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Aqua Shooter for Bowgun

Discussion in 'Hunter' started by Frozzz, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Frozzz

    Frozzz Active Member

    Aug 12, 2018
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    Hello guys, im just thinking about new weapon for bowgun and for some reason i think this aqua shooter was good enough for bow gun.
    aqua shooter
    base attack 135
    Stab (90%)
    water ele
    matak +5%
    SRD +5%
    crit +100
    acc -100%

    Compare with
    double barrel
    base attack 222
    Stab (75%)
    CDMG +10
    SRD +10
    Add meele +100%

    Or player craft
    4anniv bg
    Base attack 221
    Stab (50)
    Atck +7%
    Crit +19
    Cdmg +19
    Crit +19%

    Well for me, the problem for BG is his stability thats why im using double barrel, but for double barrel range is only 4m, so its more like short range char that can use CF. (my char is gunfu btw, its fun but i still want more XD)
    So i see this aqua shooter is have stability 90%, so wow.. with str status its already reach 100%.. and it has 100% crit already, so for other equipment can make for dmg.

    but still for the problem itself, it has low base attack almost half the 4 anniv bg and double barrel, but can i make some calculation from base attack X stability like this?

    Aqua shooter 135 X 90% = 121,5 (already full crit so can use dmg arm, dmg add, dmg ring)
    Double barrel 222 x 75% = 166,5 (best average dmg but short range)
    4th anniv BG IV 221 X 50% = 110,5 (still not counting atck % and crit dmg)

    so, can somebody give me some advice about this?

    thx so much
  2. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Your formula only show the minimum damage deal base on the weapon potential, you should actually list like below

    Aqua shooter 135 (90%) = Dmg range is 121 ~ 135
    Double barrel 222 (75%) = Dmg range is 166 ~ 222
    4th anniv BG IV 221 (50%) = dmg range is 110 ~ 221
    Let ignore 4th Anniv, let say you lucky enough to reach max potential (90%) damage on Aqua for 10 times attack and very unlucky to get all minimum (75%) on Barrel. 1350 vs 1660, Barrel still win.

    Weapon Base ATK is important when using ATK+% stat, now you may seen the damage gap is close but when you added refine rate, it's a huge different.
    +B, +A, +S
    Aqua, 376 413 453
    Barrel, 607 668 733
    4th, 610 671 736

    Lets say you able to get another a gear for ATK+20% by using Aqua but only 5% from Barrel. We use +B damage as example
    Aqua = 376*1.2 = 451.2
    Barrel = 607*1.05 = 637.35
    The reach +B barrel Base damage, you need at least +60% ATK+% to reach only 601.6 damages.
    Barrel range is short but all its stat is DPS stat, plus I don't think there is an issues to have 4m range, except decoy may not so efficiency.
  3. Crusader

    Crusader Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    If you want to use the bowgun, you should get the bowgun drop (Porcupine Crossbow) at Tuscog. It has 60% stability like the 4th anniv bow.
  4. MyLastDreams

    MyLastDreams Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Don't forget that accuracy penalty making you graze basically anything worth fighting. That 90% stability is a lie.
  5. mekp

    mekp Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    btw, when we have low acc, it seems boss will perform more evasion than normal , its kinda more annoying to deal the boss like Orn and some mobs too.. It just waste of MP and you got good aggro without dealing and dmg to the target.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019
  6. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I did some math, and in theory sacrificing a lot of weapon ATK for 90% stability would be better because weapon ATK seems less important when you add in things like ATK from stats, equipment, and other things since that extra stability would let you keep most of your ATK. Despite this, because of the accuracy penalty, the aqua shooter would act more like it has 45% stability rather than 90%.
  7. BLCY

    BLCY Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I agree with him, I used the aqua shooter and my bad lucky about RNG, in many case i got 45% stabillity in boss Hard Difficult XD (I hate you Graze)
    I have my BS DEX - AGI BG+Knuckles and I use 3 weapons +B, Cone Horn lll, 4th anniv NPC and Aqua shooter. Really the refine in weapon is awesome to increase your attack.
    For example, if you have more multipliers like element weapons for bg+knuckles, you will increase the final damage and avoid the stab problems.
    Nowadays, many people try to get 100% stability but Graze effect always happens in NM or ULT difficult and people now doesnt play and in my case, i try to get more multipliers and attack to avoid stab problems.

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