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2021 Returner to Toram.

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by RexxarTH, Mar 2, 2022.

  1. RexxarTH

    RexxarTH New Member

    Mar 2, 2022
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    I'm 2021 Returner in Toram. My IGN is RexxarTH. I dunno about that Venena II Xtal is good for Tank Knux. Or I need to find Seele Sauga instead? I dunno which Xtal more suited at me... But I need to change Mega Alpoca Xtal to which Xtal that has upgrade version for Tank Knux? Because I use Mega Alpoca to add Max MP for spamming combo through FWIW.
    P.S. My introdyctions maybe too long. But if you thinks that my question is should in proper thread, plz let me know.
    P.S.2. I run away from Genshin Impact to this game due to that game is P2W! So I return to Toram Online as my chilling game instead of that game. 'Kay!?
    P.S.3. Maybe I'm gotta change my IGN later. Because it's my too long-time IGN even I like to use that IGN in Toram online.
    Notes: Sorry for English mistakes. I'm still learning.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    welcome back :)
    well, me neither. if anyone, you should know because it's your character.
    oh how the turn has tabled :p
    if i remember correctly, changing your IGN costs 10 orbs, and the cost will increase each time you do it.
    think carefully about the change and make sure you won't regret it.

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