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Accuracy Issues

Discussion in 'Warrior' started by feint101010, May 16, 2017.

  1. feint101010

    feint101010 New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    So I've been trying to look up issues with missing mobs and I'm not finding much (Namely Cassy Mobs). My friend is missing the mobs several times in a row. I had her put 82 points in Dex to try and reduce the amount of missing but that really didn't do anything. She is using a 2 handed weapon. As I've looked through the different builds, none really address accuracy besides putting stat points in Dex. I'm guessing mobs like Cassy have high evasion?

    In other MMOs, accuracy caps need to be met to maximize DPS. For this game, it really doesn't seem like the case. Are the DPS builds in the guides proven to be the best builds? I haven't read anything about people parsing their DPS in this game as it's on a mobile platform (Not even sure if it's possible to do so).

    My main concern is maximizing accuracy for my friend's character (My main is a luk mage so I never had a problem with accuracy as it doesn't seem to apply). What am I missing or is it something you guys just live with. I'm aware there are other methods of getting accuracy but following other people's builds and stats on equipment, they prefer other stats.
  2. mayam

    mayam Elite Member Elite Member Epic Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Accuracy indeed is useless in this game.
    1dex = 1accuracy is just not enough as some mobs can have like 300-500 dodge.
    Idk about that parsing and other stuff (toram is the only mmo that I ve played) but I have heard that toram is indeed different from your regular mmos.

    The builds dont mention it cause they focus on critical rate ._. Yep in this game magic attacks and critical hits bypass dodge rate of the enemy if you got 100% crit rate you can hit everything even with negative accuracy.
    Theres no way to prove the builds as best dps unless you watch all of their videos and compare their damage done per unit time
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  3. feint101010

    feint101010 New Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Thank you. Not anything I read explained this like you have. They only said that Crit Rate makes up for accuracy (I read this as the damage is greater than accuracy).
  4. Alzarith

    Alzarith Elite Member Elite Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    That's why I focused on getting 100% critical rate on my build, so I'll never see a "Miss" again.

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