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Adamantine Shooter Build

Discussion in 'Hunter' started by Kousunpo, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Hey everyone i decided to make this guide for those who want to make a super durable semi dps bowgun that offers incredible survival and decent power all in 1.

    most guides on survival very shallowly teach about physical and magical resistance, remember that being extremely durable does not mean you have to become some passive low powered damage sponge that most people would image.

    but rather you could be that 1 high survivability adamantine dps shooter that saves the day when your entire team is down for the count and hope is all but lost!!! So with that introduction here is the guide!!!

    The adamantine shooter stats
    Max dex, 102 personal stat crit, rest vit and then str in the distant future after vit 255, explanation: because to achieve the super durability we need to use npc made shield armor and additional, and that means we need to make up for the Critical Rate deficiency, 102 crit personal stats gives us 30 solid crit rate in addition to the base 25 crit rate which equals 55 crit rate total which we can use player made 5th Anniv Bowgun vii refined to +S with these stats combination 21cr 21cd cd+10% dex+10% atk+10% aspd+20% Mardula xtal, should give you 75 crit rate, and if you use Machina Ring put Seele Zauga and volgagon your crit rate is 90 and you just need meikyo to overcome crit resistant bosses, in the future bosses will hit alot harder than venena2 metacoenubia so vit in conjunction with max resistance will ensure much better survival, dex atm is the main power stat that must be maxed.

    Now here are the equipments, these in conjunction with skills i shall go over after listing the equipments, would give us 128% physical and magical resistance which going by official resistance calculations is an effective 95% true cap of resistance, and also nullification of fractional damage, and also 1800 aspd which will greatly help in ampr when used with decoy and ranshin

    Player Made 5th Anniv Bowgun vii refined to +S with these stats combination and xtal 21cr 21cd cd+10% dex+10% atk+10% aspd+20% with Mardula

    NPC Harmony Shield refined +S

    NPC Lil Empress Garb refined +S Light Remodeled with Demonic Quasar

    NPC Circle of Order refined +S with Candela ii

    Machina Ring with Seele Zauga and Volgagon

    Here are the skills you will need as an adamantine shooter

    Shot skills: 10 snipe((armor break)), 10 crossfire((main damage)), 1 moeba((opener)), 10 shot mastery, 10 long rang, 10 draw, 10 decoy((use with ranshin for incredible ampr))

    Shield Skills: Shield Mastery 10((to regain 1800+aspd)), Shield Cannon((high damage stun if refined+S shield, and buys more than enough time for decoy combo)), 10 protection, 10 aegis, 10 force shield, 10 magical shield

    Magic skills: 7 impact((opener for damage skills that halves mp cost)), 1 finale((combo closer))

    Mononofu skills: 1 shukuchi ((for chasing super mobile bosses)), 10 ranshin((for ampr)), 10 meikyou(( for crit resist bosses))

    Priest and Support skills:5 first aid((when your team members are down)), Heal 10, royal heal 10((great heal to be reserved for the future, note: don't get royal heal at this time, get it at level 270+)), 10 sanctuary((nullify fractional damage in addition to equipment refinement)), intimidating power 10((make up power sacrificed for extreme survival)), recovery 5((remove ailments))

    Assassin skills: backstep 1((escape large but avoidable aoe))

    Guard skills: light armor mastery 5, mirage evasion 1 ((evade during the casting time of skills))

    Knight Skills: p def 1((nullify damage of whole map unavoidable aoes))

    survival skills: mp boost 10, hp boost 10

    Hunter skills: sunrise arrow 10 ((light aoe and now you can pretend to be a mage that shoots light elemental laser spells XD)), 10 satellite arrow((for 100% pierce))

    ((Note: hp boost and mp boost and intimidating power from battle skill tree is not needed at the moment, they are for future use when have sp))


    Combo 1: meikyou, crossfire smite, finale smite

    Combo 2: shield cannon, meikyou save, decoy swift, finale smite

    Combo 3: impact, snipe smite, finale smite

    Combo 4: Meikyou, shield cannon blood sucker((great heal tag)), finale smite

    Land Food buffs : beef burger level 10, fish burger level 10 for 170% magical and physical resistance XD

    That is all for the guide i hope it helps all of you to become adamantine shooters that wish to excel in both party and solo!!!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  2. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    • The skills you mentioned cost 362 points.
    • Why Royal Heal instead of Heal? WCOS users don't like useless extra heal
    • How much is the MaxMP? You didn't seem to mention
    • Snipe is not for armour break. 10% armour break chance is nothing in front of Knuckle's Strong Chase attack
    • Why shield + evade ? Use Guard or don't use shield. Mirage evasion is not that needed here.
    • I like your direction. I'll post a follow up later.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Shisaku

    Shisaku Active Member

    Mar 15, 2017
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    I play BG supporter. My status is 290dex and 247vit.
    Dex > Vit is very fun for play in high lv boss. ^^
    • Like Like x 1
  4. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Okay so, trying to make it reasonable :
    DEX : 300, VIT: 100, STR: 150, rest whatever.

    The shield shouldn't be always necessary for tank builds. You just need enough guard and enough resistance to survive and revive teammates. The goal is not to solo the boss, but to survive long enough to revive PT.
    • Acid Gun 325 + C : I have this, and its relatively easy to farm at Canemofish
    • Crysta : Marchitar for stability. Maybe change if you want others. Left open.
    • Magic Device : Any works, +S refine for resonance preferred. (This gives Evasion Charges.)
    • Bark Mail {NPC} (Heavy for Guard) : Gives ATK +7% and some Resistance and MaxMP. Also -30% aggro
    • Crysta : Demonic Quasar, purely for MaxMP.
    • Gladiator Helmet: MaxHP and Stability and Crit Rate.
    • Crysta: Yashiro Azuki's Mom for Resistance and Crit Rate
    • Dark Talisman (Resist) For resistance, MaxHP and MP / Machina Ring
    • Crysta : Seele Zauga and (if second slot available) Ruzart for crit rate and resist
    1. This mostly leaves the second slot on all gears free to be used for whatever purpose and leaves room to experiment. (Like ASPD for example)
    2. Acid Gun only refined to +C, reasonable. Can refine more for more ATK. Currently
      2427 ATK.
    3. Stabilility is 86% with MD, can remove MD and replace with Harmony Shield for more resist and access to Shield skills.
    4. STR gives 180 Cdmg and stability, which means at least 1.8x multiplier. Can switch weapons in case PT wants fast kill DPS pt.
    5. Resistance is 35% only, yes, but can change equipment to Lil Empress garb, Harmony Shield and Circle of Order to sacrifice Stability, and ATK for Resistance. Basically Switching modes from Offensive mode to Defensive mode as per the requirement of pt.
    6. Critical Rate is 90 without the Crit Rate buff from Battle skills.
    Skills :
    • You know the usual package : CF, Satellite, Long range and QuickDraw. Snipe is debatable.
    • Resonance and Magic warrior mastery, along with MP charge. Resonance to quickly increase MP.
    • Decoy shot is debatable, but can be taken. Don't take Maximizer if taking this.
    • Impact package
    {TO be continued...}
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    mirage evasion is needed to prevent being interrupted by boss when using or cast time skills or combos that have snipe and crossfire and decoy especially to avoid spikes while doing combo, p def is for unavoidable whole map aoes, also the goal of adamantine shooter is to be able to survive just about everything the boss throws at it even if it ultimately means being able to solo because that is precisely the point of the build being able to excel in both party and solo possessing maximum survival and have decent power to not be a passive meat shield, also refinements count as physical magical and fractional resistance which is why the total resistance of my shared build is 128%((calculated down to the true cap of 95% due to the official resistance formula calculations)) and 45% fractional resistance, the fractional damage is further reduced by sanctuary, 255 vit the projected stat before str in the far future is for future bosses that may hit 500k+ damage which becomes 25k damage with true capped resistance of 95%, so having health far above 25k will help in the future, but the build i share can adapted for pure damage gear and then back to the maximum resistance set if need be, also the royal heal is for self use, first aid is all that party members need, ps also hp boost and mp boost and intimidating power from battle skill tree is not needed, they are for future use when have sp, so the high sp use you saw is because of the extra skills of hp mp boost and intimidating power ^^
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
  6. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    {to be continued is actually to be continued. I don't mean that's all the skills you need. I had to go somewhere while writing the original post}
    • While I agree Mirage Evasion may be useful, however with DEX, your cast speed is already good enough that you don't get stuck in Cast times. Also it doesn't help for CF or Snipe, only for Cast times, like Heal or Decoy
    • Even if you require Mirage Evasion for emergencies, keeping it level 1 is fine since you don't require it that often, you aren't a mage.
    • Royal Heal has longer Cast time, and occassionally people can stray into your area. You just need to be sure not to accidentally heal people who don't want to get healed.
    • Also, if you're a tank, then you are going to be the only tank in a party. Parties rarely will give up a slot to someone who is a half and half and doesn't do the full amount of damage. The build is unnecessarily expensive (+S shield, Armour and Additional, and 2s all of them) for something that isn't tested or is proven to work in this meta.
    • Also you didn't address the lack of skill points to get everything.
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  7. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    i have used it myself and tested it to be effective, its just that my phone has trouble recording with its specs, so that is why i aim to be as descriptive as possible until someone else with a good phone and following the guide is willing to do the honors of recording the adamantine shooter build in action, also i have mentioned that intimidating power and hp mp boost is not needed at the moment due to lack of skill points, which i just updated the guide to mention, also 2s isn't needed i only shared 1s in the guide with only machina as the 2s, just self refine to +S so yes not exactly budget friendly but its for optimization
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  8. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    and also if the party needs full dps, just switch character slot to another character that is dedicated to pure archer or bowtana, that way you don't have to do any compromises to the extreme survivability of the Adamantine Shooter character
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  9. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Also shield is absolutely needed because of the necessary resistance and also refine which adds in more needed resistance along with shield skills that all contribute to necessary resistance to reach 120% capped resistance, also light armor mastery allows evasion of all boss attack zones, because even if their attacks are little damage with capped resistance, minimalizing chance of death through evasion and mirage evasion is absolutely needed in case toram developers decided to add in bosses that ignore resistance and fractional barriers and also guard, making guard skills completely useless in the future, like they say do not put all your eggs in a basket, in other words it is better to be a jack of all trades due to being completely adaptable to all circumstances that would have posed insurmountable challenges, which means the point of my build is not to be a dedicated tank nor dps by any means, but to be a highly adaptable ultra survivalist gun user that can do both to a decent degree and survive and take on all harsh challenges and obstacles that would have otherwise been a death sentence to all specialists wether those specialists be dps or tank, i hope you understand now, and i think you didn't completely read my guide thoroughly or you misunderstood my guide, because i have answered all of those questions in my guide except for the skill points part which i then edited to answer.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  10. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Good news i have updated this guide, with max dex 102 crit personal stats is needed to make up for crit rate deficiencies when using capped resistance set and rest into vit, also i provided explanations to further clarify everything you need to know as a super adaptable ultra survivalist adamantine bowgun user that can take on all obstacles at the small cost of being a jack of all trades ^^
  11. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Also the reason to get capped resistance purely from equipments and +S refinements and xtals, is because event consumables such as ginkgo rice is limited supply event pots and are unnecessary spina drainers that will over time be interstellar in costs or dissapear from cosign board completely soon or eventually, so the point is to not rely event consumable stuff that aren't anywhere close to being reusable like the event equipments are, i even explained this in my Bishop Mage Guide that also uses capped resistance set xD
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  12. Katzblazer

    Katzblazer Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Kindly Organize your thread.....bet people won't read this.
  13. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    It is impossible to simplify my tutorial further without compromising the full meaning behind the explanations in the tutorial
  14. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Also is there anything wrong with being an ultra durable survivalist? It is meant to help people who happen to have bowgun character to be able to solo farm/level at bosses when noone is around to party with, in a sense its a tutorial on making an emergency situation "noone is here and my friends and guild are offline/busy? Fine i will do it myself!!" character, which can also be used in parties as a primary or secondary semi-dps tank
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
  15. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    I think he meant formatting the guide a bit to make it easily readable. You can bold or put some parts in spoilers for easy reading since it gives an impression of a wall of text. You can check out how Brahmic Boy formatted his post, its a lot easier to read through especially important points.

    In the case of Royal Heal, I'm curious why use that skill instead of Heal?
    Heal is quick to cast, doesn't affect party members, and more mp friendly. You'll save SP too.
    If it was made to heal from the damage of ignite, the safest way to go at it would be cast recovery then do the kairiki combo. Or if that doesnt work cast recov after kairki combo is finished.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Royal heal was meant for the future when bosses do 500k+ base damage which is reduced to 25k with capped resistance, but you are right Heal serves its purpose well at this point in time, i will add in the explanation to only get royal heal in the distant future when bosses that hit far harder than all the ones we currently have in which they should have enough sp to spare in that time, and for now they should get heal, thank you for reminding me, i tend to put present and future skills together, and forget to note which skills was meant for present and future xD
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
  17. Katzblazer

    Katzblazer Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    1-I said organize not simlplify.

    2-Please break down your main message into smaller categories. this is unreadable

    3-Check past guides, to have an idea.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Updated guide, new combo meikyou shisui, Shieldcannon bloodsucker, finale smite, is a great combo to heal yourself in addition to support skill heal
  19. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Added Land Food buffs : beef burger level 10, fish burger level 10 for 170% magical and physical resistance XD

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