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Advice for a New Lost Player

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by tofuru, May 3, 2020.

  1. tofuru

    tofuru New Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Hello! I’ve been in and out of ToramOnline for a while now because the things to learn is so vast that it makes me frustrated and not want to continue. I’ve read many beginners guides that are out there, but I’m so quite unsure on what to do after mainquest. I’m 3/4 done with it and have been trying to get it done fast, as I was told it’s best to finish all the chapters then continue. Once I am finished, what do I go on next to? I’ve heard you should make multiple characters for farming, blacksmith and etc but I do not know how to build them. My only and first character is a mage as well, should that be resettled once I finish and if so, what character do I build her into afterwards? I have barely done anything other than getting good enough equipment to finish the mainquest, so I would appreciate it if someone may advise me on what to do! An very in-depth guide with step by step procedure would help a lot if anyone would be willing to give up a bit of there time to help me. I really want to continue this game and not give up midway again so I hope I can get the help I needed to make that happen!
  2. Comina

    Comina Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Not sure how other player start, but I start from using one hand sword to farm bitter nut and nisel wood by killing one shell mask at a time. Then, I was given a staff with int7%matk7%int14 refine c no slot by my guild master when I has storm once my main character(a dual sword char because someone invite me for brutal dragon ultimate and we beat it after a long battle and he give me a phyto blade and say you will be over power with dual sword...) reached 70. I keep storming shell mask using mage without any luk stat where luk stat increase drop rate. I sold the bitter nut and nisel wood until I get 100k per week. I farm boss colon for its crystal and skin. I sold boss colon crystal if it drop. I complete 6 time lefina quest named "luxurious wallpaper" to get 100 spina, 300 spina and 600 spina emblem everyday. Then I sell the refine powder once its full stack. This was what i did when I started two years ago.
    Now with wizard skill, you can use blizzard at level 35, even without int10%matk10%int20castspeed20% staff, with int stat you can kill beak if it doesn't guard and sell bird wing to start.
    Leveling is important too, finish main quest and less pain to level up to 150 level to get tier 4 skill. Last time I do mini boss like level 132 salamander, level 138 builder golem, then I skip dusk machina because its too difficult and use nightmare crystal to level up. Then I do odelon. Finally reach level 150 after the rollback of last year. Now with 7 level different between your char and mini boss or boss can give you decent exp not like before.
    Today I only have a 2slot +S lil empress greatsword with atk10%str7%cd10%cd18... which not the best and latest weapon in toram.
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    1: reading guides is good, but don't just accept everything as told by others.
    personal preferences and opinions aside, most guides were written by high end status players who have lost the perspective for lower levels and/or didn't adapt to all changes the game went through in those nearly 5 years.

    2: exploration!
    in the past, living at the main quest end didn't bring much benefit, as new maps, craft recipes and mob drops would usually be lower level, so only the latest boss drop was of relevance.
    today (almost) the whole world map is open to you. you can explore many areas before the main quest makes you pass through there (if ever, not all maps are included in the main story) and farm exp and equipment while it is still useful to you.
    rushing through the main quest can raise your level quickly, but leaves you behind in everything else.

    3: resetting characters is not normal.
    free resets are not on the regular event schedule, and free resets books are limited to 1 per account and 1 or 2 per year if you grind certain seasonal events to the limit.
    the standard procedure is to delete unwanted characters and start over from lv1.
    you can minimize the risk of screwing up by playing your character thoroughly instead of rushing to high levels and copy-paste from youtube builds.

    4: there is no procedure of how to do things in this game.
    you don't need to devote all your character slots to farmer, smith, ect. characters either. none of those are necessary.
    of course there are certain benefits, but mostly at higher levels and it's a lot of work.
    one character with either smithing or synthesis would be enough. (especially a smith is very time and material consuming).
    you don't need a tamer to have pets and you don't need a farmer to do anything.
    sacrificing half of your power for a 1,25 drop rate multiplier is a high price for a minor convenience.

    5: lastly, some advice from my own perspective.
    you get 4 character slots for free.
    the first one, your main character, should be what you like most. if you are a fan of magic and you like your current mage character, keep it. if not, try other things and raise another character to become your main character. the most important thing is that YOU like it.
    one should be a complement character to compensate your main character's weak points and/or fullfill roles that your main character cannot (such as parts breaking, high survivability, powerful attacks or useful support abilities).
    one shall be for production, with TEC as personal stat. Refine Equipment is the most useful, the rest is a matter of preference. (personally i made a synthesist for Synthesize Equipment to customize my gears with dyes without having to pay a small fortune everytime).
    then the last slot is free for whatever else you might want or need.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Comina

    Comina Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    It took me 30 minutes to write my reply, you must have spent an hour writing yours.
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i was on the toilet, time passes faster there :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Nowadays I just like to dressup with some occassional boss battles. When I first started I simply like the character design and the novelty of being able to play an anime mmorpg on mobile. Then its all just finding new stuff to learn and enjoy.What do you like about the game again? I personally don't know what to say in a perspective of a newbie. Not in what you're supposed to do to be "good" at the game, but in how you would enjoy the game. My advice is to learn step by step and read everything you need to know with each step. But don't learn stuff because everyone told you to do it. But learn them because you want to know about it to reach a certain goal you set. It all comes down to what you're currently interested in about the game.

    Then according to what you've explained, just continue to level your character till level cap, thats all for now. Come back later once you've done that. And if you have any issue along the way, just ask it here.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020

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