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back after 2 years-want to try hybrid class-need weapon suggestions.

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Aakurii, Jan 23, 2022.


what's your favourite choice of weapon for a hybrid-physical/magical build

  1. knuckle and MD - there's something satisfying about magically punching something to death.

  2. Bowgun and MD - stay away from trouble and kite it.

  3. One hand Sword and MD - Traditional build that works.

  4. Two hand sword - Its the only weapon you'll ever need.

  5. Staff and/or MD - we don't need physics, we have magic.

  6. katana....? - I don't think you're in the the right room...are you?

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  1. Aakurii

    Aakurii Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    I used to play back in 2020 but quit due to irl reasons. i dont really have much to my name so i cant and honestly dont want to get player crafted and statted weapons and armour and get them slotted with xtals and such. i'm just looking to make a fun build i like and enjoy and i enjoy the process of finding synergistic skills, making new builds and stuff. since i havent been playing for years now i just want some general advice as in what weapons are good for a hybrid mage-warrior dps, how the current meta is, any notable skills or specific weapons i should look out for etc. for example i saw this 2hs weapon called Baldi Saber that looks super nice but its event only and most weapons i saw and liked on corynclub are either event only or dont have any info on where to get it. so i thought it best to ask the crowd for advice. i have a lvl 197 tank and a lvl 170 farmer who i can use to get my equips as long as they're dropped by bosses or crafted at npc. I really havent made a dps yet(i used to have a mage who i converted into farmer coz i didnt like finale too much), i kinda wanted to make something like a knux md or ohs md or even full int rest dex katana or something.

    long story short, you guys know any good new weapons that might suit a magic warrior dps build? any specific skill or skill tree i should keep an eye out for or pay more attention to?
  2. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    All your options look like dps. Just get a weapon that grows via STR and you're good.
  3. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    Try katana is fun gameplay
  4. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    You could try Staff-fu or maybe Ohs-md for like a hybrid of magic and physical damage. Take this as a grain of salt though.
  5. Aakurii

    Aakurii Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    yeah but like so much has changed that i dont know or understand half the skills the youtubers are talking about now. im kinda looking for a specific weapon i can build my next character around. like is there a good ohs that gives +matk for every str invested or is there a knuckle that gives 10% matk/weaponatk or something like that. some interesting or peculiar weapons that can built around.
  6. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I do stuff like you do - building around a specific weapon and equipment. It is difficult, but enjoyable
    Baldi Saber - yes, I got it last year from event. In fact you missed the event you get Baldi Saber from by 2 fucking days. The event ended 2 days ago.

    That aside, I have 4000~ ATK and around 3000~ MATK with the build. However it is my TEC refiner so it doesn't have INT stat.

    I don't have many skill points (used 80 for blacksmith skills) so I couldn't take Finale.
    Enchant Sword is decent, I need more Unsheathe and SRD gears, probably more PP too.

    Tier 4 Magic Warrior (Enchant Spell) is okayish - I use it as a long ranged opener.

    Unknown if viable, but Finale only is boring AF.

    Here's a better build :
    • Physical/Magical Staff (Edgy Nova sounds good, so does any custom made Player statted staff for ATK and MATK)
    • A ninja Scroll with High ATK and :
      • Cloning
      • Thunder release
      • Kunai Throw
    • A scroll allows the use of Assassin Stab and Arcane Strike.
    • You can use STR > INT to get 4 stats per increase for both MATK and ATK.
    So you have a Shadowwalking, Cloning staff that can teleport halfway across the map using Mortal Surrogate.

    For DPS, you have options :
    1. Finale
    2. Soul Hunter - Death Repear
    3. Nemesis
    4. Arcane Strike
      1. (easy with Maximizer, Mortal Surrogate and Soul Hunter)
    5. Backstab
    6. Shadowwalk
    7. Thunder Release
    8. Dark Stinger???
    9. If you swap out for a shield for some games, Shield cannon.
    For gear,
    • Bark Mail for more ATK/MATK
      • Heaven Feather Garb for more HP over ATK/MATK
      • 7:6 here
    • Santa Potum Hat ATK/MATK 8%
    • Some random ring
      • Venena II
      • Black Shadow
    • Black Shadow in all else.
    Can talk more.

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  7. Aakurii

    Aakurii Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Damnnn... missing an event by 2 days seems like fate intervened, a full str build would have made an epic magic warrior on it... sigh.

    I was planning on trying nemesis and soul hunter since they looked good(its all the rage on every single youtube channel), i want to make it a luck or tec char if viable or at least waste 100 stats on luck or tec so that the character doesnt sit uselessly in my account. I've never quite liked finale except for making it a meme (i made a staff tank few years ago and gave it lvl 1 finale to accumulate enough aggro to last the fight in one spell woop) and maybe i'll wait on taking maximizer mp charge once the tier 5 skills release, coz standing idle in one place for 2 seconds is enough to die 10 times imo.

    hmm i didnt think about the assassin skills, might be a good idea to check it out if i plan on using a scroll. i wonder if other dagger skill trees are usable by scrolls and they just haven't updated the info yet. i liked the bark mail as soon as i saw it and was planning on taking that too! its all really great advice thank you! this is kinda what i want more of specific good weapons and skills that are meta right now so that old players like me can get with the changes.
  8. moonlightreys

    moonlightreys Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    i think knuxMD would be very interesting. i'm currently working on finally capping my dps (which is taking forever because i really don't play enough *cough*) and then i'll start farming the eq to make a knuxMD burst build. i'm not sure how viable the build is though so i won't be sharing the exact equipment/xtals because i don't wanna share terrible info (sorry!). i think it'll be really fun though if you make use of enchanted spell, weaken debuff and spam burst. what with the proration and hp regen skills knux gives you access to, it seems like a decent solo. also you can reuse the same gear to make a farmer but that won't work for this dps burst build since it needs full dex.

    buuut if anyone really wants to know about specific gear i have in mind, i can share it then.

    PS sincerely hoping that 2s mp charge from the livestream works for knuxMD
  9. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Ahh, KnuxMD. @Kaisyl and me played with that build for a lot of time, and we figured out the ins and outs of it. Good luck! It is a fine build, especially now that with High ATK knuckles and stuff.
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  10. Lucifere

    Lucifere Angel of Rebellion Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2015
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    No therr is not such stuff I would like to have Magic blade weapon instead of a branch but well...
  11. Aakurii

    Aakurii Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    honestly me too, the reason i'm thinking so hard is that i like all of them so cant decide which one to make(no i'm not rich enough or have enough time to make them all). knuck has so much versatility but i guess it loses slightly in damage to ohs and ohs md is kinda made for a magic warrior build but no weapon currently available suits it too well. Ths same issue as ohs(i still cant believe i missed baldi saber by 2 days....TwT) though its power is kinda weaker than the rest unless you go full str and you might as well give up on 2h magic unless you have a baldi saber. BG has superior range and mp rec, while losing out on so many skills i really want to try and not having much stability. i did think of staff ninja at one point but that would no longer be a magic warrior...just mage..... my brain is getting burned out. thinking about which to go with. i'm not really looking for OP damage or anything but just decent damage and survivability while being able to support a little so that i can enjoy with my friends.
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  12. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    no. dagger skills require a dagger and make use of the dagger's atk stat.
    assassin skills just get a bonus for having a dagger equipped, and now grant the same bonus for scrolls.

    if you want the utility of Throwing Knife for cheap and efficient combos, you could imitate it with Kunai Throw.
    it doesn't give the same result for mp reduction but allows more flexibility with timing and proration.
    Kunai Throw keeps going until you move, and after 4 hits the skill repeats itself, applying another instance of proration.
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