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About new Mage Build

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by KrinaZ, May 3, 2022.

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  1. KrinaZ

    KrinaZ Member

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Mage before t5 skills is mainly using finale for damage.
    The only problem with finale is low mobility and is to slow.

    Here are all reasons not to use finale anymore:

    mage new meta will build around skill like : nemesis, magic cannon, magic crash
    -Using nemesis for proration and damage
    -Magic crash for armor break debuff which is good on high def boss
    -And lastly using magic cannon for the last damage from all the build up (nemesis, crash, etc)

    Just from mainly using that 3 skill u got mobility to dodge aoe, armor debuff to face high def boss, solve proration problem for mage with nemesis, and deals a decent damage.

    Not only that, mage magic damage to element got buffed (which is 1%/10 Base INT, CMIIW) when you use awakened element weapon (so it will be 25% + (Base INT/10), CMIIW). Which is the reason to use weapon with awakened element. Finale not geting anything from this because it can't use awakened element stat.

    And Mage build will mainly using dte equip to boost damage, that makes neutral type is the only problem for mage.
    Well the cons for this is : It is not cheap :v with all that dte equip.

    What do you think?
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  2. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    I agree, the current meta with tier 5 skills allows for mages to finally be able to catch up with other dps professions, with decent damage and survival and mobility and therefore worthy of being a main profession besides physical professions, in pre meta times mages were pretty much useless and that it was infinitely better to use only physical professions as main profession
    Last edited: May 4, 2022
  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The problem is by the time you've set up, the boss is already dead
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  4. KrinaZ

    KrinaZ Member

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Welp, as a mage main i can relate with this
  5. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Don't forget that Burst also have i-frame during burst release as well and the faster cast makes it works well with crit weaken.

    Well since the crit chance is now down to 1/3 for knux sub (or 1/2 at best for asura), that 30% dmg regain wont be much, but could be considered agi gain for good motion speed as sub stat. Also asura stack will also count toward nemesis so it's recommended to disable range of power wave with regislet. And of course, you can only take advantage of sub knux nemesis for Dark ele mob/boss. Other elements will lose out a lot of dmg without consistent crit and dte.

    Also M.cannon might seem slow to charge, but it is 10 skills away if you get M.Crash and it is free 30% charge for every M.crash. I don't see much reason to ditch this.
  6. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    (Accident repost)
  7. FrostHydra97

    FrostHydra97 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    A few corrections:
    - The penalty of equipping sub MD is -15% ATK, not matk; the passive only reduces it to -5% but at least that's more manageable.
    - The 50% conversion "penalty" is... actually not really a "penalty", considering that knux already has half watk being added to matk by default, but i guess you already knew that. That, plus the matk growth with INT that knux has, make anni/energy control not "cancel out" the so-called "penalty", since there is almost no "penalty" in the first place.

    There's still Finale as an option as it's locked in Neutral ele, no need to worry about ele with it. But oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Well, even if you can't have main wp ele, the other magic skills can still be strong to an extent since asura already gives a pretty nice dmg boost, plus there's anni/energy control to increase matk. Not as strong as with ele, yeah, but better than nothing.
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  8. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    For Nemesis only, I recommend Sword MD instead due to massive matk buff from E.burst. E.burst magic with DTE refined MD is exclusively for Sword MD.

    Then you get bonus x1.2 from Aura Blade (Aura Blade > Nemesis (Smite) > E.burst (swift)) which is very comparable to Knux Nemesis under Asura mode.

    With Brave Aura on top, +B MD and +B sword you can easily reach 4k MATK with 400-450k per nemesis stack.
  9. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    I'm pretty someone already did that, a YouTuber CthHoly or whatever it is. Main dps is Nemesis.

    His combo for all crit nemesis is opener>nemesis (smite)>elemental slash(minds eye). Just count 5 sec after casting elemental slash to inflict another weaken from e slash.
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  10. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    The conversion only makes it barely equivalent to the conversion of sword MATK. You can try so hard for knux and you would still be nowhere close to 4k MATK.
    If players are willing enough to make DTE for their dps, I do not think refine DTE MD would be even out of question here. Ofcourse they can still decide to use unrefined version, but that MATK to 4k is absolutely too good to say no.

    Try your dmg at Bullamius, if it can get anywhere close to 400k then it would be considered to reach sword MD. Sword I used is Eradicator Bayonet Boss drop +B and Demon Empress MD +B. This is well within a budget build cost.
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  11. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    With my Dx blockers, my knuckles sub md Agi>Int reached 4k matk easily.
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  12. FrostHydra97

    FrostHydra97 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    Not really. The weaponATK-to-MATK is added as base MATK, while the MATK from Conversion is added as flat MATK, which allows %MATK to affect the former but not the latter. That's one reason why even with Conversion, ohs MATK is still low.
    So with Conversion lv10, knux has half of weaponATK added as base MATK (affected by %MATK stat) and the other half added as flat MATK (unaffected by %MATK stat), while ohs has all of its weaponATK added as flat MATK. That means with equal weaponATK, knux can gain more MATK than ohs, not barely.
    With equal weaponATK, that is.
    Nevertheless, with that, plus Annihilator/Energy Control, plus knux having the same MATK growth with INT as staff/md, knux can actually have as much MATK as staff, or maybe even slightly more.
    Beside, due to how Eburst buff works, you need to have high ATK or enjoy a lower MATK boost from the buff with ohs. Because of that, your MATK in either case would be pretty much similar to each other.

    Knux also has its own issues, though. Player-craftable knux has low watk, while NPC knux may not have the desired stats. Plus knux don't get the MATK boost from Eburst. Well, at least they have Asura now.
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