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Banned IP (?)

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by Oreki025, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. Oreki025

    Oreki025 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Good day to you guys, is asobimo is banning specific IP manually? is anyone here experience that they're internet/ISP can't connect to game but using data or internet on other source can?

    i am only using toram in my emulators and phone, i playing around 5 years and i don't have this kind of thing happen and this is the 1st time it happens, now i can't play toram unless i use data or VPN on my wifi.... :(

    BTW i'm using a secondary modem mikrotik due to my stock router from ISP got wifi issue, do you think it is possible to work it on my stock router? does the IP ban will lift somehow?
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    never heard of IP ban.
    the penalty policy only includes account suspension.
    even if they do, i doubt it happens without account suspension, so this might not be the case here.

    they do, however, update the security system regularly. in the past there were cases of cyber attacks on the servers, so banning specific IP ranges may be a reaction to this.
    perhaps your wifi IP somehow falls into that category.

    do you receive a specific error message or is it just a connection problem?
  3. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    If they're banning ips, then use vpn?

    Btw, I've seen some posts around with ban reasons such "corruption of servers or application", so I thought app modifications were more likely their reason to get banned, but maybe it's because their server got some ddos attack and they're punishing ppl involved. Tho, it's weird they didn't put any official note on their site about this, so it may not be the case.

    I personally recommend asking their support detailed info about your ban reasons, because this forum is fan made, so nobody will able to solve such matters here.

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