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About the compensation for this disaster

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by BlueLtng, Mar 10, 2019.


What compensation would you prefer?(Or you find suitable for both us and the devs)

  1. Orb x3 | Avatar Ticket Pieces x5 | Fairy Sewing Tool x10 | Revive Droplets x5 | Life+Mana Potion x5

  2. Orb x15 (Don't need those other garbage)

  3. Orb x5 | Character Slot +1 | Avatar Ticket x5 | Teleport Ticket x20 |

  4. Orb x5 | Mystery Box x3(like 3rd Anniv Box, gives Xtal+ Books+ Glory,SRD,Leg Gems, Spina)

  5. I won't be satisfied with these pathetic compensations, give me more. MOOOOOOREEEEEE!!

  1. wfoojjaec

    wfoojjaec Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    I got nat 5 star only once (the water angel, Ariel, I suppose), when was a complete newbie. Thought it was common to roll such thing, so decided to try again.

    Nope, its not for sale. Just wanted a cute and useful mob to start with, even a 4* would do. Last time it was an ugly dark yeti. And someone else in chat pulled a light homunculus loli. That was my LAST time trying, definitely.
  2. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    Homunculus are farmed/crafted, they are not summoned from scrolls :)
    Same for dark ifrit, only craft.
    LD nat 5 are as rare af, and most of them are not too useful (pvp is a lategame thing).
    Mostly ppl do ld resets for selling that account, so i thought thats the case.
  3. wfoojjaec

    wfoojjaec Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    Crafted? You just ruined my whole world with that word. Noooooo.

    Wasted so much freebies during event. :(
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  4. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Given the latest news, appropriate compensation would be of these categories
    1) For accounts made prior to 13th December:
    - 3x lv180 EXP potions
    - 2x lv150 EXP potions
    - 4x+ Choice Weapon xtal box
    - 4x+ Choice Armor xtal box
    - 4x+ Choice Additional xtal box
    - 4x+ Choice Special xtal box
    - 30x Avatar ticket (to be used in a special top+bottom avatar gacha)
    - 100x Fairy things to reroll stats

    2) For accounts after 13th December (provided they at least the account won't be erased)
    - 2x lv180 exp potion
    - 1x lv150 exp potion
    - 2x Choice Weapon xtal box
    - 2x Coice Armor xtal box
    - 2x Choice Additional xtal box
    - 2x Choice Special xtal box
    - 30x Avatar ticket (to be used in a special top+bottom avatar gacha)
    - 100x Fairy things to reroll stats

    3) For players who were on subscription, in addition to the above:
    - 100 Paid orbs
    - 10x Tenert Book 3
    - 10x Libera Book 3
    - 10x Virgo Book 3
    - 5x York Book
    - 5x Choice Avatar Set Box
    - 3x Book of Oblivion

    4) For the down time
    - Special Event for boosted Drop rates of xtals and special rare items + EXP
    - 1x Pet EXP potion lv300

    ^That aside.

    I seriously wonder how they'll compensate a roll back that far, especially for players that spent money.
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  5. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    As much as I'd like this idea, don't forget that there are TONS of accounts made for botting/tuyuling. Those who have a lot will greatly profit from this.

    TBH Asobimo is stuck in a bad position.. Give crappy compensation, the players will be mad. Give too much compensation, those who have many bot accounts will have an unfair advantage.
  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Yeah I agree with that but it's pretty easy to fix tbh.

    Just make all compensation items non-tradeable. Especially stuff like exp potions.

    Bots and tuyuls won't benefit much from non-tradeable items and to be frank, most bots arent exactly high level unless they are EB and NC farmers.

    Also, missing from that list would be +S insurance/upgrade items.
  7. BlueLtng

    BlueLtng Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2018
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    I want to make few changes to your list

    1)For accounts made prior to 13th Dec

    - 4x Lvl Booster Set (100 levels will be boosted)
    - 15x Avatar Tickets
    - 3x Pino's Book(EXP+100%, Drop+50% for 15Hours)
    - 3x Mystery Box Set (Gives you Gems/Xtal/Piercers/Fairy tools/orbs/teleport tickets/Avatar Tickets at random)
    - 30x Fairy Sewing Tools
    - 10m Spina
    - Free Skill and Stat Reset +50
    - Character Slot +2

    2) For accounts made after 13th Dec

    - 2x Lvl Booster Set (100 levels will be boosted)
    - 15x Avatar Tickets
    - 3x Pino's Book(EXP+100%, Drop+50% for 15Hours)
    - 3x Mystery Box Set (Gives you Gems/Xtal/Piercers/Fairy tools/orbs/teleport tickets/Avatar Tickets at random)
    - 30x Fairy Sewing Tools
    - 2m Spina
    - Free Skill and Stat Reset + 25
    - Character Slot +1
  8. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    If you give out raw Spina as is, bots and tuyuls would benefit more than the actual players themselves.

    I didn't know pino book worked like that, it'd be better than the York book for sure.

    Mystery boxes are nice but with an error of this magnitude, you can't exactly do that and not expect players to not quit. It has to be the players full choice, no rng included.

    Lastly, 100 levels mean nothing in the face of a main story that gives you 120+ for free.
  9. BlueLtng

    BlueLtng Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Sorry, I forgot about the Spina problem. Choiices make the farming xtals really inflated. Nobody will pick mino and colon xtals. Randomizing seems easier and affordable for them. Also,, lvl 100 boost to let them use lvl 3 skills. boost twice, get to cap of 180 and learn dual sword skill.
  10. BlueLtng

    BlueLtng Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2018
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    If they spoonfeed us and get us max our chars, what would be left to do?
  11. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    You guys being too greedy.
    It would be a miracle to at least get some decent compensations, though i'd settle for:
    2x lvl175 exp;
    30x fairy sewing tools;
    And 2~3 avatars of my choice.
    And i doubt we could even get those...
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Ah, didn't understand the 100lvls boost thing. Not bad. Gives the players the choice of multiple lv100s or a few Max lvls.

    Randomizing is easier and yes it is actually very good compensation but, if you swing by YouTube, Facebook, other gaming forums, you'd quickly understand that it is not sufficient. Many players will quit if you give an RNG reward.

    Imaginr, pre-roll back you had iconos and venena xtal only to be compensated with boss colon and excavated golem. People will get MAD.

    Giving choice doesn't really raise xtal prices, it temporarily equalizes them and drops demand until the devs roll out future updates.

    If anything, they could impose a time limit on xtals and limit it such that no two same xtals can be chosen within a month of each other or something.

    Or they could forego this and just give out about 4x ultimate gems to everyone pre 13th December and 2x for after.
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  13. EVA Aki

    EVA Aki Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    EVA Aki
    I agree with the exp. That
    Given the severity of their mess-up it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect compensation that is more extravagant than usual.
  14. BlueLtng

    BlueLtng Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Giving level boost would cost them more than giving orb items. If all of your users get maxed out, they will quit very soon. Leveling is one of the several reasons why people make friends in this game.
    And, compensating very little will make their users rage-quit in anger. @Kaisyl gave a really thought out compensation list that they could provide their users.
  15. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    Yes, but whats the point of getting some rare avatars/gems if you stay a lvl1 noob instead of your 160~180 main?
    Im too angry/lazy to do lvling and emblems from scratch. Any decent reward that can be given can also be expoited by tuyuls, be it xtals/exp/spina/avatars/gems and since they have 2-10 accounts each...lmao.
    Firstly they should scan their databases for names such as "tuyul1"..." tuyul15" and such that would kill like 40% of bots (ppl dont think bout new names for bots, they just i++ lol).
  16. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Man you are dreaming if u think asobimo gonna do that xD
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  17. UJackie

    UJackie Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    above u listed it's not even enough as compensation. im sure lot of veterans got more than 3x 180 chars. also those who invested alot of money to buy gemruns, avatar n other shit from orb shop. all limited and rare gears and xtals from events. +S refined shits, piercer/2nd slot piercer, and many more...
  18. Milkshake

    Milkshake Member

    May 18, 2017
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    If this was the case, then that would mean that I'll receive more than I worked for in the past few months lol
    I only play for 5 mins per day, so none of my characters have ever reached level 150 (I only level up as far as the MQ pushes me)
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  19. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Well, yes, but for old players, having a potion that gives you instant lv180 basically means free full character reset. Also, it is very unlikely that old players would need Max level potions to begin with if they upped the exp for all players for a certain time period. Most old players would have lv175 characters anyways at that point unless I'm mistaken.
    But YES, the main things affected are the refines, something I forgot to mention and is actually the most important thing actually. They would need to provide those refine tickets all the way to +S if they hope to compensate.

    It's insane @_@...

    Yeah it's insane as hell for compensation but oh boy the reactions to the server outage aren't small either. They really need to come good if they hope to keep their player base and outrageous is the way to go unless another method could be suggested.

    It's not just levels.

    If they roll back to December, they basically nuke a lot of things
    - All the subscriptions paid for in January, February and half of December.
    - All the players that legitimately purchased orbs in that time period.
    - All event exclusives removed (Proto Clarity, Clyde Luxen, Valentine's special, Konosuba)
    - Free resets all undone even though skills adjusted.
    - All refines undone
    - All farming time voided

    This is what comes off the top of my head. It's insane and why they were taking so long I guess.

    Now imagine compensating that. My list is actually not even enough yet.
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  20. wfoojjaec

    wfoojjaec Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    The Proto Clarity. My character does not use it, it is fancy, but meh. Someone could use it as a main weapon like the P. Avatar stuff. Refine it, dye it, make two slots and put xtals. This is not a 15 min trip, and could take a month donating and rolling for a piercer, or using a freebie orbs once-twice and just get really lucky? Or buy a piercer from a seller? It doesn't matter if it was a tuyul or a normal player, who just don't use swords.

    Toram does not have a grade of drop items, but this is what makes an item "unique" for a pleyer. They even added some cute item descriptions for that event with a brief story. And now a disaster.

    Was expecting a nice surprise, even a delayed one, when saw news about upcoming Assasin and Dancer skill trees. But this was a real surprise, I did not expect.

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