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B> full crit dte water garb and dte knux!

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Sylphias, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. Sylphias

    Sylphias New Member

    Apr 4, 2021
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    @sylphias or @AinaSylphias
    This is just in case I wasn't allowed in the other forum
    TL;DR, I'm currently looking for this kind of garb
    strong against water 20% or more
    crit. dam. 10%
    crit dam 20
    crit rate 20-22

    and for the knuckles
    Int 10% or more
    Matk 10% or more
    20% dmg to water
    wind ele
    The negatives are your choice. I'll pay for 1m-1.5m for the knuckles and 2m for the garb. Yes, we can negotiate.

    Update: Knuckles have been bought. Only Needing Garb, the price for the garb has been increased to 2.3m, no slot and/or ref is needed.

    Channel: Int 1 or Global 1
    Timezone: JST
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021

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