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An open discussion about What if spina was dropped regularly like a mat?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Epsilon, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Epsilon

    Epsilon Professional Sadist Elite Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I would imagine that beggars would decrease in numbers as they can easily farm for spina if this was implemented. And the economy would change drastically.

    What do you think would happen?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  2. Tigr

    Tigr Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Massive inflation - worse overall than when bots first started farming, although I'd guess it'd be slower at first

    I would hope beggars would decrease, but... I kinda doubt that they would, for some reason

    Idk. While it would seem nice at first, I feel like it'd do more damage than the RMT botters already have ._.
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  3. Leyza

    Leyza Active Member

    Dec 26, 2016
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    I dun think it'll get rid of beggars. I feel like they beg just bcuz.

    Maybe ppl will be motivated to farm, so there will be a surplus of mats maybe? And then boss mats price will rise bcuz everyone is spina farming normal mobs ._.
  4. Happy Doge

    Happy Doge Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    The first thing comes in my mind is Inflation, everything goes up and making the in game economy collapse
  5. SirEgg

    SirEgg cancerous breakfast Elite Member

    Jun 26, 2016
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    Massive inflation
    >The disparity between the financial status of a casual gamer to a hardcore farmer might become bigger
    >if people can do it to farm spina , what makes you think rmt bots can't do the same?
    -Ultimately it might make spina redundant as means of currency when it comes to trade

    In order to avoid these , there should be a few considerations.
    1.To avoid , spina drop abuse , spina drop should have a % chance of whether it would drop or not once a monster is killed.
    2.Amount of spina dropped should be directly proportional to the monster's level.
    To avoid rmt bots farming on skeleton to abuse this.
    3. Mini-boss's amount of spina dropped should drop not lesser than 15x of the monster at the same level.
    4.Aside from boss' level , difficulty also should play a factor to the amount of spina dropped , example easy = 5x , normal = 15x , hard = 25x , nightmare = 35x , ultimate = 50x
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. iKenneth

    iKenneth Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Lol if you think about it, spinas is already dropped regularly because everything u get is basically spinas all u have to do is just sell it
  7. Archie or Ara

    Archie or Ara Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    It does drop regularly in pt against bosses :p
  8. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    No. Too many gold farmers in other mmos out there to make this another one of those.
  9. Barzeft

    Barzeft It is better to be silent instead of hurtful Elite Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    1. Inflation as already stated
    2. Price system would be completely destroyed
    3. Lazy people would still rather beg than farm so the beggars would increase instead of decrease
    4. The game itself would become much easier and quickly get boring for people who gold farm
    5. I'd be rich within 1-3 months cause as Grimsol called it "gold farming" is my specialty in console games that I enjoy playing and Toram isn't much different from those games to me
    6. I'd lose all interest in Toram after roughly 8 months of this being added
    7. Doing what Egg said or making it a limited thing like for instance it only lasts for 1 week every 4 months or something along those lines plus limiting how much spina you can actually get in the time duration to keep the economy more balanced as well as avoid bots and no lifers abusing the spina farming Event

    This is just my opinion on the matter and an idea of a way to avoid cheaters or no lifers who play nonstop ruining the game from the possible addition of spina farming ^^
  10. Vedar777

    Vedar777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Depends on where people are investing their spina.

    Economics isn't really good at explaining how a value system works, even though their entire discipline is dedicated to that.

    So let's look at some realistic scenarios, based on what the limits are in game...

    1) Spina limits : This is around 2.1 billion spina. So you can't have more than that. (it's around there, Haven't checked in a while).

    2) Scarcity: At the moment xtals, dyes, and boss armours/weapons are already set at certain modifiable drop rates and drop limits and controlled in game.

    Modifiable in the same way casinos modify win rates, as to generate more revenue.

    So we'd assume that players selling rare items would want spina in return for whatever in game junk they have... Regardless of the actual in game benefits of the items. This is where people confuse inflation / rationale behavior, with actual irrational purchasing behavior.

    The Market:

    Prices would fluctuate and become highly variable, they wouldn't inflate as people assume as the in game market in actually limited.
    So it would reach capacity saturation, which the value of items would be influenced by the flow of new items into the market. As players have a limit of goods and services in game to actually spend spina on effectively with their time.

    Leading to material hoarding and throwing items away, as they have all the spina they need. And sellers of rare items...can't accept more spina.

    So eventually people would either have to trade items of equal 'desires' rather than spina.

    Basically, in closed economies where resources are unlimited you reach saturation..."The end game" situation... Which developers of money leeching games try to avoid.

    Unfortunately economists and market types don't have a solution, because it's a feed back system. The in game economy will still exist, it will just lead to a different form of scarcity, which in tern leads to a new natural limit.

    You'd have to create an agent based model to look at the different scenarios to find the range of outcomes that would occur.

    Then you'll be able to join the God Tier of scientists, and look down on all other humans as you transcend time and space.[/QUOTE]
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  11. Aromitic

    Aromitic 2h Enthusiast Super Likable Elite Member

    Jan 19, 2016
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    this would be disastrous. if people can farm reasonable spina. then not many would farm other objects to later on sell and the economy will be fairly destroyed (like it isn't already eh). leave the advantage of farming boss remain where it is. people already have a lot of spina we don't need to kill the community. xp
  12. Wickedclown

    Wickedclown Active Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    sell nc 4m/4 stacks. lmao. this is not good. this would be alot more problimatic for new players and they will still beg. rather not touch a concept that is not broken. leave it as it is.
  13. Vedar777

    Vedar777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    It would be great actually, ignore any negative things people have mentioned.

    You'd be able to buy 99 of every Colon and Potum xtal. Which would be required to make the ultimate legendary nightmare class of weapons and armour, and have a statue of your character mounted in the middle of Sofya.

    Eventually Sofya would just be more statues than an actual town, preventing the passage of people through the streets. You'd be stuck in sofya until the developers implement a realistic jumping mechanism into the game. But the catch is, you'd have to pay 2.1 Billion Spina to Pino to learn 'jump'.... Though in all secrecy it's just a trap, as all the players that achieve this are transported to a new identical server... That's just holding a ground for bots and no-lifers to fester, and they'd never notice because they're so focused on selling spina on wechat to other bots, trying to scam scammers to make easier money than scamming. Then these gamers will flood the board, confused about their experiences in the game, but we'll know... They collected the forbidden number of Colon and Potum xtal, and are trapped in Toram hell
    • Funny Funny x 6
  14. Cypherian

    Cypherian Dual Doggo! Bork bork! Super Likable Elite Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    only dungeon based and raid based games like Diablo 3, WoW. Where you have to actually grind dungeons repeatedly to gain enough currency to actually buy items that are being sold in shop, or on places like their CB where dropped, unbounded gear as well as items that are high refined are sold there.

    the difference is that most games like toram are farm-centric where you grind drops to make equips.
    where as there are other games that are grind centric where you repeatedly do raids or dungeons to get good drops and good amounts of money
  15. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Actually, inflation may not happen:
    Lets take NC for example:
    People who mass farm get NC and Spina
    Because people get money from mobs, they lower cost of NC
    If they don't lower the cost, what's stopping you from farming spina yourself.

    There's more incentive to farming and the need for bots would drop. Inflation may happen, but people who play 8 hours a day solely to farm are making so much bank they wouldn't even feel it.
  16. Cypherian

    Cypherian Dual Doggo! Bork bork! Super Likable Elite Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Not to mention the possibility of all mobs dropping spina. even if the amounts and drop rate per mob of spina are different, it wouldnt matter to botters because while they bot mobs for drops like NC or WD. they get spina also.
  17. Vocal~

    Vocal~ alive but rarely visit forum ;u; Elite Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    inflation+ it will be a game full of botters .u.
    since botters are most likely to get rich the fastest by farming 24hour a day
  18. picoli

    picoli Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Inflation will definitely happen, However the market would balance itself out over time. The long term benefit would be that npc bought items will suddenly be hella cheaper.
  19. Isra

    Isra Cock and Ball Torture Elite Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Vani Lla
    Wouldn't people who farm like botters also get rich making bots... idk useless?
    And with so many people farming wouldn't stuff be cheaper?
    And even if prices rise wouldn't you just farm for what you need anyways to not only get what you need but also some profit thus making more people farm over buying (unless they're lazy) making prices drop so people will actually buy things?
  20. Vocal~

    Vocal~ alive but rarely visit forum ;u; Elite Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    botters farm for longer time than pp (24hours bot vs (less than 24h farm) human)
    with so many pp getting rich items will only become more expensive. (when few stuff from 2year- ago exceed 1m, now everything is more than 1m). Many pp farming r nc, but nc never goes as cheap as 10k/stk, demand n supply ;p
    not everyone thinks so, if the item is kinda rare (eg td gems), it might be better to just buy than wasting 1h to get little gems .u. (and save the 1h for something more profitable), so they might not farm it .u./, and price might not drop

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