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Ampr Discussion

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kousunpo, Feb 4, 2022.

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  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Its pretty much decoy online, the melee classes aside from dws and samurai need decoy to recover mp adequately

    it is mandatory for melee to have decoy especially in parties

    it is a key reason why many people including myself avoid using melee and use almost exclusively bows and bowguns and also just recently priest mages, because not everyone is on board with the gimmick of using classes that are unfortunately almost completely dependent on a skill that is unreliable for them due to the skill becoming completely ineffective against mobile enemies ((most enemies are mobile)).

    so here is an idea that asobimo could use and implement to make it not decoy online anymore, just give everyone a 100 base ampr, and make boss ampr crystas more rewarding with meaningful ampr increase amounts like 25+ or higher minimum, and make melee ampr boosting skills as melee exclusive

    and rework decoy to no longer be an ampr crutch, but make decoy an actual decoy that acts like pseudo tank exactly like in og iruna online mmorpg with sniper class, and make decoy skill exclusive only to bows and bowguns

    Those are the solutions to make melee no longer decoy slaves, and fix the fundamental problems with melee at their roots.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  2. Razielle

    Razielle Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Azeroth / Razielle
    Too bad they're never going to read this, and I'm not even talking about reworking something at all. They only do nerfs and new stuff, no reworks.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Yep that is why toram game developers need to hire former iruna game developers into the toram game development team to do proper reworks, nerfing and making new stuff is all the toram game developers are good at unfortunately, they do not have the complete game developing skill sets that all game developers should have, whereas current and former iruna game developers do
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  4. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    thats why im using the magic wave passive, almost all melee have a skill to get close to the enemy, hb have wcos and knuck is quick motion with good ampr...(who uses knuck? i hope the 5th make knuck OP)
    im testing a new build without decoy, but im not playing a lot, so its going to take time to get lv 150+, for now i can kill altoblepas at lv 47 with a miniboss +B wep without xtall
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