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Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by ShiroNai, May 18, 2020.

  1. ShiroNai

    ShiroNai Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hello its Shironai again!

    The same guy who had his account suspended a year ago ID 70242

    Well it happeneded again, a random ban out of the blue! My account name was PolaBoar

    I was buying from board then a minute later i got disconnected and got kicked out

    A year ago they mailed me after i sent a ticket

    That the reaspn why i got banned was because i attacked the server somehow.

    My response was "idk how i did it if you could go into detail i will be able to not do it again! Cuz i will make anew account and want to play for sure"

    Welp here we go second ban their response btw was " sorry we cannot disclose this information"


    Sorry language.. If anyone interested in my first ban post ill link it in a moment


    I just want live support.. I want to talk to them directly omg.. Its so bullshit! TWICE I GOT BANNED TWICE FOR NO REASON

    i didnt cheat, or anything! Its idiotic! So much time spent TWICE and if im right they wont tell me WHY THEY WONT

    I cant just keep playing toram without knowing why i keep getting banned wtf is WRONG WITH THEM

    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2020

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