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Best Ring for Katana open thread

Discussion in 'Katana' started by Rekas, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. Rekas

    Rekas New Member

    Feb 8, 2022
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    Currently, what is the best ring I can wear on my katana character? I use dark talisman (power) with venena but in halloween event I got Mischievous pocket watch 1s
    which is similar to time warp watch and I saw a lot of player who use that ring And there is always the opcion of machina ring for 2s.
    So which option is better for katana currently?
    I was thinking if use Volgagon instead of venena (in dark talisman power) I dont know how much it affect the katana either -80% cast speed (it is worth?). Yes I lost some mp , any idea to earn mp? I already use mp food.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    short answer:
    it depends.

    long answer:
    rings are the easiest source of MP, and whether you need more, or not, can drastically limit your options.
    other factors are how you want to build your character and which stats the rest of your equipment provide.
    also, katana strongly benefits from unsheathe attack stats, which are far less effective (if at all) for other weapons. so the few rings that have those stats are potentially stronger than the usual popular rings.
    and lastly, crysta can fill gaps and allow you to use equipment that you otherwise wouldn't use.
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  3. Rekas

    Rekas New Member

    Feb 8, 2022
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    First, my build is focused for "one socket end game or high def bosses" , I use the one hand main sh katana yay but Im about to swich to katana wind scroll build with p.p.
    I have the normal build crit build amor str and critical x4 and katana str and atk and critical x3 all one socket i use lace headress but i wanna a sand bandit mask and the ring D.T power with venena (for mp only xD) what im going to change for machievous pocket for to try. And I slowly getting Dte dark set (already have armor)
    I already did the calculation of my mp so with machievous ring(with out xtall ) i have 1500 so i can put the 300mp from skill tree and with that i would keep 1800 mp oh i miss stoodie registlet so 1900 mp at the end. all that without xtall i dont know if I can put anorther mp registlet to get the cap of mp that is possible?

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