. Please look and provide guidance! Thinking about a main DPS OHS with enough survivability to tank for a bit.

    Full STR then VIT

    4th Anniv Sword IX A7CCC19 (Mardula)
    Dark General’s Shield [Boss Drop]
    Armor full crit (Mom Fluck)
    Shaved Ice Hat (Wandering Wheel)
    Muscle Talisman V (Tuscog)

    Astute 6
    Trigger 10
    Rampage 10
    Meteor 10
    Sword Mastery 10
    Sword Techniques 10
    Berserk 10

    Quickdraw 10
    Decoy shot 10

    Impact 7
    Finale 1
    MP Charge 1

    Shell Break 10

    Shield Mastery 10
    Shield Cannon 10
    Protection 10
    Aegis 10
    Guardian 10

    P Def 10
    Provoke 10
    Binding Strike 10

    Heal 10

    I am unfamiliar with the tier 4 skills and all the new equipment so please send help :p
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  2. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    leave shield bash at lvl 5 and go for lvl 10 shield cannon instead, it gives lots of damage that scales with vit, judging from your stats shield cannon could be your main dps skill
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  3. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Lv4 skills in a nutshell:
    Berserk: Gives 25 crit and decent aspd, while Berserk is active Rampage won't get removed if you get inflicted with ailments.
    Meteor Breaker: 2 hit attack, the 2nd hit is AOE. Invincible while mid-air.
    Buster Blade: Heals 1k HP (little bonus from vit for 1h), ALWAYS crits.
    Decoy Shot: Places down a decoy, it will auto attack if the target is within range, recovers MP according to your AMPR. Really OP if you can keep the target close to it.
    Finale: It's used as a quick combo ender. It costs 16MP. If it's the last skill and it's smited, it'll cost 32MP, which means you can't cast it, quickly ending the combo.
    For the complete skill infos: https://toramonline.com/index.php?threads/skill-tree-list-lvl-180-cap-salvaged.45857/
    Equipment wise, I don't think there's anything to tell you since everything is self-explanatory.
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  4. mekp

    mekp Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    My opinion for semi tank to use guardian. Hmmm, you will lose quite a lot of atck/matk. I m not sure how much atck/matk loss but its quite a lot.
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  5. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    You build's stat distribution is good for a semi-tank, but don't expect to get any attacker ranks if you have any in mind.

    Finale is a good combo ender because its high cost will prevent it from being casted, which makes your combo shorter as opposed to using something like holy fist. Trigger slash, as I can imagine you already know, is a good skill for an ender because of the AMPR buff, but a lot of people have enough AMPR with decoy shot to spam their combo without it, so they replace it with finale(smite) because it can ruin the proration unless they use an auto attack inbetween their combos, which takes up time and can lower their dps. Of course though, if your AMPR is low then you may still want to use it.

    Since smash's flinch rate can only go up to 75% unless you equip knuckles, it might be better for you to leave it at level 5 and get hard hit to level 10. It's the same thing with bash, you might as well leave it at level 5 if you are going to get shield bash or shield cannon. You could also leave out all of the martial skills because shell break can ruin proration the same way trigger slash can.

    Binding strike isn't great for damage anymore. Meteor breaker is very similar to it, but it does more damage and can block incoming attacks.

    Other than that, the rest of your build seems fine to me.
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  6. Donald

    Donald Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Ohh I see. This build is based on my pure tank build that I played long ago so I’m not too familiar with which skills do damage. Thanks!

    I see. Do you know what weapons, armor, adds are meta now?

    I think I can use more tank based skills like guardian depending on situation. eg. When the party is missing a tank I can use more of the aggro generating skills and support skills.

    Hmm... I definitely don’t expect to be attacker but is it good enough to tank for even some of the later bosses?

    Ooh I think I’ll stick to trigger slash for the AMPR and motion buff I guess since I have pretty low AMPR. But I don’t really understand why finale. Why not holy fist? Wouldn’t the ‘not enough MP’ text be kinda distracting sometimes?

    I thought shell break was a good skill to have for tanks? Since it inflicts armor break and provides additional mana and is a pretty good save skill.

    I just thought that I can switch between binding strike and the other dps skills when I change focus from tanking to dps and vice versa. Is it viable?
  7. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I have a semi tank and the only thing they aren't good at tanking would be event bosses, everything else can be done with varying levels of difficulty, but it mostly depends on what you equip. If you equip tank equipment while actually tanking, you should be able to tank tougher bosses.

    Holy fist has a longer animation than an uncasted skill and causes physical proration. Holy fist works, but I think most parties would appreciate it more if you had a combo that prorated better.

    Decoy shot normally takes care of all of your MP needs, but if you want to fight a boss that moves around a lot, shellbreak could still be good, so you may actually want to keep it now that I think about it.

    Binding strike generates more aggro per mp used, so if you were to use it in a 1MP save combo it may still be a good skill to keep, but normally provoke and guardian are good enough for aggro generation. I skipped over it at first, but you might want to get provoke to level 10.
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  8. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    If your tank is the mtl (ail resist) tank, the best add gear is either White Eyepatch or Sakura Fan Hair Clip, both has 20% ail res. People usually use Guidance Lantern special gear for the aggro+, but Dark Talisman (Resist) is an alternative, albeit more expensive for the 1s.

    Tanking most bosses will be easy with P. Def and Guardian. You just have to know which bosses can or can't be interrupted.

    Holy Fist will still cast at 1m range, for long ranged classes it's not a problem but for a 1h it can be troublesome at times. (though I use Holy Fist ender for my doowew and with enough aspd I can AAC lmao). Eventually you'll get used to the "Not enough MP" warning lol

    Now you can use Berserk as a save skill, and it generates aggro too. Also Shell Break isn't reliable, with the low infliction chance. Moreover, if you have a bow user in the party, they can inflict armor break much more often, which could prevent you from inflicting it.

    Meteor is probably a better AOE skill and it costs less skill points to get compared to Binding Strike.
  9. mekp

    mekp Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Thats sound not a semi tank anymore lol >_<
  10. PhantomPanther

    PhantomPanther New Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    Guardian is not really needed coz Meteor and Warcry can cover that also you might want to change your shield to Esca Shield as it is a Better Version of Dark Gen

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